Lively meeting with the Nobel Laureates in Chemistry, 2021!

PhD students and post docs in organic chemistry, got to present their research and get feedback to Prof. McMillan and Prof. List. And what was that bet all about?

Have you always wondered how it would feel to get that call from the Nobel committee that you have received the Noble Prize? Today we had to the opportunity to hear about this from the Laureates in Chemistry of 2021.

Apparently the Nobel committee could not get hold of Prof. McMillan as he refused to answer the phone. Prof. List got through to him, but Prof. McMillan thought it was an elaborate practical joke. He made a bet with Prof. List that they had really gotten the Nobel Prize he would pay him $1000. As we well know, the call was real and the they had indeed been awarded this honor.

PhD students getting to meet the Laureates

Our PhD students in organic chemistry got a chance to present their research to the Laureates, and also get some questions and feedback from Prof. McMillan and Prof. List. What an excellent experience for a young researcher.