Stockholm University's Open Access Costs 2023
According to Stockholm University's (SU) open science policy, the university's research results and data should be published with an open license whenever possible. In 2023, 90% of all articles with a "corresponding author" from SU were published with open access.
Stockholm University's central support for open access is managed by the university library. The library pays for scientific articles published under publisher agreements as well as for articles in fully open access journals. Stockholm University's open access costs for 2023 amounted to SEK 28,903,123.
According to Stockholm University's (SU) open science policy, the university's research results and data should be published with an open license whenever possible. In 2023, 90% of all articles with a "corresponding author" from SU were published with open access.

License and Publishing Costs 2023
Stockholm University Library (SUB) covers the publishing costs for articles (APC, Article Publishing Charges) published under one of the library's read" and publish" agreements and for individual articles in journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
In the current scientific publishing landscape, universities must pay both for open access to articles and for licenses for reading access to locked articles. In 2023, Stockholm University paid SEK 28,903,123 for 1,094 open-access articles. Including the costs for e-journals, the total sum reached SEK 41,034,120.
The chart below shows a breakdown of the publishers where the combined costs for e-journals (reading rights, red) and open access publishing (blue) were highest in 2023, including publishers with only open-access journals.

The four largest publishers (Elsevier, Springer Nature, Wiley, Taylor & Francis) accounted for 65% of the total reading and publishing costs, nearly SEK 26.7 million.
Publisher Agreements
SUB has nearly 40 publisher agreements that include publishing. Most agreements are signed via the Bibsam Consortium, but in 2023, SUB also had its own agreements with the American Society for Microbiology, American Physiological Society, Cogitatio, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, and SciPost. In 2023, these agreements covered 96% of the articles published openly at SU.
Read more about SUB's agreements and terms:
Book Publishing Charges
SUB does not cover BPCs (Book Publishing Charges) or book chapters. In 2023, SU departments paid SEK 762,111 for BPCs.
Alternative Publishing Models
SUB follows the development of alternative publishing models without APCs. One example is "Subscribe to Open" (S2O), a model where publishers make a journal volume openly accessible if they receive enough income from subscriptions. In 2023, SUB paid SEK 621,960 for S2O and similar models.
Other Support for Open Access at SUB
Stockholm University Press is managed by SUB and is a researcher-driven publisher that publishes openly accessible, peer-reviewed books and journals.
Read more about Stockholm University Press.
SUB contributes a project leader for a Nordic collaboration aimed at promoting open access e-book publishing without BPCs, known as "diamond" publishing.
SU Dynamica - SUstainable publishing is a new publishing platform where researchers can publish openly without cost and have their articles peer-reviewed. The articles receive a DOI and will eventually be registered in DiVA.
Read more about Dynamica.
Would you like to learn more? Contact the open access team:
Publishing Costs 2023
Total cost for publishing OA articles at SU in 2023: SEK 28,903,123
- Individual APCs: SEK 2,846,867 (9.8% of costs)
- National agreements via Bibsam: SEK 25,975,089 (89.9% of costs)
- SUB's own agreements: SEK 81,167 (0.3%)
Number of OA articles in the report: 1,094
- Articles in hybrid journals: 764 (70% of articles)
- Articles in fully open-access journals: 330 (30% of articles)
Number of OA articles by payment method:
- SUB's own agreements + individual APCs: 150 (14%)
- Bibsam agreements: 944 (86%)
Last updated: October 24, 2024
Source: Stockholm University Library