How to start and run an MR project at SUBIC

In order to carry out a study at SUBIC, certain preparations are required. Here you will find information on how to start and run an MR project with us.

The first step in starting a project with us is to fill in an application form (see below). You are always welcome to contact us at if you wish to discuss general questions and possibilities. We offer help from day one of the planning in order for you to get the most out of your research study.

Photo by SUBIC

Before you can start collecting MR data for a project you will need to fill in an application form with invoice information. Send us an email to receive the form:

The form will ask for several things, e.g. what equipment you will use, estimated starting/finishing of the project and an approximation of how many hours you will book.

NB! You need to fill in all the researchers that will be working in the MR laboratory for the project, in order to plan for their training. The project application will only be accepted once we have agreed on the planning of the training of the researchers involved in the project (see below).


During an MR experiment there needs to be two persons present: one acting as the Scanner Operator and the other as an Assistant to the Scanner Operator.

We give two mandatory courses for researchers that plan to work in the SUBIC’s MR lab.

Level-1: (1500 kr) This course is mandatory for everyone that will be working in SUBIC's MR environment.

Level-2: (2500 kr) This course is only for researchers that will act as the responsible Scanner Operator

At SUBIC we want to provide a safe environment and prevent accidents. Accidents are much more likely to occur when you are inexperienced or if a long time has passed since the training without using the content learned. Therefore, to ensure your safety as well as your test subjects, please note the following:

  1. We only train researchers that will spend a significant amount of time in the role we train them for.
  2. The training takes place no more than 2 months before the researcher starts working with the MR scanner in the trained capacity. Otherwise, the person will be required to retake the course. The courses are given every month, so this should not be a limitation.

After the course is finished, you will sign a form stating that you have received and understood the course material and that you will follow the instructions and guidelines. There will also be an online test on the material that you are required to pass.

After taking the Level-2 course we will scan together with you, before you are allowed to handle the scanner by yourself.

Date and time for MR training courses

Our courses are routinely held the first Monday of every month (Level-1 10:00-12:00 and Level-2 13:00-17:00). You are welcome to sign up for the courses once the project application has been accepted.


Once the project application is accepted and the training is completed, you will receive access to SUBICs facilities by the laboratory manager and log in details for our online booking system.


When booking the scanner you get free access to the “behavioral lab” for 30 min before and after the booking. You do however need to book the room to secure it. All peripheral equipment like BIOPAC and eye-tracker is included in the price.

Booking the scanner is done in our booking system Calpendo.

Instructions for Calpendo

To Calpendo

Rules for MR scanner bookings

With the purpose to make the MR lab accessible and efficient with large number of projects running at the same time, there are a few rules regarding how you are allowed to book time slots for the MR scanner.

  • Cancellations must be done at least 48 hours in advance (not counting the weekend), or you will still be charged for the booked time.
  • Your booking is not allowed to create empty time slots of less than 1 hour.
  • If you need to book longer slots than 5 hours (during Mon-Fri 08:00-18:00) you have to contact us first. After 18:00, and during weekends, you are free to book longer slots.
  • You are not allowed to have more than 20 hours booked at any time.

If your project has particular needs, you can contact us to make an exception and discuss solutions.


Here is important information for when you are about to publish the results from your MR study.

Mention SUBIC in publications and we promote your study

We strongly encourage you to mention SUBIC in acknowledgements and/or material and methods. You are also required to report your publications and posters back to us:

We will link to your publication at as well as tweet it, promoting your study further. Displaying SUBICs publication output in this manner will in the long run allow you to continue doing studies here and enjoying all the support we offer. This is due to that prices for using our equipment are subsidized and SUBIC is dependent on external funding. We very much appreciate your help!

Fulfill acknowledgement demands

Make sure that you fulfill any potential acknowledgement demands if your scanning protocol contains some MR sequence/feature that is not a standard Siemens product. If this is the case, it would have been made clear to you when we put together your protocol.

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