Course content
The course is an introduction to measuring human brain structure and function using
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We will briefly describe the essentials of human brain anatomy and physiology. The basis of magnetic resonance imaging will be introduced. Structural measures of gray and white matter and functional measures of brain activity will be described. Structural and functional MRI will be presented as methods to address a variety of research questions. Research questions within the Humanities will be emphasized. Experimental design and data analysis techniques adequate for different research questions will be introduced. The promises and challenges of MRI will be discussed in the context of other methods to probe the living human brain.
Learning outcomes
In order to pass the course, students are expected to be able to:
- describe the essential aspects of the human brain anatomy and physiology most relevant to MRI,
- give a simple description of MRI and how it is used to measure brain structure and function,
- enumerate different measurements done with MRI and give examples of research questions which can be address with the help of the different measurements,
- give examples of experimental designs and data analysis techniques adequate for different research questions,
- discuss MRI in relation to other methods.
Fill in the application form and send it to the course responsible: Do not forget to attach a certificate/transcript of records to confirm your eligibility.
Application form (155 Kb)
Only PhD students will get ECTS credits for the course. PhD students registered at Stockholm University are given priority in the course admission.
Practical information
Attendance of at least 90 % on all parts of the course moments is compulsory.
In certain cases the examinator can, after consulting with the responsible teacher, exempt students from participation in a moment of the course. In these cases the student can be asked to complete compensatory assignment.
The students will be assessed i) continuously during the course during group discussions and practical excercises and ii) presentation of an independent project.
The course occasions consist of lectures, seminars with groups discussions, lab-visits, hands-on tutorials and student presentations.
The course is planned to be offered on campus only.
Courde code: LI104FU Credits: 3 ECTS
Course dates: (preliminary) 10, 17, 24, 30 April and 8 May
Course director: Rita Almeida,