
Here you will find research publications, thesis and published dataset that benefit from SUBIC instrument or service.


Peer-reviewed journals

V. Vajda, S. Nehzati, G. Kenny, H. D. Bermúdez, A. Krüger, A. Björling, A. Ocampo, Y. Cui, and K. G. V. Sigfridsson Clauss, "Nanoparticles of iridium and other platinum group elements identified in Chicxulub asteroid impact spherules – Implications for impact winter and profound climate change," Global Planet. Change 245104659 0921-8181 (2025).

SUBIC project: XRAY0006

Nanoparticles of iridium and other platinum group elements identified in Chicxulub asteroid impact spherules – Implications for impact winter and profound climate change


Peer-reviewed journals

Nordén, F., B. Iravani, M. Schaefer, A. L. Winter, M. Lundqvist, A. Arshamian and J. N. Lundström (2024). "The human olfactory bulb communicates perceived odor valence to the piriform cortex in the gamma band and receives a refined representation back in the beta band." PLOS Biology 22(10): e3002849.

The human olfactory bulb communicates perceived odor valence to the piriform cortex in the gamma band and receives a refined representation back in the beta band

SUBIC project: MR0041 


Liljefors, J., R. Almeida, G. Rane, J. N. Lundström, P. Herman and M. Lundqvist (2024). "Distinct functions for beta and alpha bursts in gating of human working memory." Nature Communications 15(1): 8950.

Distinct functions for beta and alpha bursts in gating of human working memory

SUBIC project: MR0039


Lienemann S, Boda U, Mohammadi M, Zhou T, Petsagkourakis I, Kim N, Tybrandt K. (2024) Exploring the Elastomer Influence on the Electromechanical Performance of Stretchable Conductors. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. Jul 24;16(29):38365-38376. 

Exploring the Elastomer Influence on the Electromechanical Performance of Stretchable Conductors

SUBIC project: XRAY0029


Jadwiszczak P, Krüger A, Mörs T (2024). Fossil and modern penguin tarsometatarsi: cavities, vascularity, and resilience. Integrative Zoology 00, 1–17.

SUBIC project: GrantXRAY0042

Fossil and modern penguin tarsometatarsi: cavities, vascularity, and resilience


Elwér Å, Andin J. (2024). Geometry in the brain optimized for sign language - A unique role of the anterior superior parietal lobule in deaf signers. Brain Lang. 253:105416

SUBIC project: MR0013

Geometry in the brain optimized for sign language - A unique role of the anterior superior parietal lobule in deaf signers.


Stöhr, S. (2024). Taxonomic analysis of the genital plates and associated structures in Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata). European Journal of Taxonomy, 933(1), 1-98.
SUBIC project: GrantXRAY0014

Taxonomic analysis of the genital plates and associated structures in Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata).


Triki Z, Zhou T, Argyriou E, Sousa de Novais E, Servant O, Kolm N. Social complexity affects cognitive abilities but not brain structure in a Poeciliid fish. Behavioral Ecology 2024;35(3):arae026.

SUBIC project: XRAY0007

Social complexity affects cognitive abilities but not brain structure in a Poeciliid fish.


Stephen Pierzchajlo, Teodor Jernsäther, Lara Fontana, Rita Almeida, Jonas K. Olofsson (2024). Olfactory categorization is shaped by a transmodal cortical network for evaluating perceptual predictions. Journal of Neuroscience, 1 April 2024, e1232232024.

SUBIC project number: MR0016

Olfactory categorization is shaped by a transmodal cortical network for evaluating perceptual predictions



Ekaterina Torubarova, Caroline Arvidsson, Jonathan Berrebi, Julia Uddén and André Pereira (2024). NeuroEngage. OpenNeuro. [Dataset] 


SUBIC project number: MR0045



Daniel Karlström (2024). Deep Convolutional Denoising for MicroCT: A Self-Supervised Approach. URN: urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-347990.



Peter, M. G., Darki, F., Thunell, E., Mårtensson, G., Postma, E. M., Boesveldt, S., Westman, E., & Lundström, J. N. (2023). Lifelong olfactory deprivation-dependent cortical reorganization restricted to orbitofrontal cortex. Human Brain Mapping, 44(18), 6459–6470. 

 Lifelong olfactory deprivation-dependent cortical reorganization restricted to orbitofrontal cortex

Abraham, Yoseph. Development of Advanced X-ray Micro-Tomography Helical Scan andTomographic Data Processing. Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE credits.
Development of Advanced X-ray Micro-Tomography Helical Scan and Tomographic Data Processing

Hedberg L, Kumar A, Skott P, et al. White matter abnormalities mediate the association between masticatory dysfunction and cognition among older adults. J Oral Rehabil. 2023; 00: 1-10. doi:10.1111/joor.13584

White matter abnormalities mediate the association between masticatory dysfunction and cognition among older adults - Hedberg - Journal of Oral Rehabilitation - Wiley Online Library

SUBIC project number: MR0003

Andin J, Elwér Å, Mäki-Torkko E.: Arithmetic in the signing brain: Differences and similarities in arithmetic processing between deaf signers and hearing non-signers. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 2023 Jan;101(1):172-195.

Arithmetic in the signing brain: Differences and similarities in arithmetic processing between deaf signers and hearing non-signers

SUBIC project number: MR0013

Simistira Liwicki, F., Gupta, V., Saini, R. et al. Bimodal electroencephalography-functional magnetic resonance imaging dataset for inner-speech recognition. Sci Data 10, 378 (2023).

Bimodal electroencephalography-functional magnetic resonance imaging dataset for inner-speech recognition

SUBIC project number: MR0036

Dragunova Y. Volumetric Image Segmentation of Lizard Brains. Master Thesis (2023).

SUBIC project number: XRAY0024 

Volumetric Image Segmentation of Lizard Brains

Tunhe Zhou, Vun Wen Jie, Dmitry Karpov, Alexandra Pacureanu, Rajmund Mokso, Jenny Romell, Emily Baird; Bumblebee compound eye 3D imaging with x-ray holotomography. AIP Conf. Proc. 27 September 2023; 2990 (1): 020012. 

Bumblebee compound eye 3D imaging with x-ray holotomography

SUBIC project number: XRAY0019

Pan, Y., Vinding, M. C., Zhang, L., Lundqvist, D., Olsson, A., A Brain-To-Brain Mechanism for Social Transmission of Threat Learning. Adv. Sci. 2023, 10, 2304037.

A Brain-To-Brain Mechanism for Social Transmission of Threat Learning.



Katarina Nanna Filippa Bendtz, Sarah Ericsson, Josephine Schneider, Julia Borg, Jana Bašnákova, Julia Uddén; Individual differences in indirect speech act processing found outside the language network. Neurobiology of Language 2022; doi: https:/

Individual Differences in Indirect Speech Act Processing Found Outside the Language Network (

Tichit, P., Zhou, T., Kjer, H.M. et al. InSegtCone: interactive segmentation of crystalline cones in compound eyes. BMC Zool 7, 10 (2022). DOI:

SUBIC project number: XRAY0004 

InSegtCone: interactive segmentation of crystalline cones in compound eyes (

Krishnamurthy A, Circiumaru A, Sun J, Kisten Y, Damberg P, Sakuraba K, Sandor K, Jarvoll P, Zhou T, Malmström V, Svensson CI, Hensvold A, Catrina AI, Klareskog L, Réthi B. Combination of two monoclonal ACPAs induced tenosynovitis, pain and bone loss in mice in a Peptidyl Arginine Deiminase-4 dependent manner. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2022 Aug 5. doi: 10.1002/art.42320. 

SUBIC project number: XRAY0002

Combination of two monoclonal ACPAs induced tenosynovitis, pain and bone loss in mice in a Peptidyl Arginine Deiminase-4 dependent manner (

Kvist, O, Damberg, P, Dou, Z, et al. Magnetic resonance and diffusion tensor imaging of the adolescent rabbit growth plate of the knee. Magn Reson Med. 2022; 1- 12. doi:10.1002/mrm.29432

SUBIC project number: XRAY0009

Magnetic resonance and diffusion tensor imaging of the adolescent rabbit growth plate of the knee(

E. Thunell, M.G. Peter, V. Lenoir, P. Andersson, B.N. Landis, M. Becker, J.N. Lundström: Effects of COVID-19 on the Human Central Olfactory System: A Natural Pre-Post Experiment, American Journal of Neuroradiology Nov 2022, DOI: 10.3174/ajnr.A7713

Effects of COVID-19 on the Human Central Olfactory System: A Natural Pre-Post Experiment

Flink, T. and Werdelin, L. (2022), Digital endocasts from two late Eocene carnivores shed light on the evolution of the brain at the origin of Carnivora. Pap Palaeontol, 8: e1422.

SUBIC project number: XRAY0015

Digital endocasts from two late Eocene carnivores shed light on the evolution of the brain at the origin of Carnivora

Foteini Simistira Liwicki, Vibha Gupta, Rajkumar Saini, Kanjar De, Nosheen Abid, Sumit Rakesh, Scott Wellington, Holly Wilson, Marcus Liwicki, Johan Eriksson
Bimodal electroencephalography-functional magnetic resonance imaging dataset for inner-speech recognition

Vivi Vajda, Larissa Cavalcante, Kristoffer Palmgren, Ashley Krüger, and Magnus Ivarsson. 2022. Prototaxites reinterpreted as mega-rhizomorphs, facilitating nutrient transport in early terrestrial ecosystems. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 69(1): 17-31.

SUBIC project number: XRAY0006

Joana B Vieira, Andreas Olsson. Neural defensive circuits underlie helping under threat in humans. eLife 11:e78162.


Ashley Krüger, Sam Slater & Vivi Vajda (2021) 3D imaging of shark egg cases (Palaeoxyris) from Sweden with new insights into Early Jurassic shark ecology, GFF, DOI:10.1080/11035897.2021.1907442

SUBIC project number: XRAY0006

3D imaging of shark egg cases (Palaeoxyris) from Sweden with new insights into Early Jurassic shark ecology (Taylor&Francis Online)

Romell, J, Jie, V, Miettinen, A, et al. (2021) Laboratory phase-contrast nanotomography of unstained Bombus terrestris compound eyes. Journal of Microscopy; 283: 29– 40.

SUBIC project number: XRAY0001

Laboratory phase-contrast nanotomography of unstained Bombus terrestris compound eyes (Wiley Online Library)

Hedberg, L., Ekman, U., Nordin, L.E. et al. (2021) Cognitive changes and neural correlates after oral rehabilitation procedures in older adults: a protocol for an interventional study. BMC Oral Health 21, 297 (2021).

Cognitive changes and neural correlates after oral rehabilitation procedures in older adults: a protocol for an interventional study

Piotr Jadwiszczak, Marcelo Reguero & Thomas Mörs (2021) A new small-sized penguin from the late Eocene of Seymour Island with additional material of Mesetaornis polaris, GFF, 143:2-3, 283-291.

A new small-sized penguin from the late Eocene of Seymour Island with additional material of Mesetaornis polaris



Andin, J, Elwér, Å, Mäki-Torkko, E. Arithmetic in the adult deaf signing brain. J Neuro Res. 2020; 98: 643– 654. DOI:

Arithmetic in the adult deaf signing brain (Wiley Online Library)



You are encouraged to mention SUBIC in the acknowledgements and/or material and methods section in your paper.

Acknowledgement should be addressed similar to this sentence:

“Data acquisition supported by a grant to the Stockholm University Brain Imaging Centre (SU FV-5.1.2-1035-15).”

Please report your publications and posters back to us: We will link to your publication here as well as tweet it, promoting your study further. We require that publications and posters are reported to us because Stockholm University is supplementing the cost of using SUBICs equipment, thereby sponsoring your research. Moreover, SUBIC is every year evaluated by the research output originating from the use of our facility meaning that our future existence is dependent on our users reporting their research output back to us. Thank you in advance for your help with this matter.

You can also find our publication list on SUBIC Google Scholar

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