Laboratory waste

Sort Laboratory Waste

Here you will find the University’s waste management procedures for laboratory waste.

All types of hazardous waste, with the exception of radioactive waste, should be labelled and delivered to room M212, Svante Arrhenius väg 16F. The opening hours are Wednesdays and Fridays, 10:30 - 11:00.

Opening Hours during the summer
During the period 27 June – 22 August, the Chemicals Waste room is only open on Wednesdays (during weeks 26–33).

Radioactive waste

Radioactive waste should be marked with a waste label and warning symbols for ionising radiation and delivered to room A205 (opposite the SU Shop) on Wednesdays between 09:45 and 10:15.

Opening Hours during the summer
During the period 27 June – 22 August, the room for radioactive waste is closed (during weeks 26–33). If you need to leave radioactive waste during the summer, notify SEKA Miljöteknik of this no later than Tuesday of the week in which you are to leave the waste and take the radioactive waste with you to M212 next Wednesday.

Contact the University’s waste contractor,SEKA Miljöteknik to arrange for the collection of hazardous waste at your department, or for any other enquiries.


Phone number: 08-23 53 00