
Here you find lists of the board, management team and administrative staff at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI). You also find an overview of our research units, steering documents and the annual reports for SOFI.

Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) is led by a board consisting of a chairman and a minimum of five and a maximum of ten members who are appointed by the president of Stockholm University. The chairman is currently the director of SOFI and the other members consist of representatives of SOFI's employees as well as authorities, trade unions, etc.


The board of Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) for the period 2023-01-26 – 2023-12-31


Regular member


Director of SOFI Professor Marie Evertsson Docent Charlotta Magnusson, acting director
The Swedish Social Insurance Inspectorate Fil. Dr. Susanne Fahlén, investigator Fil. Dr. Sofie Cedstrand, investigator
Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions

Roy Melchert, Head of Section at the Department for Education and Labour Market

Åsa Karlsson, investigator at the Department for Education and Labour Market

Swedish Public Employment Service

Fil. Dr. Christina Olsson Bohlin, Section Manager at the Analysis Department Associate Professor Anders Böhlmark, effect
evaluator at the Analysis Department
Swedish Social Insurance Agency Fil Dr. Malin Junestav, analyst Med. Dr. Ulrik Lidwall, analyst
Staff representative SOFI Associate Professor Karin Edmark Fil. Dr. Johan Westerman
Student representative SOFI Edvin Syk, PhD student  
Student representative SOFI Christine Alamaa, PhD student  



















The executive management of SOFI consists of the following employees at the institute




Marie Evertsson Professor of sociology Director of SOFI
Charlotta Magnusson Docent of sociology Deputy director SOFI
Anne Boschini Professor of economics Director of studies AKPA
Tomas Korpi Professor of sociology Unit manager SOCPOL
Carina Mood Professor of sociology Unit manager LNU
Michael Tåhlin Professor of sociology Unit manager LNU
Dan-Olof Rooth Professor of economics  
Erik Lindqvist Professor of economics  
Markus Jäntti Professor of economics Unit manager AME
Matthew Lindquist Professor of economics  
Johanna Rickne Professor of economics  
Tomas Korpi Professor of sociology  
Maria Mårtensson   Administrative manager
Karin Hederos PhD in economics Equal oppurtunity ombud






















Former directors of SOFI


The annual report (Verksamhetsberättelse) provides an overview and summary of the work at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI). It is intended as a basis for discussions within the institute and the institute's board, as well as for other interested parties. Below you will find the latest annual report, as well as some older ones (in Swedish)

Latest annual report

SOFI Verksamhetsberättelse 2023 (6403 Kb)

Older annula reports

Verksamhetsberättelse SOFI 2022 (14190 Kb)

Verksamhetsberättelse SOFI 2021 (3139 Kb)

Verksamhetsberättelse 2020 – Institutet för social forskning (SOFI) (3512 Kb)

Verksamhetsberättelse SOFI 2019 (790 Kb)

Verksamhetsberättelse SOFI 2018 (865 Kb)

Verksamhetsberättelse SOFI 2017 (396 Kb)

Verksamhetsberättelse SOFI 2016 (610 Kb)





Maria Mårtensson Administrative manager
Erik Bihagen Director of Studies AKPA
David Yüksel     Economist
Gurly Olson Economist
Katarina Hagelin Finance and personnel administrator
Frida Engström Deputy director of studies and study counselor
Elma Sose Education administrator
Tara Nabavi Administrator
Magnus Dahl Communicator and web editor
Kevin Andrade Rodriguez IT administrator



The PhD Student Council represents the interests of doctoral students at SOFI. All PhD students employed at SOFI become members of the PhD Student Council and can be elected to the Council Board, which is the implementing body of the Council. The Council has meetings a few times per semester; organizes activities for doctoral students; as well as elects representatives at the institutional, faculty and university level.

As a (prospective) doctoral student at SOFI, you are always welcome to contact us if you need help or advice! The e-mail address to the Council is

Current board members

  • Board members: Christine Alamaa, Edvin Syk, Meng Meng, Amanda Almstedt Valldor, Sandra Thiman, Xiaojie Xu, Tünde Dóra Lénárd
  • Chair: Tünde Dóra Lénárd
  • Secretary/vice chair: Sandra Thiman
  • Treasurer: Xiaojie Xu

Regulations for the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI)

The regulations describe, among other things, the institute's purpose, organization and management, e.g. tasks of the board and the director. See link to the entire document below (in Swedish only)

Protokollsutdrag och föreskrifter för SOFI (185 Kb) (regulations of SOFI)


Strategical plan, environmental action plan and plan for equal oppurtunity (formerly known as gender equality plan)

Strategiplan SOFI 2016-2018 (551 Kb) (strategical plan)

Environmental action plan SOFI 2023 (593 Kb)

Lika villkorsplan SOFI 2016-2018 (137 Kb) (equal oppurtunity plan)


Ingrid Esser Safety representative (repr. SOCPOL)
Ylva Moberg Representative SOCPOL
Erik Sjödin Representative AKPA
Karin Hederos Equal oppurtunities ombud (repr. AME)
Katarina Hagelin Representative of administrative staff
Edvin Syk Doctoral students representative
Sebastian Sirén Doctoral students representative
Movitz Lilja Students representative
Maria Mårtensson Chairman, employer representative


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