How is my education at AKPA affected by the restrictions?

Based on current conditions and responsible authorities’ recommendations, Stockholm University has adopted the following guidelines.

AKPA follows the Swedish Public Health Agency's regulations and recommendations. AKPA's courses are campus-based and will continue to be so, as far as possible this spring. Under the conditions of the ongoing covid19 pandemic, however, part of the teaching will probably take place online via Zoom this spring as well. Updated information about the teaching will be continuously announced both here on the website and on the Athena platform.
Since the development can change quickly, everyone needs to continue to take their responsibility and contribute to minimizing the spread of infection, and those who have the opportunity should follow the Swedish Public Health Agency's recommendation to get vaccinated.

You still have to stay at home and get tested if you feel sick, even with mild symptoms.

Here you can read information to students and staff about the coronavirus from Stockholm University.

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