Master Student Grant at Tarfala Research Station (TRS) 2024
Master students are welcome to apply to cover field work cost at TRS for a master thesis. Deadline for application is February 28, 2024.
Tarfala Research Station master student grant
This TRS student grant is available for master students and its purpose is to cover field work cost at TRS for a master thesis. At TRS you can investigate Swedish alpine and glacial environments, changes caused by the retreating glaciers, the impact these changes have on ecosystems and people, and much more.
Grant sum and terms
The grant sum is 20,000 SEK and will be awarded annually. The grant shall be used to cover travels to and from TRS, accommodation at TRS and any possible additional field work cost. Note that the grant sum will not be transferred to the successful applicant: rather, TRS will book and pay travels and cover the accommodation cost at TRS.
Eligible to apply
All master students, from Swedish or foreign universities, are eligible to apply, regardless of home university, country or research topic. Research topics can cover a wide range of subject areas such as humanities, economics, social sciences, environmental studies, technology, natural sciences etc. The field work at TRS shall be an important part of the master’s project.
Application deadline and process
Deadline for application is February 28, 2024. Applications will be reviewed by the TRS director, station manager and board who make the final funding decision, and notify all applicants by April 2024. The grant must be used during the 2024 TRS summer season (beginning of July-mid September).
Please fill in the application form below and send it to, no later than February 28, 2024. Evaluation criteria are given in the appendix.
TRS MSc Grant Application form 2024 (18 Kb)
Welcomte to apply!
Last updated: October 20, 2023
Source: Department of Physical Geography