Tarfala News February 2023
Tarfala News Letter
Application open - master student grant at Tarfala Research Station
Welcome to apply for the TRS master student grant! At TRS you can investigate Swedish alpine and glacial environments, changes caused by the retreating glaciers, the impact these changes have on ecosystems and people, and much more. The grant sum is 20,000 SEK and shall be used to cover field work in connection with your master thesis, such as travels to and from TRS, accommodation at TRS and possibly additional field work cost. Application deadline is February 28, 2023.
New collaboration with STF Kebnekaise Mountain Station
This year TRS start a new collaboration, funded by Formas, with STF Kebnekaise Mountain Station. Together with STF, we offer a bookable activity for tourists who want a learning and exciting day out. STF´s guides will take visitors up to Tarfala valley from Kebnekaise mountain station. At TRS our scientists welcome them with an interactive lecture about our research, glaciers and their importance for climate and environment.
Read more
New popular science course for mountain leaders
Another exciting news for 2023 is our new 3-day long, mountain leaders’ course. This is a popular science course for mountain leaders and other guides who work in Swedish mountain areas and want to learn about climate and glaciers research, and pass this knowledge on through their work as guides. The course will provide the participants with basic knowledge in climatology, physical geography and TRS's ongoing research programs, and is funded by Formas.
Summer staff at TRS – job advertisements out now
For the summer season 2023 we are hiring field assistants, a chef and a station assistant. Welcome to read the job ads and apply.
Available jobs
Researchers and courses: Welcome to apply for your stay
Would you like to come to TRS this year? Then it is high time to start planning. The station is open from end of March to the beginning of May, and from end of June to mid- September.
Read more and book your visit
Last updated: February 8, 2023
Source: Department of Physical geography