Speaking Proficiency Sweden
The speaking test is carried out differently in Sweden and abroad. The test is designed to assess the communicative competence of the candidate and consists of two tasks. Below is a description and a test example of the test carried out in Sweden.
The speaking test is designed to assess the communicative competence of the candidate.
The speaking test consists of two tasks.
- In the conversation task candidates are required to contribute to the content of the conversation in collaboration with the other participants, by accounting for and supporting their own standpoints, and following up on statements and conclusions of the other participants, thereby moving the discussion forward.
- In the individual task candidates are required to present and reflect on different standpoints concerning the given question, and to account for their own standpoint.
The conversation task: A reasoning conversation
Usually three candidates participate in this task together with an interlocutor. After briefly introducing themselves, the candidates conduct a reasoning conversation on one of two topics presented approximately one week before the test.
The topic prompt, questions and key words indicate the potential content of the conversation. The topics are normally of general interest and not related to a specific area of study. The candidate is expected to participate actively in the conversation but at the same time to give the other participants enough space to express themselves. The interlocutor decides on one of the two topics for the conversation.
The individual task
After the conversation task each candidate is handed on paper an individual task related to the conversation topic. Candidates have two minutes to take notes and reflect and then they have two minutes each to talk about different standpoints and account for their own standpoint.
In both tasks topics and standpoints should be discussed on a a general rather than personal level. Apart from the interlocutor an assessor will normally be present during the test.
Preparation material for two topics is distributed to candidates approximately seven days before the test date. Candidates can prepare for the test by searching for information on the Internet, in newspapers and other media and by discussing the topics with an acquaintance.
- You can bring the documents you have been sent about the topics to the test session, but there must be no additional notes on these documents.
- No other resources are allowed during the test.
- All documents must be handed in after the test.
The test is being recorded
The test is videorecorded.
Test time
- Reasoning conversation: 20 minutes, depending on the number of participants.
- Individual task: 2 minutes for preparation + 2 minute presentation per candidate.
Total time approximately 30 minutes, including instructions.
Two test days in Stockholm
In Stockholm it is not possible to conduct all speaking tests on the same day as the other two Tisus test components. Speaking tests are therefore scheduled over two days.
The following is assessed
- your ability to reason on a general level and explain, back up and challenge arguments and ideas from different perspectives in a way that is relevant to the topic
- if your linguistic range is sufficient to support the reasoning
- if your fluency is sufficient to follow your reasoning without effort
- if your pronunciation is sufficient to understand you without effort.
The marks are Pass (Godkänd) or Fail (Underkänd)
To pass the Tisus test you have to pass all the test components. If you fail only one of the test components, you must be re-tested for that component, a so-called rest (make-up).
Read more:
Sample test
The sample test and video clip show how the speaking proficiency test is done in Sweden.
Delprov 3. Muntlig färdighet Tisus Sverige exempelprov (240 Kb)
The clip is opened in "Videotjänsten" at Stockholm University:
Video: Resonerande samtal och individuell uppgift (Sverige)
- Visiting address
Building D, Södra huset
Room D 618, floor 6
Universitetsvägen 10 D
- Office hours
By agreement.
- Phone hours
Tuesday 9–10, 15–16
Wednesday 10–11
Last updated: January 4, 2023
Source: Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism