Study with us
We study how animals function, evolve, behave and interact with other animals and plants, and how they respond to, for example, climate change. We offer PhD education and also participate in several courses at undergraduate level administered by Department of Biology Education (BIG).
Undergraduate and advanced education
If you want to know more about animals and how they perceive their world and interact with each other and other organisms, you should contact us! We participate in several courses at undergraduate and advanced level that are administered by the Department of Biology Education (BIG).
Here you find more information about courses and programmes at BIG
PhD education
We at the Department of Zoology are always interested in meeting students who share our research interests. The research education program at the Department of Zoology is designed to provide students with the scientific knowledge and skills to be able to conduct research in ecology, ethology, population genetics, functional morphology as well as systematics and evolutionary research.
To be admitted to the doctoral program, you must apply for an advertised doctoral student position. Vacancies are advertised on our website and on Stockholm University's website. Calls are made four times a year.
If you have questions regarding studies at undergraduate or advanced level, you can contact the study office or the study counselors at the Department of Biology Education (BIG).
The Directors of studies at the Department of Zoology are responsible for questions related to education.


Senast uppdaterad: 9 januari 2023
Sidansvarig: Department of Zoology