
The structure of the Bolin Centre is optimised to create and communicate climate science. Its governance is designed to fulfill its mission while maintaining the Bolin Centre as Sweden’s strongest centre for inter- and multidisciplinary climate research.

The Bolin Centre Board makes decisions related to the governance of the Centre as well as on issues/recommendations of the Directorate, the Science Advisory Group and others.

For details see Bolin Centre strategic plan 2023–2027 (621 Kb)

Appendix A (374 Kb)

Appendix B (1322 Kb)

Appendix C (54 Kb)

*If the PDF file is not accessible for you to read, kindly contact the Directorate at, and we will find a way to share the information with you.


Bolin Centre Board

The Bolin Centre Board is composed of the Heads of the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences, Department of Environmental Science, Department of Geological Sciences, Department of Meteorology, Department of Physical Geography, and the Department of Zoology at Stockholm University together with a representative from FLOW at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), the Rossby Centre at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) and a student representative.

The Director, the Research Director, the Coordinator and Communicator, the Economy Administrator and the Chair of the External Science Advisory Group are ex-officio members. The Board is chaired by the Dean of Science or by a representative named by the Dean.

  • Regina Lindborg (Chair), Department of Physical Geography (NG)
  • Johan Nilsson (Vice-Chair) Department of Meteorology (MISU)
  • Anna Sobek, Department of Environmental Science
  • Alternate: Paul Zieger, Department of Environmental Science
  • Sara Cousin, Department of Physical Geography (NG)
  • Alternate: Stefan Wastegård, Department of Physical Geography (NG)
  • Kristoffer Hylander, Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences (DEEP)
  • Alternate: Johan Eklöf, Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences (DEEP)
  • Fredrik Lundell, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
  • Alternate: Dan Henningson, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
  • Helen Coxall, Department of Geological Sciences (IGV)
  • Alternate: Agatha de Boer, Department of Geological Sciences (IGV)
  • Niclas Kolm, Department of Zoology
  • Alternate: Linda Laikre, Department of Zoology
  • Helena Martins, Rossby Centre, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)
  • Alternate: Torben Köenigk, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)
  • Anna-Karin Nyström, External board member Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
  • Alternate:
  • Annica Ekman, Department of Meteorology (MISU)
  • Alternate: Frida Bender, Department of Meteorology (MISU)
  • Anna Strekalovskaya, PhD student at the Department of Physical Geography (NG)
  • Alternate: Daniella Lillieroth Charalambous, Master student at the Department of Physical Geography

Ex Officio          

  • Ilona Riipinen, Director, Department of of Environmental Sciences
  • Gustaf Hugelius, Co-director, Department of Physical Geography (NG)
  • Maria Basova, Coordinator
  • Laila Islamovic, Communicator

Anders Moberg
Database Coordinator

Maria Basova

Laila Islamovic

Qiong Zhang
Modelling Coordinator



The Bolin Centre Directorate makes operative decisions and promotes research of the Centre while reporting to the Board and taking into account advice from an External Science Advisory Group of experts and an internal Science Advisory Group. The Directorate is also responsible for the Climate Research School (CRS).

The Directorate is comprised of the Director, the Research Director, Science Coordinator responsible for administrative support for organizing meetings, reports, communication and dissemination, education, outreach and the upcoming evaluation and a part time Webmaster.

Photo: Sören Andersson/2See
Photo: Sören Andersson/2See

Ilona Riipinen
Director at the Bolin Centre for Climate Research
Professor of atmospheric sciences at the Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University
Profile page

Photo: Sören Andersson/2See
Photo: Sören Andersson/2See

Gustaf Hugelius
Co-director at the Bolin Centre for Climate Research
Professor in geographic information systems (GIS) and geomatics with applications within Physical Geography at the Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University
Profile page

Photo: Uly Konstantinow
Photo: Uly Konstantinow

Maria Basova
Coordinator at the Bolin Centre for Climate Research
Department of Environmental Science
Profile page


Photo: Private
Photo: Private

Laila Islamovic
Research Communicator at the Bolin Centre for Climate Research
Department of Environmental Science
Profile page


Photo: Luliana Domina
Photo: Luliana Domina

Sara Gershagen
Research administrator
Office for Research, Engagement and Innovation Services
Profile page




External Science Advisory Group

The Bolin Centre has appointed an external scientific advisory group comprised of leading national and international scientists within climate research. The group’s main tasks are to inform the Bolin Centre of its strengths, weaknesses and possibilities for development as well as increase the Bolin Centre’s contacts to international networks and research groups within the climate research area.

Photo: Private
Photo: Private

Dr. Victor Brovkin

Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, Department of Climate Dynamics

Profile page

Dr. Brovkin’s research interests include: High latitude ecosystems and their feedbacks to climate; permafrost carbon as a tipping element in the Earth System; Vegetation dynamics and multiple states of vegetation cover, and; Glacial-interglacial carbon cycle dynamics. Some of Dr.Brovkin’s current project involvements include the EU-funded Horizon 2020 projects Nunataryuk and ESM 2025 (Earth System Models for the future), as well as the ERC-funded project Q-ARCTIC.

Photo: Private
Photo: Private

Professor Jay Famiglietti

Arizona State University, School of Sustainability, College of Global Futures

Profile page

Professor Famiglietti is a Global Futures Professor in the School of Sustainability, College of Global Futures, at Arizona State University. He is also Professor Emeritus from University of Saskatchewan, where he was the Executive Director of the Global Institute for Water Security. Before this, he served as the Senior Water Scientists at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology. Prof. Famiglietti’s research focuses on using satellites to track changing water availability around the world. His research interests include global groundwater sustainability; the food-water nexus; corporate water sustainability and stewardship; innovations in financial tools and data-driven reporting platforms; international water.

Photo: Elena Sarasom
Photo: Elena Sarasom

Dr. Karen E. Kohfeld (she/her)

Director and Professor, School of Environmental Science Professor, School of Resource and Environmental Management Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 CANADA.

Profile page

Dr. Kohfeld's research focuses on understanding past climates and the global carbon cycle, specifically using of regional-global datasets to understand changes in ocean circulation, marine productivity, and the global carbon cycle over glacial-interglacial timescales. Through collaborations with provincial and federal agencies in Canada, she also conducts regional research focused on carbon storage dynamics in coastal wetlands, coastal ocean acidification, and past climate and fire behavior in western Canada.

Professor Camille Parmesan

NMA Chair in Public Understanding of Marine Science & Human Health
School of Biological & Marine Sciences, Plymouth University, UK.

Profile page

My research focuses on the biological impacts of anthropogenic climate change on wild species and the implications for conserving biodiversity under future, rapid global warming. I work on impacts at the population level (on butterfly-host plant interactions), and at a global-scale analysing biological responses to climate change across all taxonomic groups. I am an advisor for several conservation NGOs and am a Coordinating Lead Author for the upcoming 6th IPCC Assessment.

Photo: University of Oslo copyright
Photo: University of Oslo copyright

Professor Trude Storelvmo

University of Oslo, Dept. of Geosciences, Section for Meteorology and Oceanography
Profile page

Professor Trude Storelvmo is an atmospheric scientist with a primary focus on the role of aerosol particles and clouds in Earth’s climate. Her research centers on understanding how aerosol particles affect climate by acting as cloud condensation nuclei and ice nuclei. Beyond this, she delves into various sides of climate science, including exploring cloud-climate feedback mechanisms, investigating climate sensitivity, assessing the economic implications of climate change, and studying climate engineering strategies involving aerosols and clouds. Trude's work is especially vital because aerosol and cloud effects remain some of the most uncertain and challenging factors within the climate system, demanding continued dedication from the scientific community in the years ahead.


Science Advisory Group

The Bolin Centre has a Scientific Advisory Group which is chaired by the Director and Director of Research. The role of the Scientific Advisory group is to steer and implement research in the Bolin Centre. The group is comprised of the Research Themes leaders, the chair of the Climate Research School advisory group, the Director of Studies for the Climate Research School, the Database Coordinator, the Climate Modelling Coordinator, the Bolin Centre Coordinator and Communicator, and the Centre’s Economy Administrator.

Research Theme 1: The physical-chemical climate system

  • Geert Brethouwer, FLOW, Department of Engineering Mechanics, KTH
  • Léon Chafik, Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University
  • Ramón Fuentes Franco, Rossby Centre, SMHI
  • Liine Heikkinen, Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University

Research Theme 2: Water, biogeochemistry and climate

  • Volker Brüchert, Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University
  • Fernando Jaramillo, Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University

Research Theme 3: Past climates     

  • Natasha Barbolini, Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences, Stockholm University
  • Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist, Department of History, Stockholm University
  • Frederik Schenk, Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University
  • Margret Steinthorsdottir, Swedish Museum of Natural History, affiliated with Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University

Research Theme 4: Climate, ecosystems and biodiversity

  • Stefano Manzoni, Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University
  • Rhonda Snook, Department of Zoology, Stockholm University

Bolin Centre Climate Modelling

  • Anna Lewinschal, Department of Meteorology
  • Qiong Zhang, Department of Physical Geography

Bolin Centre Communication

  • Laila Islamovic, Department of Environmental Sciences

Bolin Centre Coordination

  • Maria Basova, Department of Environmental Sciences

Bolin Centre Database

  • Anders Moberg, Department of Physical Geography
  • Rezwan Mohammad, Department of Geological Sciences

Bolin Centre Economy Administration

  • Ingmarie Fors, Department of Environmental Sciences

Bolin Centre Climate Research School

  • Carmen Prieto, Department of Physical Geography

The Bolin Centre for Climate Research is a collaboration between the following departments at Stockholm University:

Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences (DEEP)
Department of Environmental Science
Department of Geological Sciences (IGV)
Department of Meteorology (MISU)
Department of Physical Geography (NG) and
Department of Zoology

Together with:

FLOW at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and the
Rossby Centre at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI).



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