"Remembering the spirit of the Beothuk: The Beothuk Saga by Bernard Assiniwi"
Date: Monday 24 June 2024
Time: 17.00 – 18.00
Location: Online (Zoom)
Open lecture by Christophe Premat - As part of the summer introductory course in Canadian studies, it is possible to attend the open lectures that will be given
Christophe Premat is an Associate Professor of French Studies at Stockholm University and a member of the editorial board of the review Sens Public, an international web journal of social sciences and he is the co-editor in chief of the Nordic Journal of Francophone Studies.
His current research focuses on discourse analysis and Native Studies in Canada. He is the head of the Centre for Canadian Studies at Stockholm University and co-edited the book Poétiques et politiques du témoignage dans la fiction contemporaine with Alain Ekorong and Armel Jovensel Ngamaleu (Peter Lang, 2023). He recently published “L’héritage francodoxe de Léopold Sédar Senghor” in Francophonie, plurilinguisme et production littéraire transnationale en français depuis le Moyen Âge (Genève, Droz, 2023, pp. 237-257) and coedited the book Nordic and Baltic Perspectives in Canadian Studies.
The lecture will be based on the chapter of Christophe Premat published in the book Nordic and Baltic Perspectives in Canadian Studies. The book is available in open access at: https://www.stockholmuniversitypress.se/site/books/e/10.16993/bci/
The chapter of Christophe Premat is available at https://www.stockholmuniversitypress.se/site/chapters/e/10.16993/bci.b/
The material in Swedish is available at https://doi.org/10.17045/sthlmuni.16619779.v1
The open lecture is free. To obtain the Zoom link for the lecture, please contact ccs@su.se
Language: English, online
Last updated: June 5, 2024
Source: Centre for Canadian Studies