The 12th Nordic Conference on Bilingualism (NCB12)
The 12th Nordic Conference on Bilingualism (NCB12) has been postponed until further notice. Information will follow.
This long-term postponement makes it necessary to start the conference planning all over again, including the initiation of a new abstract submission process. Unfortunately, this means that all abstracts that were previously accepted are now rescinded.
Any news will be communicated via the conference mailing list and on the conference web page. We thank all devoted participants for your interest in this conference, and we sincerely hope you will return when the time is right.
/The organizing committee of NCB12
Call for abstracts
Information will follow.
Local Organizing Committee
Scientific Committee
Niclas Abrahamsson
Asta Cekaite
Memet Aktürk Drake
José Alemán Bañón
Annika Andersson
Karin Aronsson
Ute Bohnacker
Emanuel Bylund
Jean-Marc Dewaele
Alexandra Dylman
Lena Ekberg
Ann-Carita Evaldsson
Fanny Forsberg-Lundell
Dominik Freunberger
Natalia Ganuza
Anne Golden
Jonas Granfeldt
Ann-Kristin Gujord
Marianne Gullberg
Hartmut Haberland
Linnea Hanell
Christina Hedman
Monica Heller
Kathleen Heugh
Francis Hult
Kristina Hultgren
Kenneth Hyltenstam
Florian Jaeger
Carla Jonsson
David Karlander
Caroline Kerfoot
Maria Kuteeva
Jarmo Lainio
Sirpa Leppänen
Ulrika Magnusson
Goran Maljan
Marilyn Martin-Jones
Tommaso Milani
Janus Mortensen
Valelia Muni Toke
Marcelyn Oostendorp
Lourdes Ortega
Natasha Ringblom
Francesco Romano
Jason Rothman
Maria Rydell
Itesh Sachdev
Linus Salö
Susan Sayehli
Nina Schjetne
Elana Shohamy
Frida Splendido
Christopher Stroud
Elisabet Tiselius
Nathan Young
Elisabeth Zetterholm
Jan-Ola Östman
Fees and registration
Information will follow.
General conference theme
Information will follow.
Key dates
Information will follow.
Plenary speakers
Information will follow.
Last updated: September 28, 2022
Source: Centre for Resarch on Bilingualism