Widening participation and inclusive teaching in higher education
Date: Thursday 12 December 2024
Time: 09.00 – 12.00
Location: Department of Education, Frescativägen 54. Room 2503
What does widening participation entail for teaching practices and student outcomes in higher education? During this workshop we will discuss challenges in meeting various student needs as well as seeing students’ various backgrounds as an asset for teaching and learning in higher education.
This workshop is for faculty/university teachers interested in developing inclusive student-centred course designs.
About the workshop
Diversity in the student population has increased worldwide and in Sweden the Higher Education Act stipulates that higher education institutions shall actively “promote and widen participation in higher education”. Widening participation in higher education means more heterogenous student groups which involves challenges as well as opportunities. However, inclusive student-centered pedagogies are often found to be beneficial for all. Whether we think about students with special learning needs, intercultural pluralism or different gender, all classrooms are diverse in ways that can enhance discussions and learning.
- Mapping the field, sharing our experiences from diverse student groups, discussing challenges as well as opportunities.
- Case-method is used to promote discussions on various issues that may arise in relation to creating an inclusive learning environment.
- Participants are invited to try out some tools to create an inclusive student-centered course design.
Workshop leaders are Helena Reierstam, Senior lecturer at the Department of Educationand Johan Berg, Senior lecturer, Department of Human Geography. The workshop is held in English.
Preparations and literature
Suggested readings:
- Jokikokko, K. (2021). Challenges and possibilities for creating genuinely intercultural higher education learning communities. Journal of Praxis in Higher Education, Special Issue, 3(2), 26–51.
- Stentiford, L., & Koutsouris, G. (2021). What are inclusive pedagogies in higher education? A systematic scoping review. Studies in Higher Education, 46(11), 2245–2261.
- Thomas, L. (2021). Inclusive Teaching. In L. Hunt & D. Chalmers (Eds.), University Teaching in Focus. A learning-centred approach. (pp. 217-–242). Routledge.
- Timuș, N., Bartlett, M. E., Bartlett, J. E., Ehrlich, S., & Babutsidze, Z. (2024). Fostering inclusive higher education through universal design for learning and inclusive pedagogy – EU and US faculty perceptions. Higher Education Research & Development, 43(2), 473–487.
The workshop is aimed at all teaching staff and educational managers, regardless of subject affiliation, at Stockholm University. Participation is free of charge. Book your place in good time, as places are limited. First come, first served is applied.
Organizer is the Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching (CeUL). CeUL offers workshops on a variety of teaching and learning topics with the aim to support and stimulate engaging and high-quality teaching at all levels at Stockholm University.
The workshop offers an opportunity to explore and develop academic teaching skills that falls under category 3. Student-centered. The workshop offers tools and ideas for putting the students’ perspectives and needs in focus.
Last updated: October 16, 2024
Source: Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching