

  • New ideas on how to better value protected areas 2021-06-15 In a new scientific article scientists present a conceptual idea on how to take ecosystem services into account when evaluating marine protected areas.
  • Club and EU flag. Photo: EU consultation replies from the Baltic Sea Centre, Stockholm University 2021-06-09 Read the Baltic Sea Centre's comments and replies on recent European Commission consultations.
  • Professor Christoph Humborg vid Östersjöcentrum Important message from scientists sets sail for the COP26 meeting 2021-05-26 If managed right, coastal zones have a large capacity to effectively store greenhouse gases and mitigate climate change. That was the take-away message from the scientists when Relay4Nature met Baltic Sea Centre on its way to the coming COP26.
  • Bottom trawling threatens European marine ecosystems 2021-05-25 Recent research on bottom trawling effects points to the need for establishing larger trawl-free areas in all types of habitats to protect sensitive ecosystems and live up to principles of ecosystem-based management.
  • Eutrophication expert Bo Gustafsson honored with prestigious award 2021-05-20 Bo Gustafsson, director of Baltic Nest Institute at Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre, receives the 2021 Ruth Patrick Award for his outstanding contributions to the understanding and management of eutrophication and hypoxia in the Baltic Sea.
  • R/V Electra af Askö A special mission for R/V Electra 2021-05-19 Stockholm University's research vessel R/V Electra af Askö will participate in this summer's investigations of the wreck of M/S Estonia. The assignment comes from the Swedish Accident Investigation Board, and Electra was chosen since she is one of few vessels carrying the required equipment.
  • Catamaran for research at the Askö Laboratory 2021-04-26 From the summer 2021 and onwards a new research vessel will replace R/V Limanda. The vessel will be used for expeditions in Askös vicinities.
  • Inom projektet togs vattenprover i diken och vattendrag omkring 20 ggr per år, både för att kunna identifiera nya näringskällor, och för att kunna utvärdera effekten av landåtgärder. Foto: Fredrik Sederholm. Important Baltic Sea network 2021-04-06 Since 1991 the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference has worked to promote political dialogue and exchange of experience between parliamentarians in the Baltic Sea Region. In march two of our researchers participated in a meeting within BSPC and shared their knowledge of a successful project.
  • Askö Laboratory's anniversary year 2021-03-22 So far, we still do not know entirely how 2021 will be, but this year is special for us at the Baltic Sea Center. Our field station Askö Laboratory is celebrating 60 years! An anniversary that is not just about an important and special place. It's about history. Memories. Development. We celebrate 60 years of knowledge about the sea!
  • Foto: Tobias Dahlin/Azote Reduce coastal trawling to protect the Baltic herring 2021-03-11 Increased herring catches close to the Swedish Baltic east coast, and the negative trend for several herring stocks accentuate the need for reduced fishing pressure and more detailed knowledge about herring subpopulation structure.
  • Micropollutants is a collective term for a wide range of chemicals
that are present in the aquatic environment as a result of human
activities. These substances are used for example as ingredients
in pharmaceuticals, pesticides, personal care products, food
additives and household products, or as components or byproducts
in industrial processes and various materials. Call for better management of micropollutants in wastewater 2021-02-23 Urban wastewater treatment plants are important collection points for many chemical contaminants that are widespread in the aquatic environment. But micropollutant emissions from them are poorly assessed and regulated.
  • Photo: Florian Roth Metabolic study provides new insights into coral bleaching 2021-02-17 Ocean warming alters the nutrient exchange between corals and their algae symbionts. This leads to the starvation of corals at a much earlier stage than previously thought. A recent study contributes to understanding coral bleaching, one of the major threats to reefs worldwide.
  • Tvärminne Zoological Station. Photo: Alf Norkko Six PhD positions open in the Baltic Bridge partnership 2021-02-17 Helsinki University and Tvärminne Zoological Station announces six positions in a PhD collegium for integrated coastal ecosystem and climate change research.
  • Foto: Plankton measurements reveal the Baltic Sea’s contaminant levels 2021-01-07 To ensure that results from contaminant monitoring are interpreted correctly, a long-term perspective and measurements of both plankton and benthic organisms are required. This according to a new study.
  • Informationen från R/V Electras ekolod, och vattenprovtagningar ger syns direkt på skärmarna och kan övervakas av forskarna. Foto: Jonas Hentati Sundberg Echo sounders track hypoxia in the Baltic Sea 2020-11-30 It is possible to trace oxygen depleted zones in the Baltic Sea with acoustic methods. This, according to a new study. The scientists suggest the method to be an important complement to existing marine monitoring programs.
  • Academia represented at EU level 2020-10-28 Professor Christina Rudén has been selected as an observer to CARACAL, an expert group under the European Commission. Stockholm University the only academic organization in this important advisory group on chemicals in EU.
  • Comments on new Chemical Strategy 2020-10-16 The new Chemical Strategy has just been presented. Researchers, policy experts and communicators have joined forces to communicate the relevant science from Stockholm University.
  • Jonas Hentati-Sundberg Guillemots of the Baltic: Linking the seabed and the sky 2020-09-23 On the island of Stora Karlsö up to 100 000 seabirds nest. In a new study a group of curious young researchers from three different universities show how guillemots fuel northern Europe's largest colony of house martins.
  • New Baltic Sea foundation launched 2020-09-09 The foundation will conduct large-scale environmental projects that can contribute to a healthier Baltic Sea by measures built on applied science.
  • Storspigg (Gasterosteus aculeatus) Foto: Joakim Hansen/Azote A spatial regime shift 2020-08-27 The three-spined stickleback have gradually taken over large parts of the Baltic Sea’s coastal ecosystem, a new scientific study shows. This has caused a shift from predator to prey dominance.
  • New review of sources and pathways for hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea 2020-08-24 The Baltic Sea countries are cooperating to limit discharges of hazardous substances into the sea. Many measures implemented over time have reduced the levels of certain pollutants in the Baltic Sea, but in several cases the levels are still exceeding toxicity thresholds defining a healthy sea.
  • Information on useful tools collected in new database 2020-07-03 A new database collects information about available decision support tools, developed to assist ecosystem-based management of the Baltic Sea. There is also information on how well the tools meet important performance criteria.
  • Major processes related to vegetation and fauna controlling benthic biogeochemical fluxes. To the article! Potentials of mechanistic modeling of biogeochemical processes 2020-06-18 In a new paper, researchers from the Baltic Sea Centre together with others, discuss and review mechanistic modeling of biogeochemical processes in coastal areas. According to the authors, including and improving the descriptions of biomasses and metabolism of benthic fauna in ecosystem models is necessary if we want to understand the effects of environmental changes.
  • Law - a necessary but insufficient way to manage water quality 2020-06-03 At each side of the Atlantic ocean, two completely different coastal areas have become iconic poster children for eutrophication and served as blue prints for marine management approaches. During a joint webinar between the Baltic Sea Centre and Stockholm Environmental Law and Policy Centre, the governance of these two regions were discussed.
  • Today’s massive flow of chemicals places new demands on risk management. Managing chemicals in groups and introducing mixture risk assessments into all chemicals legislation are two key measures to protect health and the environment. Photo: Bengt Olsson/Mostphotos Time for smarter and safer chemical management 2020-06-02 Today’s massive flow of chemicals places new demands on risk management. Managing chemicals in groups and introducing mixture risk assessments into all chemicals legislation are two key measures to protect health and the environment.
  • Are our coasts hotspots for greenhouse gas emissions? 2020-05-20 Florian Roth is an expert on greenhouse gas emissions in the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea. In this postcard from Askö, Florian explains how he tries to find out more about these zones and if they, in fact, might be hotspots for such emissions.
  • Policy Brief: Emerging ocean acidification threatens Baltic Sea ecosystems 2020-04-01 More jellyfish but fewer mussels – the expected spread of ocean acidification can have major effects on species composition in the Baltic Sea. To protect unique ecosystems and future food production, carbon dioxide emissions must be dramatically reduced.
  • Foto: Institutionen för miljövetenskap Climate researchers test methods for Arctic expedition 2020-03-25 To anticipate future emission of greenhouse gases, Stockholm University researchers will join an Arctic expedition this fall. As a preparation, a pilot week aboard R/V Electra has just been performed.
  • We are hiring! 2020-03-05 The Baltic Sea Centre consists of a unique combination of experts and communicators that work together to improve the knowledge about the Baltic Sea. At the moment we are hiring three postdoctoral fellows.
  • Bojen sjösätts av Askös personal Environmental conditions at Askö measured in real-time 2020-02-27 At the station B1 right outside the Askö Laboratory an automatic measuring buoy records and displays oceanographic data in real-time. It is part of a network of similar measuring buoys along Sweden’s coast.
  • Researchers map mixing in the Southern Quark 2020-02-27 At present, a unique research expedition is taking place outside Grisslehamn. The team will study vertical mixing, an important mechanism for understanding circulation in the Baltic Sea.
  • Foto: Bengt Ekberg/Azote. Postdoctoral Fellow 2020-02-05 Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre is hiring a postdoctoral fellow in spatial marine ecosystem modelling. Apply before March 8th.
  • Baltic clams (Macoma balthica) have increased due to the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea in areas unaffected by oxygen deficiency. Photo: Eva Ehrnsten. Where does the carbon go - a meagre future for benthic fauna? 2020-01-10 In order to understand carbon flows in the Baltic Sea, mechanistic models need to take benthic macrofauna into consideration. This is concluded in new studies from the Baltic Bridge initiative.
  • Photograph: Lisa Bergqvist Benthic communities and water movement 2019-12-19 With the eye-catching title "Nematodes from Space?", Baltic Seminar was back on December 3. Fernando Jaramillo (NatGeo) and Francisco Nascimento (DEEP) presented their research areas, and joined in a discussion on possible research collaborations between departments.
  • Foto: Bengt Ekberg/Azote. Researcher position in large-scale watershed nutrient dynamics 2019-11-29 Baltic Sea Centre is announcing a new position. We are looking for a researcher with a genuine interest in large scale nutrient budgets and links to food production patterns.
  • Foto: Jerker Lokrantz/Azote Virtual tools to manage the Baltic Sea 2019-11-04 A new policy brief from BONUS DESTONY project gives an overview of the existing decision support tools developed for the Baltic Sea and discusses how well they support an ecosystem-based management.
  • The vessel at the dock in Tvärminne. New research vessel at TZS 2019-10-18 Helsinki University has received a new research vessel. The arrival of the vessel is welcomed not only by Helsinki based researchers, as it will also come to use for the Baltic Bridge collaboration between the Universities of Helsinki and Stockholm.
  • Policy Brief: For cod’s sake – cut back fishing on herring and sprat 2019-10-08 EU Member States could take a number of important decisions to address the cod crisis, such as major reductions in quotas for catches of flatfish, herring and sprat in the southern Baltic.
  • Scientists challenged – What do we really need to know about the Baltic Sea? 2019-09-12 Nearly 400 Baltic Sea researchers gathered in Aula Magna for the Baltic Sea Science Congress, to share knowledge about the Baltic Sea and unite and prepare for the future. The congress was opened in an innovative way with five important Baltic Sea scientists being questioned by another five environmental journalists.
  • Nancy Baron, Director of Science Outreach at COMPASS will lead the opening mock press conference where renowned journalists and scientists will participate. Mock press conference kickstarts the congress 2019-08-27 The Baltic Sea Science Congress 2019 will be opened in an innovative way. Supported by the joint Baltic Sea research and development programme BONUS, a panel of distinguished scientists and journalists will kick off the conference through a fast-paced discussion of key topics in the form of a mock press conference. The press conference as well as the rest of the opening will also be broadcasted on the web.
  • Nancy Baron, Thomas Bianchi, Simon Trush and Katja Fennel are plenary speakers at the Baltic Sea Science Congress in August. Renowned keynote speakers 2019-08-15 Thomas Bianchi, Simon Trush and Katja Fennel are keynote speakers at the Baltic Sea Science Congress. They are international experts and here to speak about coastal ecosystems, global carbon fluxes and the role of the ocean in the climate system.
  • Unique workshop for young scientists 2019-08-12 Baltic Sea Science Congress and BONUS welcome young scientists to take part in a unique training session with communication trainer Nancy Baron.
  • Policy Brief: European chemicals regulation needs greater transparency 2019-06-25 To meet the challenges of chemical risks in everyday life, risk assessments under the REACH registration process must be improved. One key element in this transformation is to introduce greater transparency.
  • Report 2/2018: Limitations of using blue mussel farms as a nutrient reduction measure 2019-05-14 Blue mussel farming has been suggested as a cost effective nutrient mitigation tool in the Baltic Sea, to complement land-based measures. However, the environmental conditions of the Baltic proper, particularly the low salinity, affect the nutrient uptake efficiency of the blue mussels.
  • Policy Brief: Phosphorus in the catchment 2019-04-29 A new study shows that almost half of the phosphorus currently entering the Baltic Sea could derive from accumulate phosphorus on land, so called legacy phosphorus. The amount of phosphorus that leaks to the Baltic Sea has decreased over the last 20 years but the future reduction will depend on continued actions to reduce the accumulation of phosphorus on land.
  • Web survey about Decision Support Tools 2019-03-18 Do you have experience of Decision Support Tools? Or do you need tools to support your decision making when it comes to the Baltic Sea? Please help us out by answering the BONUS DESTONY web survey!
  • Baltic Sea Science Congress - Making connections for the future EXTENDED Abstract submission deadline 2019-03-15 Extended deadline for abstract submission! Do not miss the opportunity to present your research during the nest Baltic Sea Science Congress. We offer slots for oral presentations or poster presentations within five different themes.
  • Photo: Peter Bondo Christensen Symposium on The Expansion of Low Oxygen Zones 2019-03-15 The symposium on the the expansion of low oxygen zones in the global ocean and coastal waters can now be watched online.
  • Control factors of the marine nitrogen cycle More negative side effects of capping 2018-11-27 Sediment capping with activated carbon might affect, among other things, essential benthic ecosystem functions.
  • Policy Brief: Why we need a list of ingredients on consumer articles 2018-10-19 Today, information on the chemical composition of articles is very scarce, making it difficult to understand which potentially hazardous chemicals are being released to the Baltic Sea. There is an urgent need for standardized methods and legal incentives to increase the transparency.
  • R/V Electra af Askö Electra returns from successful SWE-FIN research cruise 2018-10-05 During Electras 2nd multi-disciplinary research trip in the Finnish archipelago, a range of environmental questions were investigated. One of the projects involved exploring the carbon cycling in the sea using state-of-the-art-systems.
  • Ankare på botten i en grund vik. Foto: Joakim Hansen Fish habitats degraded by recreational boating 2018-10-03 Small boat marinas have a distinct impact on the vegetation on the seabed. This vegetation is very important for recruitment of several coastal fish species, including perch and pike.
  • Dr Chris Cvitanovics forskning visar att Baltic Eyes arbete har påverkat både politik och praxis, de egna medarbetarna och Stockholms universitet i stort. Baltic Eye evaluated in new study 2018-09-27 The Baltic Eye Project has been evaluated in an international study. The results show that the project has achieved impacts on a range of levels.
  • Apply for Baltic Earth Summer School 2018 2018-03-20 University of Rostock invites students from the entire Baltic Sea region to the 4th Baltic Earth Summer School on “Climate of the Baltic Sea region”. The course will be held at Askö, in the Swedish archipelago.
  • Symposium on N2 fixation 2018-03-07 All colleagues and students interested in the topic of aquatic biological nitrogen fixation are cordially invited to take part in the Symposium of Aquatic N2 Fixation on 19th August 2018.
  • Foto: Bengt Ekberg/Azote We don’t know enough to fix the Baltic Sea with geo-engineering 2018-02-27 Geo-engineering measures have been proposed to mitigate the internal load of phosphorus and speed recovery of the Baltic Sea. But there are still uncertainties about the fluxes and dynamics of phosphorus and their contribution to eutrophication, which was discussed at the HELCOM-EUSBSR workshop where the Baltic Sea Centre participated.
  • Strong interest in study of recovery from eutrophication 2018-02-08 Lakes and coastal areas can recover from eutrophication, but it takes time and we need patience. This was the conclusion of one of the most downloaded articles from the scientific journal Limnology & Oceanography in 2017. Michelle McCrackin, researcher at the Baltic Sea Centre, led this study.
  • 3rd BONUS Symposium - Sustainable Ecosystem Governance 2017-12-20 The Symposium "Sustainable ecosystem governance under changing climate and land use in the Baltic Sea region" takes place on 14-16 March 2018 in Gdansk, Poland.
  • Vinterdag på Östersjön Marine Modelling Group - a new resource for the University 2017-12-19 The Marine Modelling Group (MMG) is now taking form at the Baltic Sea Centre with the explicit aim of creating a resource and focal point for marine modelling at the University! During 2017's final Baltic Seminar, researchers from different departments were invited to learn more about collaborative alternatives within the MMG.
  • Apply for course organisation at Askö 2018 2017-12-13 It is time for course leaders to book their stay for returning and known courses during spring- and fall semester 2018.
  • Foto: Bengt Ekberg/ Azote Policy Brief: Improving manure recycling in agriculture 2017-11-21 Phosphorus is a finite resource. Efficient usage and recycling are essential. Recycling human sewage can help close the phosphorus cycle, but only partially meets circular economy goals.
  • Photo: Marcus C Öhman/Azote Popular seminar about the Baltic Sea underwater soundscape 2017-10-25 The research on underwater sounds and what impacts human induced sounds have on marine ecosystems is a new and unexplored field. Yet it is an important dimension that affects the marine life.
  • Fastest speciation event of a marine vertebrate, reported in the Baltic Sea 2017-07-04 In a new paper from University of Helsinki, Baltic Sea Centre and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences the fastest event of speciation for any marine vertebrate is reported. The European flounders in the Baltic Sea exhibiting different breeding behaviors are, in fact, a species pair arising from a recent event of ecological speciation.
  • Blåstångsskogen New Ph.D. position in the FunkVeg project 2017-06-07 The FunkVeg project is currently looking for a motivated Ph.D. student for a project investigating free-living populations of the bladder wrack, Fucus vesiculosus.
  • New action plan for nature conservation efforts 2017-05-21 Today, 21 May, the European Natura 2000 Day is celebrated for the first time. But up to now the member states have not fulfilled their nature conservation efforts. The European Commission has adopted a new action plan to help them speed up the work. Researcher Sofia Wikström at Baltic Sea Centre urges the Commission to develop sustainable measures for fishing in protected areas.
  • Policy Brief: The cosmetics clean-up 2017-05-05 Hygiene products are a small but important point source for microplastics to the environment. In a Policy Brief from April 2015, Baltic Eye summarized a number of recommendations on how to limit the release of microplastics from hygiene products.
  • Apply for unique Baltic Sea field course 2017-04-28 Want to gain knowledge on Finnish aquatic ecosystems from headwaters to coastal waters of the Baltic Sea while truly enjoying the Finnish nature?
  • Apply for PhD course Climate of the Baltic Sea Region 2017-04-20 Summer PhD/master-course organized by the Baltic Earth programme, Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre and Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde. This summer, the course i held at Askö 28 Aug - 4 Sept. Application deadline: 1 May
  • Policy Brief: Advanced wastewater treatment 2017-03-22 New times call for new measures. Advanced wastewater treatment can be part of meeting the challenges of society’s ongoing chemical intensification. New water treatment techniques have the potential to significantly reduce emissions of both known and unknown substances to the aquatic environment and reduce the risk of marine pollution.
  • Prestigious award for studies on effects of climate change on Baltic Sea fauna 2017-03-14 BEAM-associated researcher Agnes Karlson has been awarded a grant of 85000 SEK by the King Carl XVI Gustaf 50-year Foundation for Science, Technology and Environment for her work on a important sediment-living amphipod in the Baltic Sea and how it adapts to climate change.
  • Removal of fixed in the Baltic Sea New paper on nitrogen cycling in the sediments of the Gulf of Bothnia 2017-02-04 Funded by the recently finished Baltic Ecosystem Adaptive Management project, Stefano Bonaglia, just published their new results on the fate of fixed nitrogen in marine sediments.
  • Formal end of BEAM and future handling of the strategic marine environmental research funds 2017-01-16 The BEAM program ceases at the end of 2015, and the area committee for natural sciences has now decided how future marine strategic funds will be handled.
  • Baltic Seminar on human and natural sciences for the Baltic Sea Baltic Seminar: Linking human and natural sciences 2016-12-16 The fourth Baltic Seminar focused on how to link human and natural sciences to improve the state and management of the Baltic Sea. A cooperation very much needed, all speakers agreed, and also pointed out the challenges in this task.
  • R/V Electra af Askö High-tech moss animal to help us understand the Baltic Sea 2016-10-18 At 24 metres long and packed with high-tech equipment, Stockholm University’s new research vessel R/V Electra af Askö has been carefully adapted to research in the Baltic Sea. The vessel will give researchers across an array of disciplines a more complete picture of the Baltic Sea.
  • Grow dense, make sense? Diving inventory Grow dense, make sense? 2016-10-14 A Baltic Bridge project to investigate the role of drift algae, aquatic plant density and traits for secondary production and shelter from predation.
  • The internal phosphorus load
– recycles old sins Policy Brief: The internal phosphorus load 2016-10-11 The accumulated pool of phosphorus on land receives much less attention than the pool in the Baltic Sea, despite being substantially larger and the ultimate source to the sea. Actions taken to reduce the internal load will not address the causes of eutrophication. Instead, actions must focus on improving both nutrient use efficiency in agriculture and sewage treatment.
  • Nutrient recycling in agriculture
– for a cleaner Baltic Sea Policy Brief: Nutrient recycling in agriculture 2016-10-11 Agriculture is a large source of nutrients to the Baltic Sea. Only about half of the nutrients in fertiliser and manure are converted to harvested crops. Nutrient use efficiency must improve.
  • gästprofessorn Alf Norkko Alf Norkko honoured with Royal Baltic Sea professorship 2016-09-27 It is now decided that Alf Norkko will receive the visiting professorship in Baltic Sea research which Stockholm University gave the King as a 70-year-gift. Professor Alf Norkko from the University of Helsinki is an internationally renowned scientist in the field of ecological Baltic Sea research.
  • Baltic Earth 2016 group photo Climate change in the Baltic Sea region 2016-09-08 What are the fundamental processes of the atmosphere, ocean, sea-ice and land surface that have relevance for the climate system in the Baltic Sea? During Baltic Earth's advanced weeklong summer course at Askö Laboratory, 20 students from all over the Baltic Sea learned more about that.
  • TZS benthic ecology team to investigate the metabolism of different Baltic Sea habitats The breathing seascape 2016-06-09 Funding has been granted for a new Baltic Bridge project on resolving ecosystem metabolism and habitat-function relationships across coastal habitats.
  • Many unknown chemicals in the Baltic Sea 2016-05-25 New chemicals are often not recognized in analyses of fish in the Baltic Sea, shows a study from Stockholm University. The reason is that one chooses to search for chemicals that are already known, and much of those who are already regulated by law.
  • Our professor Fredrik Wulff has passed away 2016-05-20 We have to bring you the sad news that our long-term colleague and friend Professor Fredrik Wulff passed away on May 20, 2016.
  • R/V Oceania at Askö Laboratory R/V Oceania at Askö for important satellite overpass 2016-05-16 Last week several european research groups gathered at Askö Laboratory to take part in an intercalibration workshop to secure data quality of remote sensing reflectance over the Baltic Sea.
  • Baltic Seminar on fish in human hands 2016-05-16 Our third Baltic Seminar had the focus on effects on fish: from key processes in coastal habitats to the influence by global actors. Two keynotes, Johan Eklöf (DEEP) and Henrik Österblom (SRC), gave inspirational presentations and then a panel talk with discussions ended the seminar before our customary Baltic Bar started.
  • Group photo Baltic Bridge collaboration Baltic Bridge - bridging gaps in Baltic Sea science 2016-04-21 Last week researchers from Stockholm University and the University of Helsinki met to discuss concrete collaboration on Baltic Sea research and education. This initiative is part of the strategic collaboration between the two universities. The meeting was held in perfect spring weather at beautiful Askö.
  • BNI research key in special report 2016-04-13 The new audit report on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea region builds on research by key experts and institutions around the Baltic, including the Baltic Nest Institute.
  • ClimeFish - not a prank! 2016-04-01 Climate changes are not an April Fool’s Day prank. They are real, they are happening right now and they are threatening the sustainable growth of aquaculture and fisheries worldwide. Stockholm university Baltic Sea Centre is one of 21 partners of the Horizon 2020 funded project ClimeFish that focus on forecasting and anticipating effects of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture.
  • Regime shifts in the Northern Benguela ecosystem 2016-03-14 A new article written by BNI researcher Maciej T. Tomczak and Johanna J. Heymans from the Scottish Marine Institute explains how increased fishing and climate drivers during the last 50 years have led to regime shifts, with reorganized ecosystem structure and changes in the main demersal species.
  • Sentinel-3A – the first in the two-satellite Sentinel-3 mission – lifted off on a Rockot launcher from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northern Russia at 17:57 GMT (18:57 CET) on 16 February 2016. Photo: ESA–Stephane Corvaja, 2016 Successful launch of Sentinel-3 - the ocean satellite 2016-02-17 ESA:s third satellite within the Copernicus mission was successfully launched from Siberia on the 16th of February. A series of satellites will be carried into orbit over the coming two decades to provide a ‘bigger picture' for the environment programme.
  • Bolin centre and Baltic Sea centre workshop Bolin Centre and Baltic Sea Centre meeting 2016-02-01 30 experts from the Bolin centre for climate research and the Baltic Sea Centre met for two days in late January to discuss possible synergies, infrastructure use and on-going research.
  • Vårutflykt till solig udde i havet Changing seasonality of the Baltic Sea 2015-12-15 Summer season in the Baltic Sea starts earlier. The number of days with sea water warmer than 17°C have almost doubled over the past 30 years. The productive season has also been prolonged. These findings are based on satellite data and the results demonstrate how such indicators of seasonality can be used to detect long-term changes.
  • How will current research strengthen ecosystem-based management of our sea? 2015-12-08 LATEST RESEARCH NEWS FROM BEAM. After BEAM was prolonged through 2015 over 4 MSEK were used for projects in BEAM's sphere of interest. The funded researchers have now summarized their work.
  • BEAM Brochure Fall 2014 University Baltic Sea research in short 2015-11-24 What are the effects of brominated substances on marine wildlife? How does regulation to decrease eutrophication look in Baltic Sea countries? Why can trawling lead to toxic pollution? These are some of the issues that scientists in a large research program at Stockholm University work with.
  • Trends and Changes in the Gulf of Gdańsk Ecosystem 2015-10-30 New publication: Evaluation of Trends and Changes in the Gulf of Gdańsk Ecosystem—an Integrated Approach
  • Researcher in environmental toxins 2015-10-15 Vacancy: Researcher in Environmental Toxins with special focus on Chemical Pollution in the Baltic Sea at Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre. Ref. No. SU FV-3180-15. Closing date: 22 November 2015.
  • Impact of climate change on the marine environment, group picture at Askö How is a changing climate linked to my Baltic Sea research? 2015-09-07 During a one-week course 16 well-renowned experts connected climate change to our most studied Baltic Sea issues, such as; biogeochemical processes, the carbon cycle and food web structures. It resulted in equipping 20 young researchers from all around the Baltic Sea with new problem-solving skills and knowledge that might help develop strategies for a sustainable Baltic Sea management.
  • Successful SWE-GER Baltic Sea course 2015-08-24 The returning international Baltic Sea course that Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research in Warnemünde, IOW, and Stockholm University jointly organize has just ended. During one week 20 Swedish and German students have learned and practised research methods for studying the Baltic Sea, from the seascape to the nearest coastal zone.
  • Postdoctoral Fellow in Baltic Sea Research 2015-08-24 Vacancy: Postdoctoral Fellow in Baltic Sea Research Ref. No. SU FV-2503-15 at Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre. Closing date: September 20, 2015.
  • Temporal development of coastal Baltic ecosystems 2015-08-19 Coastal areas are among the most biologically productive aquatic systems worldwide, but face strong and variable anthropogenic pressures. Few studies have, however, addressed the temporal development of coastal ecosystems in an integrated context. Researchers at the Baltic Sea Centre have contributed to a newly published article (Olsson et al, 2015) on the temporal development of coastal ecosystems in the Baltic Sea over the past two decades.
  • Manure management in the Baltic Sea region 2015-06-22 Baltic Eye researchers Annika Svanbäck and Michelle McCrackin hosted a workshop 8 – 9 June at Kolskjulet in Stockolm to discuss manure management practices in the Baltic Sea region.
  • New project on ecosystem services of the Baltic Sea 2015-06-11 Well-being from the Baltic Sea – applications combining natural science and economics. BalticAPP is a BONUS project that will study both the supply and demand of marine ecosystem services across the entire Baltic Sea region in a spatially and temporally detailed manner.
  • Take a stand for the Baltic Sea 2015-06-04 On the fourth of June, the two Swedish adventurers Oskar Kihlborg and Sören Kjellkvist, have scheduled to start a two weeks long paddle adventure on the Baltic Sea. By collecting microplastics while paddling they want to raise awareness about problems connected to microplastics, especially the unnecessary plastic pollution by personal care products.
  • Scientific Programmer and Data Base Manager 2015-05-27 Vacancy: Scientific Programmer and Data Base Manager with focus on Environmental Sciences at Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre. Closing date: 30 June 2015.
  • Klotet på Askölaboratoriet Swedish Radio about oxygen depletion 2015-04-29 A recent episode of the scientific radio program SR Klotet focused on oxygen depletion on the Baltic Sea seafloor. Three of our experts contributed with their knowledge.
  • Plankton studies to understand the Baltic Sea food web Excellent marine and Baltic Sea research 2015-04-29 Stockholm University has long had a leading role in research about the Baltic Sea. A review of 10 years of published articles shows that the University is an important contributor to marine research in the Baltic, as well as globally.
  • Environmental Impacts of Catchment from Headwaters to the Sea 2015-04-01 Apply to this exceptional course about the environmental impacts on the Baltic of 5 ECTS arranged at the Helsinki Summer School between the 4th-20th of August.
  • Two postdoctoral positions in Baltic Sea Research 2015-03-05 Two postdoctoral positions in Baltic Sea Research – one at University of Helsinki and one at Stockholm University. The last one is at Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre. Reference number SU FV-0682-15. Deadline for applications: March 30, 2015.
  • More millions from BEAM to Baltic Sea research 2015-03-05 Baltic Ecosystem Adaptive Management (BEAM) is one of the strategic research initiatives at Stockholm University. Recently BEAM was prolonged for one year and 24 new projects, all university-based and about research linked to the Baltic Sea management, were granted funding.
  • Policy Brief: Multiannual plan 2015-02-24 The cod stocks should be a top priority in the Baltic Sea says the Baltic Eye as a comment on the proposal for EU’s new multiannual management plan for Baltic cod, herring and sprat.
  • Foto: Bengt Ekberg/Azote. Postdoctoral Fellow in Spatial Marine Ecosystem Modelling 2015-02-20 Postdoctoral Fellow in Spatial Marine Ecosystem Modelling at Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre. Reference number SU FV-0430-15. Deadline for applications: March 20, 2015.
  • Stockholm-Helsinki Baltic Sea collaboration 2015-02-04 The universities of Helsinki and Stockholm have initiated a collaboration with focus on Baltic Sea research, including researcher training and infrastructure development.
  • Bacteria in the Baltic Sea reduce acidification Bacteria in the Baltic Sea reduce acidification 2014-12-15 Alkalinity production in the Baltic Sea is much larger than previously known. Researchers at Stockholm University determined the alkalinity delivered by rivers to the Baltic Sea and concluded that there are large internal sources in the sea that generate alkalinity.
  • New ways to understand the life of the cod 2014-12-15 Halfway through the DEMO-project, scientists now study how environmental factors and food availability affect the cod and its body growth in different life stages.
  • BEAM brochure BEAM gets an extra year 2014-12-12 On December 10, BEAM arranged an open meeting to inform about the research program with emphasis on possibilities for 2015. It gathered about 35 Baltic Sea experts from various fields.
  • Askö Day opening by the Dean First Askö Day gathered many 2014-11-25 On November 20th 2014 the first Askö Day was organized with the aim to present the excellent research that is carried out at the Askö Laboratory.
  • Scientists address commissioner in open letter 2014-11-14 The scientists at Baltic eye adresses the European Environmental Commissioner Mr. Karmenu Vella in an open letter. The purpose is to highlight what measures could lead to healthier Baltic Sea based on scientific knowledge.
  • Sediment sampling in The Baltic Sea. Seafloor animals play a bigger role in nutrient cycling than expected 2014-10-22 Biogeochemical processes in Baltic Sea sediments provide essential ecosystem services, such as reducing eutrophication by removing nutrients or converting them to useful food sources for marine organisms. New research from Stockholm University shows that small animals in the sediment affect the cycling of nitrogen – an essential nutrient, much more than expected.
  • Legal frameworks for an ecosystem-based management of the Baltic Sea Are the regulations that steer Baltic Sea management ecosystem-based? 2014-10-20 Using an ecosystem approach in managing for example fisheries and eutrophication seems to be something that most Baltic Sea countries strive for, but how is that implemented in the binding laws and regulations? To illuminate that was the purpose of the conference Towards an ecosystem-based legal framework for the Baltic Sea held at Stockholm University on October 7th 2014.
  • BEAM publications 2010-2013 Science for ecosystem-based adaptive management of the Baltic Sea 2014-10-17 Since 2010 science within the strategic research programme Baltic Ecosystem Adaptive Management, BEAM, has been conducted with the common aim to support ecosystem-based management of the Baltic Sea environment. Recently 25 BEAM-researchers gathered for 1,5 day’s scientific workshop to present new results and discuss potential future developments.
  • DEMO workshop on fisheries management and assessment Towards more ecosystem based fishery 2014-09-01 Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre takes action in developing a more ecosystem based fishery management. During a week in late August, twenty marine scientists from most of the Baltic countries met to outline the first steps towards a future system for ecosystem based management and advice for assessing the Baltic Sea fish stock.
  • Expert meeting on fisheries management 2014-08-22 An international group of leading fish scientists will gather at the fieldstation Askö Laboratory August 25-29. It is the first in a series of workshops in the research project DEMO – DEMOnstration exercise for Integrated Ecosystem Assessment and Advice of Baltic Sea fish stocks.
  • Askö sunset What research is conducted on Askö? 2014-07-11 Even though our field station is open throughout the year, summer is high season for research in the Baltic Sea Proper and thus important for sampling, experiments and monitoring. This summary gives a good overview of the activities during peak season 2014.
  • Livet i havet studeras i fält för en ökad förståelse för ekosystemet och arterna som lever där Baltic Eye - puts the Baltic Sea on the agenda 2014-07-09 New research about the Baltic Sea is published on a regular basis and Stockholm University has long had a leading role in the field, with both comprehensive and in-depth science. So why does it take so long to solve problems connected to the Baltic Sea environment? Baltic Eye at Stockholm University's Baltic Sea Centre will provide decision makers with the knowledge about the Baltic Sea they need.
  • Cyanobacterial bloom in the Baltic Sea July 11, 2005 Cyanobacterial summer blooms progressively earlier in the Baltic Sea 2014-07-08 The cyanobacterial summer bloom in the Baltic is now almost three weeks earlier than 35 years ago, according to a study published in Biogeosciences. The blooms had been predicted to become earlier in the future, as a result of climate change, but now it appears that the future is already here.
  • Researcher position in fisheries 2014-05-21 Baltic Sea Centre announces a researcher position in Fisheries with focus on Baltic Sea fisheries policy and ecosystem approach to fishery management. Reference number SU FV-1589-14. Deadline for applications: July 20, 2014.
  • 100 years of Baltic Sea changes 100 years of Baltic Sea changes 2014-04-16 Baltic Sea food web expert, Maciej T. Tomczak at the Baltic Nest Institute, was recently granted support from the ICES Science Fund for a project that will reconstruct the Baltic flounder stock biomass since 1906 up to today. The aim is to understand the collapse of the stock and explain factors influencing its dynamics.
  • Bild genom lupp som föreställer de för Östersjön vanliga cyanobakterierna nodularia och aphanizomenon. Foto: Narin Celepli. Preserving the Baltic Sea - popular scientific article based on BEAM research 2014-04-07 BEAM researchers, active within the ‘Microbial Metagenomics in the Baltic Sea’ (MiMeBS)-programme, have contributed to a popular scientific article for the 134st issue of International Innovations.
  • 10-fold increase of 'dead zones' in the Baltic Sea 2014-04-02 Baltic Nest Institute researchers and their international colleagues report that the dead zones in the Baltic Sea have increased 10-fold over the last 115 years, growing from approximately 5 000 km² in 1900 to more than 60 000 km² in recent years. The study is published 2014 in PNAS, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
  • Doctoral studentship in Sustainability Science 2014-03-31 Doctoral studentship in Sustainability Science at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. Reference number SU FV-0892-14. Deadline for applications: May 2, 2014.
  • Researcher in Agriculture-Environment Interactions 2014-03-25 Researcher in Agriculture-Environment Interactions at Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre. Reference number SU FV-0717-14. Deadline for applications: May 10, 2014.
  • Baltic Bar - A new meetingpoint for marine researchers at the University Baltic Bar - gathered marine researchers from many Departments 2014-03-06 Stockholm University's Baltic Sea Centre invited everyone active in marine issues at Stockholm University to Baltic Bar on the 12th of February 2014. It gathered about 60 scientists from ten organisations at the University.
  • PhD student position in Applied Environmental Science 2014-01-21 The Department of Applied Environmental Science announces a PhD student position in Applied Environmental Science focusing on Risk assessment of contaminated soil and sediment
  • Retention in South Baltic river basin district, by Andrew Quin Landscape-scale effect of wetlands in reducing nutrient loads to the Baltic Sea 2013-12-06 The Baltic Sea is heavily impacted by eutrophication due to excessive nitrogen and phosphorus loading from various anthropogenic sources. Protection, restoration and creation of wetlands are often proposed as a solution, but scientists at Stockholm University now warn that the effect of wetlands on nutrient retention is undetectable at landscape-scales.
  • New estimates of the Baltic Sea biological pump 2013-12-06 Blooms of phytoplankton in the Baltic Sea leads to sedimentation of organic material. This cycling of carbon, nutrients and pollutants have huge impact on the overall Baltic system. Researchers at Stockholm University are now investigating the extent of this vertical flux in order to improve Baltic Sea models and help the marine management.
  • Aspects of law on ecosystem based management 2013-12-05 Ecosystem-based management is a word commonly used to guide the marine ecosystem- and resource management into becoming sustainable and holistic. But how does it work from a legal perspective? A group of legal scientists have been studying national laws in different Baltic Sea countries in order to understand how they adapt to the “ecosystem approach”.
  • Seven Baltic Sea Research Positions 2013-11-12 Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre is in an expansive phase and new positions, both communicators and researchers, will be advertised the coming months. At the moment a recruiting process is under way, and no new positions are available.
  • PhD position in Marine Ecology 2013-11-01 PhD position in Marine Ecology at the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences. Reference number SU FV-3092-13. Deadline for applications: December 6, 2013.
  • PhD student position in Marine Ecotoxicology 2013-10-23 PhD student position in Marine Ecotoxicology at the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences. Deadline for applications: November 20, 2013.
  • Baltic Sea countries adopt the Helcom Copenhagen ministral declaration 2013-10-08 Baltic Sea countries reconfirm their commitment to the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan. Baltic Nest Institute at the Stockholm University Baltic Sea centre continues to play an important role, providing the best available scientific knowledge.
  • Assessment of Baltic Sea environmental research 2013-10-01 Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre has been requested by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management to produce a review identifying the current state of scientific knowledge regarding environmental research in the Baltic Sea.
  • International Baltic Sea course in Askö archipelago 2013-09-17 Outside the Askö Laboratory bay a German research vessel has anchored. Time has come for the returning high-level international Baltic Sea course that Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research in Warnemünde, IOW, and Stockholm University jointly organize.
  • Hydroacoustic equipment for University researchers 2013-09-11 A scientific hydroacoustic equipment is now available for researchers at Stockholm University. It is to be used under supervision of Sture Hansson, Department Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences.
  • Baltic Sea modeling course 2013-04-26 In March BEAM arranged a PhD course about modeling the Baltic Sea Ecosystem. 20 students and over 10 international experts were gathered at Askö Laboratory.
  • Marine resource management - an explanation 2013-04-08 To find out we asked a long-time expert a few questions: How are marine resources managed in Sweden? What are some important decisions that have been made? What is needed in the future?
  • Saving the Baltic Sea will pay off 2013-03-14 Benefits of saving the Baltic Sea exceeds costs by 1500 million Euros annually, according to a report by the BalticSTERN Secretariat.

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