R/V Electra

R/V Electra af Askö

Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre provides a top-modern research vessel for research in the Baltic Sea. R/V Electra. Since June 2016, she has served as an important platfom to strengthen marine research and education at Stockholm University.

- Electra makes a great difference for how marine researchers at our university can work with many different marine questions and promote collaboration across disciplines, says Christoph Humborg, scientific leader at Baltic Sea Centre. Its modern technical properties of high standard makes it possible for us to understand the world below the surface already during the expedition.

Researchers who used the ship also seem satisfied:

"Equipped like a really large research vessel, but still small"

"Managed to sample very close to shore"

"Electra is equipped with an eco-sounder on testosterone"

"Stabilizing gyros means offshore sampling can be done in rough weather" 

The ice-breaking vessel is 24,3 metres long and 7 metres wide. It is equipped with technical instruments for water- sediment- and geophysical sampling. Thanks to modern ship technique and low-impact engines R/V Electra has exceptional functionality to work in a larger geographical area. This enhances the research range reachable with the Askö Laboratory vessel fleet.

R/V Electra af Askö

A special mission for R/V Electra

Stockholm University's research vessel R/V Electra af Askö will participate in this summer's investigations of the wreck of M/S Estonia. The assignment comes from the Swedish Accident Investigation Board, and Electra was chosen since she is one of few vessels carrying the required equipment.

Jonas Hentati-Sundberg

Guillemots of the Baltic: Linking the seabed and the sky

On the island of Stora Karlsö up to 100 000 seabirds nest. In a new study a group of curious young researchers from three different universities show how guillemots fuel northern Europe's largest colony of house martins.

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Research vessel at Askö Laboratory

The Erling-Persson family foundation decided in 2013 to contribute with 30 MSEK to Stockholm University for building a new modern ice-breaking research vessel. In The vessel was delivered in june 2016 and has since performed research expeditions and courses across the Baltic Sea with technique that enables even more cross-disciplinary collaborations than before.


Humborg, Christoph
Scientific leader, Baltic Sea Centre

Thomas Strömsnäs
Commander, R/V Electra

Murphy, Mattias
Skipper and technician

Information folder, R/V Electra