Baltic Bridge

Stockholm-Helsinki Baltic Sea collaboration

Group photo Baltic Bridge collaboration

Baltic Bridge - bridging gaps in Baltic Sea science

There has been a long history of research collaboration between the two universities of Helsinki and Stockholm and the research stations Tvärminne and Askö. The collaboration has been at the level of individual researchers and individual projects. A new strategic partnership decided by the universities in March 2014, gives this collaboration a more formal status and facilitates the forming of new links between researchers, development of joint course activities and potentially also development of infrastructure.

Joint workshops and positions

The Baltic Sea research part of the collaboration is led by the Baltic Sea Centre and Tvärminne Zoological Station. So far two postdoctoral researchers who are experts on coastal zones in the Baltic Sea has been employed. In early 2015 a joint seminar was held that gathered almost 50 Baltic Sea researchers from the two universities. A research workshop was held at Askö in April 2016

Calm sea surface at sunset.

New research centre brings marine and climate researchers together for more accurate climate models

A major research funding initiative from the Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation will enable Finnish and Swedish climate and marine researchers to bring together their expertise and infrastructure. Within CoastClim, the aim is to find out more about ocean–atmosphere interaction and its effects on the climate.

Research station

Six PhD positions open in the Baltic Bridge partnership

Helsinki University and Tvärminne Zoological Station announces six positions in a PhD collegium for integrated coastal ecosystem and climate change research.

Frilevande Blåstång

FunkVeg skriver om tång

Projektet FunkVeg är en del av samarbetet Baltic Bridge. Projektet arbetar med att kartlägga och och dokumentera den frilevande blåstången som bildar viktiga livsmiljöer för många arter i Östersjöns kustnära vatten.

Major processes related to vegetation and fauna controlling benthic biogeochemical fluxes.

Potentials of mechanistic modeling of biogeochemical processes

In a new paper, researchers from the Baltic Sea Centre together with others, discuss and review mechanistic modeling of biogeochemical processes in coastal areas. According to the authors, including and improving the descriptions of biomasses and metabolism of benthic fauna in ecosystem models is necessary if we want to understand the effects of environmental changes.

Vykort från Askö: Östersjöns kustmiljöer kan vara hot spots för växthusgaser

Are our coasts hotspots for greenhouse gas emissions?

Florian Roth is an expert on greenhouse gas emissions in the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea. In this postcard from Askö, Florian explains how he tries to find out more about these zones and if they, in fact, might be hotspots for such emissions.

Where does the carbon go - a meagre future for benthic fauna?

In order to understand carbon flows in the Baltic Sea, mechanistic models need to take benthic macrofauna into consideration. This is concluded in new studies from the Baltic Bridge initiative.

Alf Norkko

New research vessel at TZS

Helsinki University has received a new research vessel. The arrival of the vessel is welcomed not only by Helsinki based researchers, as it will also come to use for the Baltic Bridge collaboration between the Universities of Helsinki and Stockholm.

R/V Electra af Askö

Electra returns from successful SWE-FIN research cruise

During Electras 2nd multi-disciplinary research trip in the Finnish archipelago, a range of environmental questions were investigated. One of the projects involved exploring the carbon cycling in the sea using state-of-the-art-systems.

Östersjödebatt vid Finlands 100-årsjubileum

Under Finlands 100-årsjubileum bjöds Baltic Bridge in för att diskutera hur Östersjöns framtid ser ut och vilket hållbarhetsansvar som finns hos beslutsfattare, näringsliv, forskare och enskilda medborgare.

R/V Electra af Askö

Swedish research vessel Electra visits the Finnish archipelago

In the first day of summer, the research vessel Electra from Stockholm University travelled to Tvärminne Zoological Station in Hanko to find out more about the state of the archipelago a thousand years ago.


New Ph.D. position in the FunkVeg project

The FunkVeg project is currently looking for a motivated Ph.D. student for a project investigating free-living populations of the bladder wrack, Fucus vesiculosus.

Baltic Seminar: Presenting the Baltic Bridge collaboration

Our Royal Baltic Sea Visiting Professor Alf Norkko and Scientific leader Christoph Humborg present the Stockholm-Helsinki strategic partnership Baltic Bridge

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Gruppfoto vid möte på Tvärminne zoologiska station

Since 2014, Stockholm University and University of Helsinki have entered a strategic partnership with special focus on Baltic Sea research, including researcher training and infrastructure development.
