
Our researchers collaborate with universities, organizations, research funders and with the surrounding community. Read about some of our collaborations here!

What is traditionally referred to as the third task in the university world includes many kinds of collaboration with the surrounding society, such as commissioned education, open lectures and other popular science activities, as well as commissioned research in the form of consultancy, analyses and investigations offered to external actors.


Auxilia - Commissioned research at the Archaeological Research Laboratory

The Archaeological Research Laboratory offers commissioned research to external actors in the form of advanced analyses and preparation of archaeological source material, investigations in the field and consultancy. The unique breadth and combination of specialist skills makes us one of the few players on the market who can offer customers both advanced analyses and a relevant archaeological interpretation of the results.

Massa provrör i en svart låda, en pipett som fyller ett provrör
Foto: Unsplash/Louis Reed

We offer the following analysis methods:
Elemental and structural analysis with a scanning electron microscope (SEM-EDS)
Analysis of crystalline materials with X-ray diffractometer (XRD)
Elemental analysis with X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
Material analysis with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
Analysis of organic residues by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
Isotope analysis of carbon, nitrogen, sulphur
Phosphate analysis and phosphate mapping of soil
Conservation of metal objects

For inquiries please contact


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The network gives you the opportunity to participate in interesting events and further education and receive information about open lectures, new research and other news.


Researchers at the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies have successfully been awarded external funding for research projects. External research financiers include The Swedish Research Council, the Council's professor programme (The Swedish Research Council), Formas, Berit Wallenberg's foundation, Riksdagens Jubileumsfond.


Collaboration with the surrounding community

Our researchers are constantly up-to-date with topics such as ancient gardens and plants, archeology in Lapland or the infamous warrior grave from Birka. Listen to radio programs, podcasts or watch recorded lectures and films in which our researchers participated.



Head of department
Desputy head of department
Head of section: Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
Head of section: Archaeology
Head of section: Archaeological Research Laboratory
Head of section: Osteoarchaeological Research Laboratory
Head of The Stockholm Numismatic Institute
Head of section: Centre for paleogenetics
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