
The department consists of five sections and two centra. Below you can see how the department is organized with different commitiees and safety officers. You can also take part of the departments policies and procedures.

The department has five sections and two centra:

Archaeological Research Laboratory


Classical Archaeology and Ancient History

Osteoarchaeological Research Laboratory

Stockholm Numismatic Institute

Cultural Evolution

Centre for Palaeogenetics


Head of department

Jan Apel

Deputy Head of department

Arja Karivieri

Head of administration

Maria Wojnar-Johansson

Head of section

Archaeological Research Laboratory

Kerstin Lidén


Andrew Jones

Classical Archaeology and Ancient History

Arja Karivieri

Osteoarchaeological Research Laboratory

Jan Storå

Stockholm Numismatic Institute

Jens Christian Moesgaard

Centre for paleogenetics

Anders Götherström


Head of board

Jan Apel, Head of department
Arja Karivieri, Deputy head of department


Mats Burström, regular
Gunilla Eriksson, regular
Andrew Jones, regular
Anders Götherström, regular
Anna Kjellström, regular
Lena Sjögren, regular
Arja Karivieri, alternate
Kerstin Lidén, alternate

Technical and administrative personnel

Anne Monikander, regular
Vaidilute Bjerregaard, alternate

Student representatives

Meghan Mattsson McGinnis, regular (PhD students)
Sebastian Wärmländer, regular
Anna Svensk, regular


Terese Ohlsson


The department's local council for work environment and equal rights Commitee meets once or twice per semester, and discusses both the physical and psychosocial work environment at the department.

The group of equal rights
Jan Apel
Lena Sjögren


Environmental committee

The environmental work of the University is based on the standards ISO 14001 and EMAS. They are environmental management systems that contain a number of requirements on how environmental work should be conducted.  A certificate represents proof that an organisation has attained the requirements of the environmental management standards.

More information about a sustainable Campus

The department has two environmental coordinators:

Jonas Monié-Nordin

Helen Kollind


The department has two to safety officers:

Ann-Louise Schallin

Anne Monikander



Head of department
Desputy head of department
Head of Administration
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