Study abroad

On these pages you as a student at the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies can learn about different ways of studying abroad. Find out about exchange studies, traineeships and other possibilities to go international as a student.

A student exchange means that two universities exchange students between them, thus there are no additional student fees. You are able to apply for either one or two semesters, and there is a possibility to receive a scholarship if you do your exchange within the programmes Erasmus+, Nordplus or north2north.

Foto: Unsplash/Rusian Bardash.

Stockholm University offers two different exchange and network possibilities: departmental and central/university-wide. Please note that the application processes differ between the two.

Central (university-wide) agreements and networks.

Calls for applications


Calls for exchange through the institutions' agreements and networks

Call for departmental agreements for exchange studies during the spring semester 2025 is open from 15 August – 15 September 2024. How to submit your application can be found under Application instructions and the agreement portal for institutional agreements Erasmus+.

Are you eligible for exchange?
To be able to apply for an exchange place within the framework of the department's exchange programme Erasmus+, you need:

•    be registered and active at the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies with the aim of obtaining a degree,
•    have completed at least one year of studies at the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies,
•    be able to transfer credits to your studies abroad towards a degree at Stockholm University.

Make the right choice
The agreement portal gives you the opportunity to find information about courses and educations as well as any course restrictions, language requirements and/or grade requirements as well as information about how many places are available at a particular university. It is important that you choose the courses and training that you are eligible for and can meet the requirements.

Examine the course offerings at the higher education institutions that we have agreements with and can be found in the agreement portal. Erasmus+ institutional agreements that our department has can also be found under the heading Erasmus+ agreements.

Apply for exchange
Applications for exchange are made digitally in the application form within the Mobility Online system during university-wide call periods.

Call periods for departmental agreements
The application is open for autumn and spring semesters during periods below:

Exchange period

Application period
Autumn semester (or academic year Autumn & Spring)
15 January – 15 February
Spring semester
15 August – 15 September

You will be guided in the system how to fill in the application form via help-texts and automatic emails that will lead you to log in and confirm personal data, upload documents and submit your application.

Along with the application, you must upload a of language certificate, a preliminary course proposal and a letter of motivation in English of no more than one A4 page where you describe your purpose and expectations of exchange studies, and include your previously taken courses/educations relevant to the subject in the form of a Transcript of Records.

After application
A selection and nomination will be made after the application deadline at the department. If you are nominated, you will receive a nomination notice. After the nomination, you must accept the place in the Mobility Online workflow.

After nomination
Once you have been nominated to a partner university, our department's international coordinator will contact you and guide you further in the application process to the partner university.

If you have any questions
If you have questions regarding the department's agreement and application, please contact our international coordinator, Vaidilute Bjerregaard. E-mail: or phone: 08 - 16 31 34.


The Department of Archeology and Classical Studies have agreements (IIA) for the period 2023-2028 with the following universities:

Through the student exchange, you will not have to pay any additional student fees and you will be granted a scholarship:

Go international

Coordinator at the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies is Vaidilute Bjerregaard, e-mail:, telephone: +46 (0) 816 31 34.

Are you interested in doing a traineeship abroad? As a student at Stockholm University you can apply to internships in order to do a traineeship in a country that is included in the Erasmus programme.

Erasmus + traineeship


Degree project abroad

Volterra. Photo: Maria Lowe Fri

Are you interested in an internship or a field study abroad? Students at Stockholm University can write an essay, or collect data (for a degree project) abroad through the two scholarship programmes; Erasmus+ or the Minor Field Studies.

writing an essay through Erasmus+

Collect data through Minor Field Studies?


Nordplus is the Nordic Council of Ministers' framework programme for mobility in education in the Nordic Region.

Nordplus/Nordlys is aimed at Nordic students and you must be a citizen or have a permanent residence permit in one of the Nordic countries. As a student in a Nordplus exchange, you can be away between 1 week up to 12 months.

to participate in Nordplus

an exchange within Nordlys Erasmus+


Short-term exchange

Colosseum, Rome. Photo: Unsplash/Mathew Schwartz.
Colosseum, Rome. Photo: Unsplash/Mathew Schwartz.

Do you want to study abroad without having to spend a whole semester away? In that case a summer course, a traineeship or field studies could be a good option.

To study abroad during a period of time is often very rewarding, from an academic as well as a personal perspective. However, for some students it can be difficult to be away for a whole semester. The European University Alliance Civis offers shorter 3-6 ECTS courses consisting of two parts, a virtual part and a physical five-day meeting. Here you find information about our short-term exchange possibilities. More information about requirements, application procedures and deadlines is detailed in each call for application.



International Coordinator
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