Digital Monday Lecture Series: Taiwan Literature and Culture in Focus

This term’s Monday Lectures will be dedicated to a variety of topics in the field of Taiwan Studies.

Photo: Serena De Marchi

Scholars from Taiwan, Europe and Canada will share their respective insights and research ranging from queer literature, eco-criticism, postmodernism and avant-garde poetry to memory practices, colonial history, cultural democratization and party politics.

Convener: Prof. Dr. Irmy Schweiger, Stockholm University.

This lecture series has been made possible with the generous support provided by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan and the kind support from Taipei Mission, Stockholm.


Zoom ID for all lectures:

13 September (10:00-12:00 CET) Chinese Migration, Emotion, and Digital Entrepreneurship (Dr. Beatrice Zani, McGill University)

20 September (10:00-12:00 CET) Reading Taiwan through the Lenses of Literature and Environment (Ti-han Chang, University of Central Lancashire)

27 September (10:00-12:00 CET) Taiwan’s Settler Colonial History and Cultural Production (Prof. Dr. Lin-chin Tsai, Chung-Hsing University)

4 October (10:00-12:00 CET) Cultural Democratisation and Taiwan Cinema (Dr. Ming-yeh Rawnsley, University of London)

11 October (10:00-12:00 CET) The Avant-Garde: Postmodernism in Taiwanese Poetry, 1980s and ‘90s (Prof. Dr. Brian Skerratt, Chung-Hsing University)

18 October (10:00-12:00 CET) Memory Practices in Post-Authoritarian Taiwan (Dr. Serena de Marchi, National Taiwan Normal University)

1 November (10:00-12:00 CET) Movement Parties in Taiwan's Party System: Alternative Politics in Taiwan (Dr. Dafydd Fell, University of London)

8 November (10:00-12:00 CET) Why Queer Literature in Taiwan Matters (Prof. Chi Ta-wei, Chengchi University)


If you have questions regarding the Monday Lectures Series, please contact Prof. Dr. Irmy Schweiger