Conferences and seminars

Research seminars, conferences and lecture series organized by the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.


Higher seminars

The Higher Seminar of the Department serves as

  • a venue for PhD students to present their research and receive critical input;
  • a venue for the department’s researchers to examine possibilities of collaboration with respect to research proposals, support for research projects, and applications;
  • a venue for the department’s researchers to meet new and visiting academics.

If possible, approximately four sessions are held per semester, always on Wednesday 14:00 – 15:45.

During its initial phase the Higher Seminar was convened by Professor Marja Kaikkonen Meiling. Since 2020, Professor Jaqueline Berndt has been serving as organizer. Feel free to contact her with your questions and suggestions:


Monday Lecture Series

International scholars in Chinese studies share their respective insights and research in a series of Monday lectures each semester.

The Monday Lecture Series is organized by Professor Irmy Schweiger.

Previous Monday Lecture series

Spring 2022

Fall 2021: Taiwan Literature and Culture in Focus

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