PhD studies at DBB

The Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics offers PhD training in Biochemistry, Biophysics, Bioinformatics and Neurochemistry.

To be accepted as a PhD student, credits corresponding to four years of full-time studies at the undergraduate level are required, including credits corresponding to at least two years of fulltime studies in chemistry, life sciences, physics or computer science, depending on the program. The credits should include courses at the advanced level (second cycle) corresponding to at least one year and of these at least one semester should be a degree thesis. In order to facilitate the evaluation of merits and suitability for the PhD studies, applicants should provide a curriculum vitae (CV) that contains information about the extent and focus of the academic studies. The quantity (as part of an academic year) and the quality mark of courses in chemistry, physics and life sciences are of particular interest. Please state titles of undergraduate theses and project works.


Selection process

The selection among applicants will be based on their potential for successfully completing the PhD program, i.e. study merits will be the main selection criterion. It is therefore important that the applicant´s theoretical as well as practical skills are clearly described in the application so that these can be appropriately assessed.

Economic support

Economic support is guaranteed during the agreed time in the individual study syllabus (study plan) for the PhD studies, but for a maximum of four years of study. The Department may request that the PhD student takes part in teaching, instruction or other departmental work up to 20% of full work time.


PhD position announcements

PhD positions are announced 4 times a year at the following dates:

1st of February, 30th of March, 1st of July and 15th of October.

You find the announcements here.




Additional information can be obtained from the Director of Doctoral Studies or from the Head of Department.

Director of Doctoral Studies
Head of Department

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