Master thesis in collaboration with companies or organisations

A master thesis is the final work of an academic education and the result is presented in report form. A two-year master thesis consists of 30 credits and equals 20 weeks of full-time work. A one-year master thesis consists of 15 credits and equals 10 weeks of full-time work. The thesis work can be written in cooperation with, or on behalf of, a company or an external organisation.

When the thesis is written in collaboration with an external party, it often deals with an area or a problem that a company/organisation wishes to investigate. In addition to proposing a solution to a concrete problem, the student can contribute new ideas and perspectives that can be used further. This often gives students a good insight into how theoretical knowledge is applied in practice as well as opportunities for new contacts in the working life.

If the thesis is done on behalf of an external party, the same requirements are set for academic content as for all other degree projects at the department. This may be useful to keep in mind when the task is formulated so that no uncertainties arise later on.

We are not able to handpick students. All eventual offers or interests of collaboration from companies/organisations will reach all students.
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Important things to think about and discuss before the thesis work begins:

  • The student owns the copyright for the thesis.
  • If an agreement is written, it should regulate who owns the project results. This applies for patents for example. If no agreement has been signed, the student owns the results. This is especially important when the student is being financially compensated.
  • The thesis forms a part of the student’s examination at Stockholm University and must be reported in written form as well as an oral presentation. The university is an authority subjected to the principle of public access to official documents. This means that the thesis is an official document after the examination.
  • Usually the external company/organisation is responsible for costs, such as prints, postage and travel.
  • Salary/remuneration is a matter between the student and the company/organisation and regulated without interference from the university.

Regarding the thesis work

  • Identify what the company/organisation wants to investigate. What problem needs to be solved? Formulate a problem or an issue that also meet the requirements for ideas for a master thesis at the department.
  • The student, together with the company/organisation, defines in writing what is included and how process development. 
  • Make a schedule for the work that fits within the framework of the thesis. Remember to allocate enough time for writing and reading of literature.
  • Who acts as company/organisation contact person?
  • Who will own the result?
  • How is sensitive data handled?
  • How will the completed result and the thesis be presented to the company/organisation?


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