Revolutions in Reading

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  4. Revolutions in Reading

Registration is open

The call for papers is closed. It will be possible to attend the entire conference online without a paper presentation, provided that you register for the conference. To register, contact

Call for Papers

How to read and why? Reading is intimately connected to the materiality and mediality of texts, as well as to dominant assumptions about what texts are and how they should be approached. Today, digitalization is profoundly changing practices and cultures of reading, a development which is often seen as a threat, risking to change the human cognition in ways that makes the traditional book obsolete. At the same time, it presents exciting possibilities for new and innovative ways of consuming and studying literature. Indeed, within the field of literature studies there is a renewed interest in re-assessing reading as a methodology, including the various epistemological and political implications of our approaches to texts: should we read critically or postcritically, closely or distantly, globally or locally, comparatively or monolingually?

The conference puts the searchlight on contemporary and historical revolutions of reading with four main streams of inquiry: “Critical and Postcritical Reading”; “Reading Across: Multilingualism, Translation and Comparison”; “Materialities of
Reading”; and “Zooming In and Out: Reassessing Reading Methodologies”. 
Deadline for submission was 15 January, 2020.

Full Call for Papers.

Keynote speakers

  • Susan Stanford Friedman (Hilldale Professor, Virginia Woolf Professor of English and Women’s Studies Emerita, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
    “Reading without Periodization: New Comparative Strategies for Spacetime”
  • Venkat Mani (Professor of German, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
    “Theorizing Unsettlement: Hyperlinked Readings in an Age of Refugees”
  • Leah Price (Henry Rutgers Distinguished Professor of English, Rutgers University)
    “Inessential Reading: Lessons from an Ongoing Pandemic”
  • Haun Saussy (Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Chicago)
    “Qing Dynasty Readers of ‘Dream of the Red Chamber’: Code-Switching as Allegory”

Conference programme

Revolutions in Reading: Literary Practice in Transition, 21 June 16:00 - 23 June 17:15.



The conference is organised by Literature as a Leading Research Area at Stockholm University.  

Heads of organising committee
Markus Huss, Assistant Professor of German Literature
Anna Jörngården, Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature


Bookwheel, from Agostino Ramellis Le diverse et artificiose machine, 1588