
The Department of Culture and Aesthetics owns a research library, with collecitons from the subjects of art history, history of ideas, literature and theatre and performance studies. There is also a collaboration- and meeting place for researchers scholastic studies of the culture and aesthetics of the 18th century: Portal 1700.

Biblioteket i Manne Siegbahnhusen.
Institutionens bibliotek. Foto: Stockholms universitet.


Biblioteket på Instititonen för kultur och estetik.

The research library at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics has collecitons from the subjects of art history, history of ideas, literature and theatre and performance studies. The library is primarily a resource for researchers and teachers. Only the department's staff may borrow books from the library.

The collections from History of Ideas

The history of ideas section of the department's library contains PhD theses and reference literature within the subject. The section also keeps the book series Lychnos: Annual of the Swedish History of Science Society, which is published by The Swedish Society for the History of Science and Ideas. The literature in the history of ideas section of the department's library is mainly written in Swedish or English.

The collections from Art History

The collections from Literature

The book collection within the subject of literature is the largest section of the department's library. It fills the ground floor of the library and contains a large collection of course literature, reference literature within the subject in different languages, theory of literature studies, biographies, etc. The library gives a good overview of what is written by a certain author, with an emphasis on Swedish authors. We also subscribe for journals within the subject of literature.

The collections from Theatre and Performance Studies


Find the portal 1700 web page (in Swedish) here

Pehr Hilleström d.ä. (1732–1816), Interiör från en konstsamling, Nationalmuseum, NM 1572.


Research Officer
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