
At the Department of Education, researchers and teachers regularly collaborate with businesses, schools, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.

Foto: Wavebreakmedia, Mostphotos

Through this collaboration, we aim to support ongoing development projects, deepen our research, and actively contribute to societal progress.

We do this by offering commissioned education, conducting investigations and evaluations, and by involving our students through internships and degree projects. Additionally, we participate in various school development projects.

Photo: Syda Productions, Mostphotos

The Department of Education offers commissioned training for professionals in businesses, municipalities, government agencies, and other organizations. Our training programs are based on the latest research and are designed to meet the specific needs of the respective organization. Each organization faces unique challenges and requirements, so we offer customized training tailored in close collaboration with you. The courses can range from single seminars to longer courses. Training can be delivered at Stockholm University, remotely, at your workplace, or at another suitable location. Please contact us to discuss your needs and preferences.

With the department's broad research base, we can offer commissioned education in, for example, the following areas of expertise:

  • Principal training
  • Leadership in work life and education
  • Organizational learning
  • Career development and guidance
  • Adult learning
Photo: Shutterstock

At the Department of Education, there is a strong research foundation covering areas such as diversity and inclusion, educational issues, leadership, learning in organisations, career counselling, health perspectives on learning, learning in higher education, as well as lifelong learning and personal development.

Learn more about our research areas.

In dialogue with various stakeholders, our researchers continuously conduct investigations, evaluations, provide expert support, and deliver lectures to meet the need for research expertise among government agencies, private companies, and civil organisations.

For us, an investigation means using our research expertise to comprehensively examine a current issue within a particular organisation and then present the findings both verbally and in writing in an accessible manner.

An evaluation involves a thorough assessment of an organisation and its outcomes. These assessments can be conducted retrospectively (impact evaluations and consequence assessments) or alongside project implementation (formative research and process evaluations).

Individual expert support is often requested from our researchers. This can include, for example, expert participation to strengthen an ongoing development project or providing research-based "second opinions" to ensure the quality of a report.

Occasionally, we also conduct, by request, series of selected lectures that offer relevant research insights, tailored appropriately to the target audience.

Barn i en skolkorridor
Photo: Katja Kircher Mostphotos

Collaboration for school development is a strategic initiative at the Department of Education. Our researchers collaborate both nationally and internationally with other researchers and academic institutions to provide a comprehensive offering in school sector collaboration. Among our partners are national school authorities as well as both municipal and independent school operators, preschools, and schools across the country.

We are currently delivering tailored programmes for several clients. (Vi ansvarar också för Nationellt FOU-nätverk för skolverksamheter med stora utmaningar, Nationellt FOU-center Samverkan för bästa skola samt Nätverk för rektorer i skolor med stora utmaningar). In addition, we offer principal training, support school leadership in various ways, and provide a specific service to school operators seeking external support for internal improvement processes.

Customized offerings within the school sector

Our tailored collaboration programmes for school development are designed in dialogue with the client and are entirely based on their needs. The common denominator is that these programmes are grounded in a scientific approach to school development and are implemented in close collaboration with key individuals in the relevant organisation.

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