MS Estonia2023–24 Biogeochemical Report

The report on analysis of material deposited near a fracture on the MS Estonia shipwreck is now published. Involved experts are from Stockholm University, Örebro University and Lund University.

The present investigation was requested by the Swedish Accident Investigation Authority (SHK). The requested task consisted of analyzing material deposited on the hull of the MS Estonia shipwreck, observed in association with the front hole on the starboard side. In summary, material deposited in 13 locations close to the fracture was analyzed in terms of element content, microbial community composition, mineralogy, and particle morphology. A piece of steel, cut out from the sampled area, was also analyzed for reference purposes.

The objective of the conducted analyses was to identify the sources of components found in the sampled material. This expertise involved the participation of three working groups from three universities: Stockholm University, serving as the principal investigator, Örebro University and Lund University.

Link to the report: 2023/24-Estonia (5003 Kb)

Christophe Dupraza, Susanne Sjöberga, Julie Boisardb, Courtney Stairsb, Viktor Sjöbergc, Pieter T. Visscherd, Andreas Karlssone, Haoyi Yaoa, and Bert Allardc.

a Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden
b Department of Biology, Lund University, Sweden
c Man-Technology-Environment Research Centre (MTM) Örebro University, Sweden
d Department of Marine Sciences, University of Connecticut, USA
e Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden