
The department is led by the Department Board and Head of Department. The Head of Department is assisted by the Department Management. Much of the work is done within research projects, research profiles, the courses' teaching groups and other permanent or temporary groups and projects.

Here you can see how the department is organized. For contact details, see Contact.


Department Management

Head of Department: Marianne Abramsson
Deputy Head of Department: Bo Malmberg
Director of Studies for the Bachelor's and Master's Levels: Johan Berg
Director of Doctoral Studies: Dominic Power
Head of Administration: Ulrika Palm


Department Board

The Board's work is concentrated on matters of principle, operational guidelines, course syllabuses (establishment and revision), required course reading, admission to the post-graduate (doctoral) programme and appointments. The Department Board consists of the head of department and elected representatives of faculty, other staff and students.

January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2026.


Professor Marianne Abramsson (chairperson, head of department)
Professor Bo Malmberg (deputy head of department)
Professor Eva Andersson
Professor Karen Haandrikman
Senior Lecturer Ulf Jansson
Senior Lecturer Lukas Smas

Group deputies

Professor Anders Wästfelt
Professor Thomas Borén

Administrative and technical staff

Study Counsellor Veronica Hohl


Head of Administration Ulrika Palm

Third cycle (doctoral) students

Björn Nordvall


Ida Säfström

First (bachelor) and second (master) cycle students

Caj Wallenskog



Board Secretary

Education Administrator Signe Wiktorsson


Bachelor and master levels management meeting

A forum for discussion and coordination organized about once a month during the Academic Year. Members: the director and the assistant director of studies, the course and programme directors, the study counsellor and the head of the Student Affairs Office, and a student representative.

The steering group for the Bachelor's Programme in Urban and Regional Planning meets about twice a year to discuss and coordinate the programme. The group includes a chairperson appointed by the Department of Human Geography, a representative and a substitute from each of the nine cooperating departments, a student representative and a substitute, and the faculty director of studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences. The programme director is convener and the head of the Student Affairs Office is secretary.

Chairperson: Thomas Borén
Convener: Anders Rickegård


Doctoral level faculty meeting

The doctoral level faculty meeting prepares board decisions on acceptance of doctoral students, supervisors and other issues within the Post-Graduate Programme in Geography with emphasis on Human Geography.

The meeting discuss research and the doctoral level including the progress of students and make proposals to the board regarding the programme and acceptance of students. All professors and associate professors at the Department and other doctoral level supervisors participate.

Convener: Dominic Power


Committee for work environment, equal opportunities and environment (ALM)

The committee for the work environment, equal opportunities and the environment (ALM) prepare decisions. The group includes faculty, staff, and student representatives. A few meetings a year.

The task is, among other things, to produce an equality and equal treatment plan, environmental policy and environmental action plan. The group also carries out activities that are determined in the respective plans.


The student council Kultär

The Cultural Geography Subject Council (Kultär) is the student council for all undergraduate and advanced level students at the department.

Student representatives can be found in, among other things, the departmental board. Some working groups also include students. The student representatives are appointed by the student union (SUS) following proposals from the students' student council, Kultär and the PhD Student Council respectively.

Student representatives are also in the faculty committee and the university board.

Details on the two student councils, Kultär (the department student council) and the Human Geography PhD Student Council are available at the Stockholm University Student Union web site.

Stockholm University Student Union


PhD Student Council

The doctoral student council is for the doctoral students at the department.

Doctoral student representatives can be found on, among other things, the departmental board of the Department of Human Geography. Some working groups also include doctoral students. The student representatives are appointed by the student union (SUS) following proposals from the students' student council, Kultär and the Doctoral Council respectively.

In a similar way, there are student representatives in, among other things, the faculty committee and the university board.


Governing documents

The regulations governing the activities of the Department are primarily the decisions made by the Riksdag (the Swedish parliament), the Swedish Government and the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ), as well as those decided at central level of Stockholm University (e.g. by the University Board or the President), by the Human Science Academic Area and by the Faculty of Social Sciences.

At the Department of Human Geography, the Department Board, the Head of Department and others make decisions. On the Swedish website some of the important documents are gathered. See the heading Styrdokument on the webpage below.


The "Strategic Plan – the Department of Human Geography at Stockholm University 2022–2024" states, among other things, that the basis for being able to carry out our mission is to create good conditions. Our overall goal is to continuously improve the working environment for both employees and our students within the available resources.

The goals can be described as follows:

To maintain a good working environment for the employees and students at the department, where there is participation, gender equality and equal treatment.
To conduct high quality education and be close to research at all levels.
To conduct high quality research, to further strengthen it in order for research to be nationally leading and internationally prominent.
To ascertain good collaboration with the surrounding society.

Strategic Plan 2022-2024 (121 Kb)



For contact details, see Contact.

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