
Here you can find information about degree requirements and how you apply for a degree. Further down you can find information about degree projects and how to include courses you have taken at another university.

When you have finished your studies and want to apply for the award of a qualification, you should apply to receive a degree certificate (diploma). To receive the degree certificate you must have fulfilled all of the requirements.


Qualification requirements

  • Local qualification descriptor – applies to those who began their studies in their main field of study fall semester 2016 or later.
    The local qualification descriptors cover general first and second-cycle qualifications. The programme syllabi fill the same function for professional qualifications and the general syllabi contain the provisions for third-cycle qualifications. For more information or translation of the local qualification descriptors, please contact your department.
    Local qualification descriptor (in Swedish)
  • What qualification requirements apply to students who began their studies before fall semester 2016?
    Degree requirements

Elective courses and freely chosen courses

For a degree you are typically required to have, besides the mandatory courses, some elective courses (sometimes called optional; "valbara" in Swedish) and some freely chosen courses (also sometimes called optional; "valfria" in Swedish). The elective courses should be relevant to your field of study, and you can see a list below of such courses for the master's degree in mathematical statistics.

For bachelor's degrees and the master's degree in actuarial mathematics, see the Swedish page

Course list overview, showing our active courses and when they are usually given

Freely chosen courses

Freely chosen courses can be nearly anything, they don't need to be in your main field of study. There are a few restrictions following from the general degree requirements, for instance you can't have two overlapping courses in the same degree, and most of the courses have to be at the same level as the degree.

For a master's degree in mathematical statistics you need 67.5 ECTS credits of mandatory courses (30 credits of this is the degree project, and the other five mandatory courses can be found in the overview for the master's programme in the online course catalogue), 30 credits of elective courses from the list below of which at least 7.5 credits must be in mathematical statistics, and 22.5 credits of freely chosen courses. This makes 120 credits in total.

First cycle courses are only elective as long as the degree contains at most 30 credits of first cycle courses in total. All courses in the list below are 7.5 credits each.

Courses marked (*) are one of several options of mandatory courses. These are elective as long as you are not counting them as mandatory. That is, if the degree must contain either course A or course B, and you have only taken one of them, then it counts as mandatory and not elective, but if you have taken both you can count one as mandatory and the other as elective.

  • Statistical Deep Learning
  • Statistical Information Theory
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Bayesian Methods
  • Survival Analysis
  • Computer Intensive Statistical Methods
  • Statistical Consulting Methodology (*)
  • Networks and Epidemics
  • Markov chains and mixing times
  • Brownian motion and stochastic differential equations
  • Econometric methods (first cycle)
  • Financial Econometrics
  • Non-life insurance pricing
  • Risk models and claims reserving in non-life insurance
  • Inference and prediction for life and health processes
  • Risk models and valuation in life and disability insurance
  • Selected Topics in Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes
  • Selected Topics in Statistical Theory and Methods
  • Spatial Statistics
  • Computational Biology
  • Mathematical Communication (*)
  • Linear Algebra and Learning from Data
  • Algorithms and Complexity (first cycle)
  • Functional programming

How to reapply for a degree certificate (diploma)

You apply for a degree certificate through the Degree Office. Information on how to apply:

Application for a degree certificate

If you have taken the master's programme in mathematics held jointly by SU and KTH, you can get a joint degree from both universities. To get such a degree, you apply for your degree in Ladok like everyone else, but you choose "Master's Degree (Joint Degree)" rather than "Master's Degree (Arts or Science)", and then choose Mathematics in the separate menu for your main fields of study.


Degree projects

In both a Bachelor's Degree and a Master's Degree there is a mandatory degree project (or independent project) included. For a Bachelor's Degree the degree project should cover 15 higher education credits (first cycle), and for a Master's Degree if should cover 30 credits (second cycle).

You apply for degree projects through, like other courses. You can find more information about degree projects in different subjects below.

Previous degree projects - see what others have written about (Swedish page, but many titles are in English)

Some advice

In October 2011 Tom Britton gave a seminar on writing and presenting degree projects in mathematics and mathematical statistics. You can find the slides here:

Writing and presenting degree projects in Mathematics and Mathematical statistics (pdf) (633 Kb)

There are two degree projects in mathematics, and you can read more about them and their eligibility requirements in the course catalogue. Note that the bachelor's (first cycle) degree project generally requires that you know Swedish.

MM6010 Mathematics, Degree Project, 15 credits (for bachelor's degree)
MM9008 Mathematics, Degree Project, 30 credits (for master's degree)

Here is more information about starting, writing and presenting a degree project in mathematics:

Degree projects in mathematics

There are three degree projects in mathematical statistics and actuarial mathematics, and you can read more about them and their eligibility requirements in the course catalogue. Note that the bachelor's (first cycle) degree project generally requires that you know Swedish.

MT6011 Mathematical statistics, Degree Project, 15 credits
MT9012 Insurance Mathematics, Degree Project, 30 credits
MT9013 Mathematical Statistics, Degree Project, 30 credits

Here is more information about starting, writing and presenting a master's degree project in mathematics:

Degree projects in mathematical statistics

You can read more about the bachelor's degree project in computer science, and its eligibility requirements, in the course catalogue. Note that this degree project generally requires that you know Swedish.

DA6007 Computer Science, Degree Project, 15 credits


Credit transfer and courses from other universities

If you have studied at other universities before it is possible that you can make use of your previous credits. You can include (fully completed) courses from other Swedish universities directly in a degree at Stockholm University, either if they can replace one of our courses that you would otherwise have needed, or if there is room in your degree for some courses in subjects that are not related to the main subject of the degree.

Please note that courses that are included in your Bachelor's Degree cannot be a part of your Master's Degree.

If, however, you wish to include courses from foreign universities in your degree, you will need a credit transfer.

More information about credit transfer and how to apply



Study advisor in mathematics and mathematical statistics
Study advisor in computer science and scientific computing
Study advisor for the teacher education program
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