During your studies

On this page you can find important and useful information during your studies.

Here we have collected information about exams, our code of honour, student representation, IT resources, our video archive and what to do if you wish to discontinue your studies, take a break or re-register for a course you have been registered for before.

Are you a new student at our department? See also this page.


Look up your course in the course catalogue to find the schedule and course literature

You can also look up schedules in TimeEdit

Here is a list of course literature at the Department of Mathematics

For most of our courses, you can find the course web via kurser.math.su.se

Please note that courses given together with KTH may have their course web and schedule at KTH, if so you can find information about this in the course catalogue or we will send it our before the course begins.


Exam information

You can see on the course web for your course how the examination works, but written exams are the most common. Here is more information about that.

Exam schedule at the Department of Mathematics

How to find your place for the exam, find the exam rooms, etc.

In order to be allowed to participate in a written examination you have to have signed up for the exam via Ladok. You cannot show up for the exam without having signed up, and we do not accept any late applications!

If you cannot sign up, you are probably not currently registered for the course. If you have been registered on a previous semester, contact our Student Affairs Office for re-registration.

If it turns out that you cannot attend, please unregister for the exam in Ladok.

When and how can I sign up?

You sign up via Ladok. Usually you can sign up starting a month before the exam, and the deadline to sign up is usually 10 days before the exam (at 23:59). Occasionally the deadline can be earlier, for instance for some re-sit exams or for exams given at KTH.

Exception: If you are taking a course at KTH via Stockholm University you must sign up for the exam via KTH - see below.

Sign up for exams at KTH

If you follow a course at KTH given by Stockholm University, you register for examinations by following the links below.

Schedule for exams and registration at KTH
Courses in mathematics or scientific computing
Courses in computer science

Anyone who wants to sit an exam has to sign up in Ladok at least 10 days before. If you need some kind of support, like extra time or taking the exam alone or in a smaller group, you must besides this email stod@math.su.se at least 14 days before the exam. In the email, write which exam you are taking and what day the exam is, as well as what kinds of support you need for the exam.

Earlier deadline in summer

If you want to take an exam with this kind of support between 13-24 August you must email stod@math.su.se on 31 July at the latest. (You also need to sign up in Ladok, so do that at the same time.)

To get this kind of support at exams you need to contact Student services and be recommended such support

Students at Stockholm University should be familiar with the rules that apply to written examinations.

Regulations for written seated examination

Don't forget to bring valid ID. If you are unable to show a valid ID you will not be allowed to take the exam.

In the university's document Regulations for education and examination at first-cycle and second-cycle level you can find, among other things, rules about setting and altering grades.

Moreover, you as a student at the Department of Mathematics should be familiar with the Faculty of Science's Ethical Guidelines and the Department of Mathematics' Code of Honour, which you can read about further down the page.

See also Guidelines for disciplinary matters at Stockholm University

When your exam is corrected, the examiner will report your grade in Ladok and you can see it there.

From August 2024 we are testing a new system where corrected exams are sent out to you by email (they are sent to your student email address, so make sure that this is forwarded to an email address that you check regularly - you do this via kontohantering.su.se).

If you want to collect an exam you wrote earlier than August 2024, you can do so by visiting the student affairs office during opening hours. You no longer need to fill in a form in advance, but make sure to have the course code available, as well as the date of the exam and your anonymization code for the exam (this information can be found in Ladok -> Examinations -> Passed)

If you can't visit our office

If you can't visit our office, you are welcome to send us an envelope containing another (stamped and addressed) envelope, in which we can send the exam to you. The envelope should be of the format C4 (so big enough to fit the A4 exam).

In your letter, please give your full name and personal ID number (personnummer), and the course code, date and anonymization code for the exam (this information can be found in Ladok -> Examinations -> Passed).

Send the letter to:

Matematiska institutionen
Stockholms universitet
SE-106 91 Stockholm


Your rights and responsibilities as a student

As a student at Stockholm University you have rights and responsibilities that come in part from laws and regulations and in part from local precepts.

For example, you have a right to influence your education, and it is your responsibility to follow the university's rules.

Read about your rights and responsibilities as a student

You as a student at the Department of Mathematics should be familiar with the Faculty of Science's Ethical Guidelines and the Department of Mathematics' Code of Honour, which were written to clarify and supplement the faculty guidelines. These apply not only to written seated exams but also to other forms of written examination, like computer laborations.

Code of honour, ethical guidelines and disciplinary matters at the Department of Mathematics

Students at the Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University are represented by the mathematical student council (Matematiska studentrådet, MSR).

You can reach MSR at msr@math.su.se.

MSR's page on kurser.math.su.se (in Swedish)

Stockholm University Student Union (SUS) is Sweden's largest student union and its main purpose is to monitor and participate in the development of education and the conditions for studies at Stockholm University.

More about the student council

SUS’s Ombud – your support in study-related issues

Course evaluations are an important way for us to find out what you think about courses you have taken. We send them out soon after each course has finished to those who have taken the course.

Course reports are filled in by the teacher.

Previous course evaluations and course reports


Resources for students

Here you can find a guide to studying at the university, information about IT support, and some tips on how to use LaTeX, as well as our archive of video lectures.

Students studying, view from above.
Photo: Eva Dalin

Do you understand what is expected of you, are you using your time effectively, and are you keeping on top of your reading and assignments? The Academic Writing Service have put together a guide to help you during your studies at Stockholm University.

Guide to studying effectively

The IT department is responsible for IT services and support to students at Stockholm University. They have information about computer rooms in Frescati, printers and copiers, software provided by the university, wi-fi, and more.

IT for students


The Department of Mathematics encourages you as a student to familiarise yourself with LaTeX, a typesetting system with great support for mathematical notation. If you have not used LaTeX before, Overleaf might be a good place to start.


Overleaf, How-to Guides

And here is a longer introduction to Latex:

T. Oetiker, The not so short introduction to Latex

The Department of Mathematics has a number of recorded lectures, which are available through OVI or Youtube. Many of the videos are in Swedish, but there are some in English as well, mainly on our Youtube channel.

Online Video Interface, OVI
Youtube channel, Department of Mathematics

Relevant video lectures for specific courses are also linked from the course webpages.


Discontinuing, pausing and re-registering

Here you can find information about discontinuing a course, taking a break in your studies and re-registering, which is required when you return to your studies after a break or if you need to re-take a course.

You can discontinue a course in Ladok. If less than three weeks have passed since the course began, your registration on the course is removed so that you can apply for it again at a later time.

You can now also discontinue a programme in Ladok. If you do so, any unfinished courses within the programme will also be discontinued.

If there are special circumstances, you can be granted a break from your studies with a guarantee to return to your studies later. This is only possible on a programme, not for individual courses. Contact the study advisors for more information on this.

Even if you take a break without having applied for, or without having been granted, a guarantee to return to your studies afterwards, it may still be possible to return to your studies. If so, you need to apply for re-registration.

Starting from the spring 2024, you can usually sign up for exams on a course you have been registered for without needing to be re-registered for the course.

If, despite this, you cannot sign up for an exam in Ladok three weeks before the exam, please contact the Student office.

If you want to be re-registered anyway, you can fill in the form below to apply. Please note that we generally don't grant re-registration if you have previously been re-registered for the same course and haven't taken part in any examinations during or since your most recent registration. Besides this, there also needs to be room on the course.

You cannot sign up for exams, or be re-registered, if you were admitted to a course but never registered for it, or if you discontinued the course in the first three weeks. Sometimes, the course may also have changed enough that it has a new course code. In these cases you must instead (re)apply for the course through Universityadmissions.se.

Digital form for re-registration autumn 2024

Use this form to apply for re-registration in the autumn

(Mathematics I and two other courses only given in Swedish have separate forms, which you can find on the Swedish page.)

Contact us by email if the digital form has closed

Once the form has closed you can still apply for re-registration by email, svl-datalogi@math.su.se if the course is in computer science or scientific computing and to studentexpedition@math.su.se for other courses. In such cases, you should first check how much of the course has already passed and if you have missed any deadlines for hand-in exercises or similar. It may not always be possible to complete the whole course if you start late.



Student affairs office
Study advisor in mathematics and mathematical statistics
Study advisor in computer science and scientific computing
Study advisor for students needing special pedagogical support
Study advisor for the teacher education program
Career advice
On this page