Study with us

At the Department of Molecular Biosciences (MBW), we have approximately 30 research groups and 50 PhD students and offer doctoral education in a cutting-edge research environment. If you are planning to start your biology studies, we also give many courses at the undergraduate level through the Department of Biology Education (BIG).

On this page you can read more about what we offer, about how you apply and other things to consider as a possible future student at MBW. 

Photo: Niklas Björling/Stockholm University



Undergraduate education

Spanning the width of molecular biosciences, we offer courses on both bachelor's and master's level which are organized through the Department of Biology Education

Read more about our undergraduate education here


PhD education: we educate future scientists

Are you a curious and driven person with an interest in the vast research area of molecular biosciences? Then you might want to consider a future as a PhD student at MBW!

The fields of biology and medicine are experiencing what can only be called a true renaissance within the molecular biosciences. Collectively the scientific community has access to a rapidly expanding set of tools that provide enormous experimental opportunities to advance the understanding of biological processes of increasing complexity.

A person using a microscope.
Foto: Niklas Björling/Stockholms universitet

The human genome is fully sequenced, and so has the complete genomes of a growing number of other life forms. Although the process of fully decoding the function of the many and diverse sets of genetic elements within these DNA sequences is far from complete, the tools already exist that enable the precise manipulation of genetic material within most living cells. These advances, the fruits of more than a century of scientific enterprise, belong to one of mankind’s greatest achievements. Indeed, these are exciting times to be working as an experimental research scientist in biology.

One of our aims at MBW is to recruit and train talented students to become independent scientists and teachers to meet future challenges in society. The research education program at MBW is designed to provide students with the necessary scientific knowledge and laboratory skills to enable them to pursue important state-of-the-art problems in molecular biosciences, including infection- and immunobiology, integrative biology and molecular cell biology.

The program seeks to stimulate the curiosity and originality of individual students, at the same time instilling an appreciation of the methodical process of experiment. Ultimately, the program seeks to equip students with a solid foundation for a continued and life-long exploration of complex biological systems.

Read more about MBW's research fields


How do I apply?

PhD positions are announced four times per year on MBW's website and on the webpage of Stockholm University. Information regarding available projects and the application procedure are included in the announcements.

Apply for available PhD positions at MBW

PhD students are accepted to conduct research studies within a project run by a principal investigator heading an independent research group.

For specified information, please contact the principal investigators working in the research field of your interest

You can also visit BioResearch School's website for more general information concerning PhD-studies in biology at Stockholm University

The Department Board formally appoints PhD students. The following provides a brief summary of eligibility requirements and the application process.

Graduate studies in Molecular Biosciences requires a completed university degree at an advanced level and education corresponding to at least 240 Swedish credits (hp), including at least 120 hp in molecular biology, biology, chemistry or similar and complementary subjects. Candidates should have successfully completed courses at an advanced level in molecular biosciences (60 hp), of which 30 hp represent independent research project work.

Successful applicants are selected based on documented theoretical and experimental knowledge relevant for the area of study, knowledge of scientific theory and method, analytical skills, personal motivation and team working skills. Well-developed English language skills are required. The applicants are encouraged to provide supporting documents that substantiate qualifications, e.g., knowledge, skills, abilities and experience. References and interviews will be used to assess qualifications of the applicants.

Decisions regarding acceptance are not subject to appeal.

Read more about eligibility and selection criteria in MBW's General Syllabus:

General syllabus (160 Kb)

Graduate student appointment corresponds to a total of four years of full-time studies. Students primarily focus on their own studies, but the study period is normally extended by 20% (amounting to an additional year) by a combination of teaching (approximatley 5% mandatory at basic and/or master levels), research and administration. Students usually defend their thesis after five years of PhD studies.

As a PhD student in Sweden, you are an employee at the university, which means there are no tuition fees. You can read more about how it is to study and live in Sweden further down on this page.

There are several ways to find housing in Stockholm when moving here for PhD studies. 

In a Housing Guide compiled by Stockholm University, you will find useful tips when looking for accommodation on the private market

It is also possible to apply for temporary housing through the Stockholm Univeristy Housing Office 

If you are already a PhD student at MBW, and are in need of a certificate for your current housing, please contact Alexander Malmstedt, Administrator at MBW,


MBW: an international environment

MBW unites students and researchers from all over the world, and we want to continue to attract talented future PhD students from around the globe. 

On Study in Sweden's website, you can read about what it is like to study in Sweden also has useful information about third-cycle education in Sweden 


Where campus meets nature

MBW is located just at the entrance to the Royal National City Park. With nature at your doorstep, you can enjoy a stroll in the woods or a lunch in the park when you need a break. 

Stockholm University is also conveniently located near the city centre, with good communications at hand. 

Person walking through campus on a beautiful autumn day.
Photo: Ingmarie Andersson/Stockholms universitet




If you have questions related to undergraduate education, you are welcome to contact the Student Office or the Study Councellors at the Department of Biology Education (BIG).

For contact details at MBW, visit our Contact page

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