About us

The Department of Organic Chemistry belongs to the Faculty of Science. The research focus of the department spans a wide range of organic chemistry disciplines, including catalysis, carbohydrate chemistry, asymmetric synthesis, medicinal chemistry, and computational chemistry.

We are pioneers in problem-based education and well known for giving both a deep and broad education in the theoretical as well as the practical parts of organic chemistry.



The research activities at the department cover many areas of experimental and theoretical organic chemistry, including selective synthesis, transition metal-catalyzed organic transformations, hypervalent iodine chemistry, green chemistry, PET chemistry and bioorganic chemistry as well as medicinal chemistry at the DDD platform at SciLifeLab.

Our research subjects




The education offered at the department includes several courses at the bachelor level, and a master program in organic chemistry. In addition, we offer practical projects in the research front, which regularly attract exchange students to the department. We have a comprehensive research education program, with about 40 PhD students, in organic chemistry.

Our courses and programmes



Head of Department
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