Oskar Kleins auditorium - FR4

Oskar Kleins auditorium, FR4, is equiped with a Zoom streaming & recording equipment. This page provides instructions on how to use the setup.

The setup consists of a remote accessible Windows computer in the projector room equpped with a Logitech PTZ Pro 2 remote pan-zoom-tilt camera. The audio signal of the auditoriums sound system is captured. The Video signal from the projector can be captured as well, alternatively, slides can be shared directly from the presenters computer using the Zooms share screen function.


  • Booked FR4 (reception)
  • Microphone or headset (reception)
  • Notebook with internet connection


  1. Start a Zoom meeting on your local computer. Avoid using your personal Meeting ID, always create a new meeting. Allow recordings if you want to record the session.
  2. Using remote destkop connection, connect to "pc-klein-zoom.fysik.su.se". Use the username is "zoom". For the current password, contact Alexandros Kastanas. Make sure the remote audio forwarding is disabled: Under Local Resources, Remote audio, Settings, Remote audio playback select "Play on remote computer".
    FR4 RDP connection
    Set up the remote desktop connection to "pc-klein-zoom.fysik.su.se" with username "zoom".
    Remote desktop connection, play on remote camera
    Under Local Resources, Remote audio, Settings, Remote audio playback select "Play on remote computer".
  3. On the remote computer, start Zoom.
    Start zoom on remote computer
    Start Zoom, select "Join a Meeting".

  4. You don't need to sign in, only select "Join a Meeting", and enter your meeting ID.
    Join meeting on Zoom
    Join meeting.
  5. The video feed going to the projector is also connected to the computer, as a second camera. You can use this to share slides as well as video. To use this start a share and then under advanced settings select "Content from 2nd camera".
    Share slides from FR4 in Zoom
    How to share slides from Oscar Klein auditorium Zoom computer.
  6. On you local computer request remote control of the camera by a right mouse click on the video.
    Request camera control from local computer
    Request camera control from the local computer
  7. On the remote computer approve the request.
    Approve the request for the remote camera control on the remote computer
    Approve the request for the remote camera control on the remote computer.
  8. Now the camera can be controlled from the local computer.
    Remote control of the camera
    Remote control of the camera
  9. Keep the Remote Desktop Connection open in the background. If it is closed the zoom client on the remote computer will leave the meeting.


For support contact Alexandros Kastanas.

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