The department is governed by a board chaired by the head of department. The head of department has the highest responsibility for the entire department's activities. Below you can read more about our board and management team. Further down the page you will find a link to all our committees and programme councils. Contact details for staff can be found under Contact.
Head of Department and Fysikum Board
Head of Department
Professor Jan Conrad
Deputy Head of Department
Professor Per-Erik Tegnér
Fysikum Board
During the fall semester 2024, the Board of Directors of Fysikum will meet on the following dates:
- February 20 at 13:15
- April 10 at 13:15
- May 8 at 13:15
- June 5 at 13:15
Minutes of the Board Meeting at the Department of Physics ((for internal use only and requires permissions)
Management Team
- Jan Conrad, Head of department, Chairman
- Per-Erik Tegnér, Deputy head of department
- Ulrika Sjöström, Head, Administrative Division
- Patrik Löfgren, Head, Technical Division
- Michael Odelius, director of studies for postgraduate education
- Fredrik Hellberg, Director of Studies, Basic Education
- Christophe Clement, Assistant Director of Studies, Basic Education
- Gunilla Häggström, Communications Officer
- Holger Motzkau, 1st Research Engineer
Committees at Fysikum
Fysikum is headed by a prefect and governed by a departmental board called the Fysikum Board (FS). The Board has set up a number of committees in different areas. The committees prepare matters to be considered by the Board.
Committee for Postgraduate Education
Committee for Undergraduate Education
Committee for Research Strategy
Committee for the Technical Division
Committee for the Working Environment
Equal Rights and Opportunities Committee
Our committees have student representatives. Below is a checklist and template for comittees to send out information to those who are student representatives.
Information about student representatives
Checklist for student represenations [In Swedish]
Template: information to student representatives (179 Kb)
The Department of Physics PhD Council
The Department of Physics PhD Council (in Swedish "Fysikums doktorandråd") is the assembly of all PhD students at the Department of Physics at Stockholm University. Its purpose is to represent the interests of the PhD students in the different committees, boards and councils within the department and the university. This page is mantained by the PhD Council representative.
The Department of Physics Postdoc Council
The Department of Physics Postdoc Council (in Swedish "Fysikums Postdokråd") is the assembly of all Postdocs at the Department of Physics at Stockholm University. Its purpose is to represent the interests of the Postdocs in the different committees, boards and councils within the department and the university. This page is mantained by the Postdoc representative.
Divisions at Fysikum
Contact lists for each division can be found on the personnel search page on SU's website ( and you need to be connected to SU's network or via VPN to access them. These pages are only available in Swedish.
Administrative Division
Atomic Physics
Elementary Particle Physics
Instrumentation Physics
Chemical Physics
Condensed Matter and Quantum Optics (KOMKO)
Cosmology, Particle Astrophysics and Strings (CoPS)
Medical Radiation Physics (MSF)
Technical Division
Last updated: January 9, 2025
Source: Fysinfo