Courses and programmes

We offer complete educational programmes as well as freestanding courses covering a wide range of topics. The programmes are primarily aimed at students pursuing a degree, and provide both broad insight and in-depth knowledge in different areas of physics.

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Master's Programmes

Photo by Anthony from Pexels

We offer four different master’s programmes in physics. Each master's programme is two years long (120 credits) and consists of courses and a degree project (30, 45 or 60 credits). Each programme has mandatory, elective and optional courses, with the exception of the master’s programme in medical radiation physics where all courses are mandatory. You can read more about the programmes below.

Application and admission to Master's programmes

The programme offers three topical study paths: Particles and Cosmos, Quantum Matter and Atomic-Molecular-Optical (AMO) physics. However, the study paths are flexible and can be customized depending on your interests. The programme finds a balance between experimental and theoretical physics, while targeting modern physics puzzles and applications at the frontline of research. Aside from the courses, the programme includes a master thesis project where you are embedded into one of our research groups. We offer the possibility to carry out long projects, up to one year.

Read more about the Master's Programme in Physics

Physics is constantly developing and it is the task of the theoretical physicist to use and to improve existing theories and models, find new ones to describe recently discovered phenomena, or shed new light on old problems. This master's programme offers you advanced knowledge in theoretical physics in a strong research environment.

Read more about the Master's Programme in Theoretical Physics

In this programme you will learn how to translate a mathematical model of a physical phenomenon into a robust computer program and then how to analyse the results from your calculations. You will study courses in programming, mathematical and numerical methods and deepen your knowledge in physics.

Read more about the Master's Programme in Computational Physics

This programme allows you to combine your interest in physics with applications in medicine. You will study how radiation is used within health care to diagnose and treat diseases. As part of your studies, you will undergo practical training at a hospital.

Read more abou the Master's Programme in Medical Radiation Physics


Freestanding courses given in English

Photo by Azura Ambe on Unsplash
Photo by Azura Ambe on Unsplash

Many of our courses are offered in English, and most of these are available as freestanding courses. Before applying for such a course, it is important to check the entry requirements. All these courses require knowledge in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary school course English B/English 6, and most of them also require previous studies corresponding to 60 credits in physics (including quantum mechanics) and 45 credits in mathematics at university level. You can search for more information about the courses and their entry requirements at the bottom of the page.

How to meet the English language requirements.

Please note that not all courses are given every academic year. A small number of courses alternate with each other, so that a certain course is given every two years.

Alternating courses


Doctoral Studies

Photo by Rakicevic Nenad from Pexels

Key aims of the doctoral education are that you both acquire a deeper subject knowledge but, above all, learn about scientific methodology. For example, you learn how to define problems and use analytical and experimental methods to find results which you then evaluate. During your doctoral studies, you are part of a research group in an environment with researchers and other doctoral students who encourage and help you.

Doctoral studies at the Department of Physics

Search among our courses and programmes


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