Claes completed his PhD at Fysikum and then founded Savantic

Claes Orsholm's physics and maths teacher inspired him to study at Fysikum, where he went on to gain a PhD in electron microscopy with sensor development. Immediately after my PhD, I founded Savantic where I work as CEO. My advice to prospective students is to cultivate your curiosity, try to let go of the details and look at what you learn from a bird's eye view.

Claes Orsholm, alumn från Fysikum och vd på Savantic
Claes Orsholm, alumnus of Fysikum and CEO of Savantic

Claes Orsholm was born and raised in Stockholm, is 55 years old and has a family with children who have moved out.

"My interest in physics grew during high school, largely thanks to a talented and inspiring subject teacher in physics and maths. I remember that she asked me at graduation to be invited to my defence. I was surprised because I hadn't thought about it at all, but it planted a seed. After military service and a couple of jobs, I decided to study physics."


After graduate school, he got his PhD in electron microscopy

"I studied mathematics and natural sciences with physics as my specialisation and then started my doctoral studies in the nuclear physics group at Fysikum. I received my PhD in 2000 in electron microscopy with sensor development."


At Savantic we work with advanced AI solutions

Immediately after his PhD, he started working full-time in the company and he still works here.
"I founded Savantic in 1999 together with my supervisor at the time, Professor Stefan Csillag. My role has always been CEO. When the company was smaller, I also worked as a technical consultant and project manager. Nowadays I am fully occupied with my CEO role."


Claes' recommendations to prospective physics students

"Take the opportunity to enjoy a fantastic education with many exciting things to learn. Cultivate your curiosity and try to let go of the details and look at what you are learning from a bird's eye view. As a physicist, you learn a way of exploring and solving problems that is very useful in the world of work. Combined with a curiosity about the world around you, it can be hugely beneficial."


More information

Contact Claes Orsholm


Bachelor Programme in Physics, 180 credits

Research programme, (In Swedish)