Study abroad

The Department of Political Science at Stockholm University has comprehensive and much appreciated exchange programmes with other universities in Europe and the rest of the world.

Studenter vid Eiffeltornet i Paris.
Foto: Mostphotos.


Erasmus+ offers many possibilities to study Political Science abroad. If you are studying abroad under the Erasmus+ scheme, you will receive a smaller scholarship/grant and you do not have to pay any semester-or tuition fees to the host university. You apply for Erasmus exchange studies at the Department of Political Science.

Below you will find information about our agreements and Partner Universites. The agreements are signed in the subject area of Political Science, which means that it may not be possible to take courses in other subject areas. Should you be interested in other courses, you must contact your exchange coordinator in due time to see if this is possible.


Nordplus and Nordlys

The bigger Nordic universities have a network between their respective departments for Political Science within the Nordplus programme, a programme financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers.

The Nordplus Network offers possibilities to study at other universities in the Nordic countries. There is one place open for application at all the universities.

As a Nordplus-student, you do not have to pay any semester- or tuition fees and may apply for small scholarship/grant.

You apply for Nordplus exchange studies at the Department of Political Science in the same way as applicants to the Erasmus+ programme.

More about the Nordplus Network.

Nordlys is a network within Nordplus – the Nordic Council of Ministers’ framework programme for educational mobility in the Nordic countries.

The student exchange is managed by the International Office.

More about the Nordlys network.

Here you will find our partner universities. For further information about eligiability, language etc see the pdf.

Partner universities ErasmusNordplus 2024-2025 (483 Kb)

Partner universities, remaining openings for ErasmusNordplus Spring 2025 (303 Kb)



University  Places
Austria Universität Wien 2
Belgium Université Libre de Bruxelles 2
Belgium Vrije Universiteit Brussel 2
Belgium Universiteit Gent 2
Denmark Aarhus universitet 2
Denmark Syddansk universitet 1
Denmark Köpenhamns universitet 1
Finland Jyväskylä Universitet 1
Finland Helsingfors universitet 1
Finland University of Lapland 1
Finland University of Tampere 2
Finland Åbo Akademi 1
Finland University of Turku 1
Finland Vasa universitet 1
France Science Po Paris 12
France Science Po Grenoble 6
France Science Po Aix 4
Germany Freie Universität Berlin 2
Germany Universität Konstanz 4
Germany Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 5
Iceland University of Iceland 2
Ireland University College Dublin 2
Ireland University of Limerick 2
Italy Università degli Studi Roma Tre 4
Netherl. University of Amsterdam 2
Norway Universitet i Bergen 1
Norway Universitetet i Oslo 2
Norway Universitet i Tromsö 1
Poland Jagiellonian University Krakow 2
Poland Warsaw University 2
Slovenia University of Ljubljana 2
Spain Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 2
Spain Universidad Compultense de Madrid 2
UK University of Aberdeen 4
UK The Queen's University Belfast 2
UK University of Glasgow 2
UK University of Strathclyde 4
UK University of Southampton 2

Deadlines are

  • February 15 for application to the fall semester, spring semester and academic year.
  • September 15 for the possibly available exchange vacancies for the spring semester.


Application process

  1. Have a look at the Partner University list with information about the exchange places available for the current appliation round. Find out which country, universty, city you are interested in and if you fulfill the requirements. Please contact us on if you want to discuss your interests with the international coodinator at the department.
  2. Complete and submit the online form.
    Online application form

    Once you have completed and submitted the online form, you will receive an email to confirm your personal information. Follow the instructions in the email to proceed, complete and confirm your application.
  3. Along with your application, you shall upload you transcripts of records (studieintyg), a photo, documentation of language skills if available and other documents that you think may be of importance for the assessment. You shall also attach a motivation letter (about one page) where you describe yourself, why you would like to participate in a study exchange, your expectations and possible benefits from the exchange.
  4. The selection will be based on the cumulative assessment of your academic credits and grades. Programme students (Pol.kand. or KOPO) who apply for an exchange for their selective semester will have the highest priority. Students who have been on an exchange previously, will be lower prioritized, but are welcome to apply.
  5. We will announce whether you have been accepted or not about three weeks after the application deadline.

Processing of personal data

The university uses personal data to accomplish our mission as a university. This is how your personal data is treated when applying for exchange studies: Processing of personal data (343 Kb)

To apply for the Erasmus programme and study Political Science at our partner universities you must:

  1. Be registered and active as a student at Stockholm University with the intention to take a degree at SU.
  2. Have studied at least one year of full time university studies completed before departure*.
  3. Have studied at least one semester (30 credits) in Political Science (Political Science I) or International Relations*.
  4. Not been on an Erasmus exchange during the same study cycle for more than 6 months.
  5. Agree on studying full time during the exchange period (in accordance with agreed study plan – Learning Agreement – signed before departure), for at least 3 months but no more than 12 months at the partner university.
  6. Agree on doing a language test before and after the exchange period and write a student report upon return.

*please check the partner university list for specific application requirements at our partneruniversities.


Before departure, you will set up a study plan together with the exchange coordinator at the department. The study plan (Learning Agreement) must also be accepted and signed by all three parts, the student, your host university and your department at Stockholm University. The study plan shall include information about the courses you will take and the credits for each course.

You apply for credit transfer through by loggin in and the selecting "Apply for" and then "Credit transfer". Please make sure that you upload a signed Learning Agreement and you official transcript of record together with your application.

If you choose to take other courses than the ones agreed upon in your learning agreement there is no guarantee that the courses taken abroad may be validated at Stockholm University.


Double Master Degree with Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität

The Department of Political Science at Stockholm University and the Geschwister Scholl Institute of Political Science at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München have teamed up to offer a double degree option by combining the Master in Political Science of Stockholms Universitet (120 ECTS) and the Master Program in Political Science of LMU Munich (120 ECTS).

Double Master Degree with Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität


Erasmus+ traineeship

As a student at Stockholm University, you have the opportunity to apply for funding to complete a traineeship at a company or organisation in any country that participates in the Erasmus+ programme.

Learn more about Erasmus+ traineeship.


Central university-wide agreements

Stockholm University has central university-wide agreements with about fifty universities all over the world, such as University of Technology Sydney (AU), York University (CA), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CN), The University of Auckland (NZ), National university of Singapore (SG), Lomonosov Moscow State University (RU), and University of Washington in Seattle (US), University of Michigan (US) and New York University (US).

More information about the agreements and application.

Do you want to study abroad as an exchange student outside Europe in the spring semester 2025?

Application period university-wide agreements: March 1-31, 2024.

You can find the call for applications with a link to the application form and information about eligibility and selection criteria and available exchange places here.

If you have questions, you can contact the International Office, Student Services:

Phone: 08-16 4900 (phone hours: Tuesdays 10-12 & Thursdays 13-15)

We are also going to have Zoom drop in for those of you who need help with your applications or have questions about the application. You can find the time and links for these here.

We look forward to receiving your application!



North2North is an exchange programme within the University of the Arctic network, which aims to increase collaboration between a number of participating universities in the northern parts of Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Russia, Canada and the USA.

The student exchange is managed by the International Office.

Read more about the programme here.




Exchange coordinator
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