Doctoral studies

After receiving your degree at master's level, you may apply to the Doctoral Program in Psychology. The program normally consists of four years of full-time studies which results in a Doctoral degree in Psychology. This page contains links and information about doctoral studies at the Department of Psychology.

VR in the olfaction lab. Photo: Jens Olof Lasthein
VR in the olfaction lab. Photo: Jens Olof Lasthein

Become a researcher

Why research psychology at Stockholm University? How is the doctoral program organized? What happens during the thesis defence?

Read more below, but don't miss the inspiration page "Become a researcher", where, among other things, director of studies Mats Nilsson writes about his own fascination with the subject - and its challenges!

Become a researcher



Application is done via Stockholm University’s recruitment system and vacant PhD student positions are announced at least one month before the application deadline.


Open PhD student positions at SU (Find a position and apply here.)

Application guidelines

1. Why should I write a project plan for a project that already exists?

We regard the project plan as a work sample of your ability to think and write scientifically about a topic. As long as you stay within the subject area of the project, you are free to design your plan however you want. It is the scientific quality of your plan that matters, and it does not matter if it deviates significantly from the original plan. If you get the position, you will probably mainly work according to the researcher's plan, but there is usually room for your own ideas, especially towards the end of the PhD period.

2. Can I get more information about the project apart from the title and summary given in the advertisement?

Please contact the project leader for more information. It is up to them how much information about the project they wish to disclose. And note that the research plan is a test of your ability to think and write scientifically about a topic, see also the answer to the previous question.


Doctoral courses

In the Doctoral programme courses corresponding to 75 credits are included. Of these at least 30 credits should be courses in research methodology and at least 30 credits should be subject courses.

PhD courses and how you apply to them


Doctoral Studies A–Z

Below you will find links and information about doctoral studies at the Department of Psychology.

The Young Academy of Sweden has published a beginner's guide to Swedish academia, which we think will help you learn the most important aspects of Swedish academia.

A Beginner's Guide to Swedish Academia (2940 Kb)

Published by the Young Academy of Sweden 2022. © Some rights reserved. Usage and distribution of this work is defined in the Creative Commons License, Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Sweden (CC BY-NC-ND 2.5 SE). To view a copy of this licence, visit:

The thesis work comprises 165 hp in total, which includes both work with the summarizing chapter (swe. kappa) and the sub-studies (swe. delstudier).

Summarizing chapter, 30 hp. Sub-studies, minimum total 135 hp. See document Credits Thesis Work, which provides guidelines for assigning credits to each sub-study.

Calculating credits for the thesis work (154 Kb)
Last updated 18 September 2024.

Those with a doctoral studentship can conduct departmental duties up to a maximum of 20 per cent of a full-time position. Doctoral students do not receive a salary for these duties, instead their study period will be extended by the time they have spent on departmental duties.

Once the doctoral studentship has ended, the appointment period will be extended by the number of hours reported. Check with the human resources office each semester to ensure that all of your hours have been reported and registered.

Positions on committees, the Doctoral Student Council, boards and so on also entitle the student to an extension. The Vice-Chancellor has approved a calculation model. Certain duties extend the position by a fixed number of days following the model. Others extend the position by two days and two days per meeting. There is a maximum of 40 days per year. Meeting attendance must be confirmed in the meeting minutes or attendance list, or with a certificate from the chair.

Those who do not have doctoral studentships or are externally employed doctoral students will receive hourly remuneration, or as an appointment following the same principles for extension that apply to those with doctoral studentships.

Remuneration for teaching (In Swedish)
Updated 22 February 2011

The document contains information about extending the student finance period due to parental leave, sickness leave, other duties etc., and a calculation model for the extension.

Each applicant must submit a financing plan.

A Government decision stipulates that departments may only admit eligible applicants if their financing is deemed to be secured for the entire period of their studies, and who can devote the majority of their time to their studies so they can be completed within a maximum of eight years.

Hence, each applicant must submit a financing plan. It must include information about when the doctoral studies must be completed and how they will be financed each year leading up to their degree.

The Faculty of Social Sciences guidelines accept the following financing forms for doctoral studies:

Student finance, i.e. employment as a doctoral student, or other form of student financing that amounts to the same as what would be paid out for a doctoral studentship, after tax. There is a limited amount of student finance. The Faculty Board determine how many doctoral students can be admitted with guaranteed student finance throughout their studies before each doctoral position is advertised. This financing is under the condition that the students follow the rate of study as outlined in each individual study plan.

Employment at Stockholm University or with an external employer. In both cases, a written confirmation from the employer must be provided. It must state the duration and scope of the studies that can be pursued during the student’s working hours. As stated above, the doctoral degree must be completed within a maximum of eight years – thus requiring a minimum rate of study of 50 per cent.

New doctoral students at the Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, are awarded SEK 30,000 to cover thesis-related expenses that may arise during their studies. This grant is separate to the resources available to cover costs relating to the thesis defence. The following rules apply:

  1. The grant must be used to cover thesis-related activities that are essential for the doctoral student's progression and thesis work.
  2. As part of the work with their individual study plan, the doctoral student and their supervisor must plan how the grant will be used.
  3. The director of studies will approve how the doctoral student intends to use the grant, however its use is to be in consultation with the student’s supervisor.
  4. The grant cannot be used to cover costs relating to the thesis defence. There are separate resources allocated to this. However, it may be used for a language revision of the thesis.
  5. Any unused grant will be returned to the University once the thesis is defended.


As part of its work with internationalisation, the Department of Psychology wishes to see an increase in the number of doctoral students spending part of their studies abroad in international research environments. Therefore, this grant should (but this is not essential, see point 1 above) be used for this purpose – ideally together with other stipends and/or research grants.

Transitional rules from previous OGRAD application systems

The total amount of funding each active doctoral student has received from previous OGRAD applications will be deducted from the new fixed amount allocated to each doctoral student. Any surplus amount will be the amount that remains for the doctoral student to use up until the day of their thesis defence.

Administrative procedure

When the doctoral student wishes to use their funding, they need to send an email to the director of studies for approval, and cc: their supervisor and finance administrator. Briefly describe how the funding will be used and state the amount.

The finance administrator can provide information about the remaining amount available to the doctoral student.

For invoices and expenses:

  • The doctoral student registers their expenses in Primula (cost centre 30312; reference: 308002).
  • Invoice address Stockholms universitet, Box: 50741, 20270 Malmö, ref: 308 (+ doctoral student’s name). Book travel through Egencia. The department will be invoiced automatically.
  • Any other questions about expenses and finance can be discussed with the finance administrator at the department:

The general syllabus contains the overall regulations applicable to both the degree of doctor and the degree of licentiate in psychology, including a brief subject description, the intended learning outcomes, and content.

General Syllabus for Doctoral Studies in Psychology, 240 credits

An individual study plan must be established within one month of the doctoral student being admitted.

The plan outlines how many course credits and thesis credits must be obtained each year leading up to the final degree. The doctoral student and their supervisor sign the study plan before handing it to the administrator for doctoral education.

At the end of each semester, the student and supervisor must review whether the study plan has been followed. The director of studies is to be notified of any significant deviations from the study plan. In certain cases, this may result in the doctoral student losing their right to supervision and other resources.

As of 2021, individual study plans are created electronically:

We have created a summary of the opportunities available to doctoral students wishing to gain international experience.

International opportunities for doctoral students (359 Kb)  Updated 2023-09-15.

Digital tools and services is a resource page with information about the various tools and services you may need during your studies. It offers help with how to use them.

Digital tools and services

IT for students

Depending on the type of funding you are receiving, as a doctoral student you are both a university employee and student. Hence, you will often be able to access information and help with IT services from both sides. The IT for students page on the SU website contains a lot of useful information about the IT services available. You can access IT support through Serviceportalen.

You can contact the central helpdesk (+46 8 16 1999) for urgent IT support, or the Unit for FM, IT and Communication at the Department of Psychology.

IT for students

IT support

Unit for FM, IT and communication (In Swedish)

Read more about the background, structure, and guidelines for the compulsory mid-way reviews for doctoral students at the Department of Psychology, Stockholm University.

Mid-way review (In Swedish)

The PhD Student Council is the subject council for PhD students at the Department of Psychology.

Its task is to draw upon, promote and protect the interests of doctoral students in matters relating to their studies in their field by representing them in the department board and other bodies where doctoral students have the right to representation. The PhD Student Council also works to promote collegiality among doctoral students.

The "PhD Student Council" page on the Athena teaching platform is the PhD students’ internal communication arena.

Doktorandrådets styrelse 2024

The following people have been elected to various positions on the PhD Student Council 2024.

Ordförande / President
William Fredborg,
Representant i Institutionsstyrelsen / Representative in the Department Board
Representant i Professorsgruppen / Representative in the Professors' Group

Vice ordförande / Vice President
Raver Gültekin,
Representant i Professorsgruppen / Representative in the Professors' Group
Representant i Institutionsstyrelsen / Representative in the Department Board

Kassör och sekreterare / Treasurer and secretary
Andreas Sarling,

Representant i / Representative in Samhällsvetenskapliga fakultetsrådet (SFR)
Elli van Berlekom,

Representant i / Representative in Centrala doktorandrådet (CDR)

Representant i Rådet för arbetsmiljö och lika villkor (RALV) / Representative in The work environment and equal rights committee
Astrid Hallman,


Representant i Institutet för tillämpad beteendevetenskap / Representative in The Institute for Applied Behavioral Science (ITB)
Astrid Hallman,

Utbildningsutskottet / Education committee
Annika Andersson,

Teknologikoordinator / Tecknology coordinator


Koordinator för sociala aktiviteter / Social activity coordinator
Sofia Bracco,

Koordinator för reproducerbarhet och öppen vetenskap / Reproducibility and open science coordinator
Annika Andersson,

Arbetslivsseminarier / Work life seminars

Martin Oscarsson,

Freja Isohanni,


Defence process (In Swedish)

  • Distribution of responsibilities in the defence process
  • Book time & place for defense
  • Nailing page
  • Printing of doctoral thesis
  • Distribution of doctoral thesis
  • Announcement of defence (nailing)

Quick reference guide for public defence of doctoral thesis (362 Kb)
Last updated January 2024.

Förhandsanmälan inför disputation (19 Kb)  / Pre-registration of public defence
(Word, in Swedish) Last updated 19 January 2016.

Fill in and add this form and supporting documents to the Department Common server in the folder "4-UTBILDNING FORSKARNIVÅ". A group led by Co-Head of Department Göran Kecklund will prepare the agenda item for the Professors' group meeting.

Publishing and communication support

Calendar of thesis defences

Notify the faculty about your thesis defence (In Swedish)



Student Office - PhD level
Head of PhD Studies

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