Doctoral level studies in Public Health Sciences

Our third-cycle education emphasises perspectives that shed light on how inequalities in health arise; how different life conditions and opportunities influence the health of individuals throughout their lives; and how structural factors, individual actions and biopsychological mechanisms jointly affect these processes. Public health policy and practice is also studied.

The study programme

Doctoral studies in Public Health Sciences are structured so that they involve four years of full-time study, and amount to 240 higher education credits. One semester of full-time study is equivalent to 30 higher education credits.

The doctoral study programme consists of courses equivalent to 75 higher education credits and of these a minimum of 22.5 higher education credits must be method courses. The doctoral thesis corresponds to 165 higher education credits.


Opportunity to apply for doctoral studies in Public Health Sciences are given twice a year, resources permitting. The application deadline is March 15th and October 15th, and vacancies are announced one month in advance of the application deadline.

Criteria for entry

The general requirements according to the Higher Education Ordinance are:

  • a university degree at advanced level, or
  • 240 hp (ECTS) credits, of which a minimum of 60 credits must be at advanced level, or
  • the equivalent

and the specific entry requirements for Public Health Sciences are:

  • a minimum of 7.5 credits in quantitative or qualitative methods of relevance to Public Health Sciences (graduate level), or in any other acquired the equivalent knowledge
  • good knowledge and skills in in the English language, spoken as well as written.

When and where to apply?

Opportunity to apply for doctoral studies in Public Health Sciences are given twice a year, resources permitting. The application deadline is 15 March and 15 October, and vacancies are announced one month in advance of the application deadline.


Please see the Stockholm University's webpage for Vacant PhD Student Positions.


Courses at the doctoral level includes 75 credits for a doctoral degree and 45 credits for a licentiate degree. At least 22.5 credits for a doctoral degree and at least 12 ECTS for a licentiate degree, should be method courses.

The doctoral level courses at our department are open for applicants from other departments or universities. Please check the information for the different courses on how to apply.

Doctoral level courses Autumn term

Introduction to Public Health Sciences: A brief overview (PH018F1)

Theory of knowledge and ethics in Public Health Sciences (PH020F1)

Research and theoretical and analytical perspectives in Public Health Sciences (PH019F1)

Alcohol- and drug research from a social science perspective (PH005F1)

Health and policy in the welfare state (PH008F1)

Stress, recovery, and health (PH009F1)

Social inequalities in health (PH004F1)

Global health in a changing world (PH010F1)

Embodiment of the social world (PH012F1)

Data Analysis and Causal Interference in Observational Studies for Social and Medical Research (PS1DA01)

Doctoral level courses Spring term

Management and description of quantitative data (PH014F1)

Basic statistical analysis (PH015F1)

Statistical data modelling (PH016F1)

Data analysis for the social sciences in R (PH003F1)

Early life conditions, health development, and child public health (PH006F1)

Life-course perspectives on ageing and health (PH017F1)

Person-oriented methods (PH021F1)

Faculty PhD Courses

The Faculty of Social Sciences presents courses within the doctoral level education. These courses are open for PhD students within departments of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The courses are divided in "Method courses" and "Other courses".

Institutionsövergripande forskarutbildningskurser (General information in Swedish)


General study plan for doctoral education in the subject of public health sciences.

The General Study Plan for education in Public Health Sciences on doctoral level is decided on by the Board of Faculty of Social Sciences at Stockholm University, on 12 June, 2013 and revised 16 December, 2022.

The current General Study Plan is valid from 1 January, 2023.

General Study Plan, valid from 1 January 2023 (207 Kb)

Individual study plan (ISP)

Forms and guidelines for the Individual Study Plan can be found at the Swedish webpages of Human Science (forms in Swedish and English)

For the attachments referred to in the General Study Plan, please see Forms and regulations

Guidelines, rules and regulations at University and Faculty level

    Rules and regulations for PhD Education at Stockholm University
    Guidelines for the public defence of doctoral theses at the Faculty of Social Sciences


Introducing EQUINODE

The board of Centre for Health Equity Studies (CHESS) at the Department for Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University, has initiated the formation of a new collaboration for PhD students interested in health equity: EQUINODE – Doctoral Students in Health Equity Research.

National platform for collaboration

The purpose of this collaboration is to provide a platform for doctoral student exchange on matters concerning health equity research. Examples of activities include seminar series, journal clubs, and workshops.

Are you interested in joining EQUINODE?

The collaboration is open for doctoral students at Swedish universities with an interest in health equity research. Please get in touch with coordinator Karl Gauffin (karl.gauffin@su.




Director of Studies, Doctoral level
Study counsellor
Study administrator

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