RomLitt - Displaced ‘I’s: the subject of stories of transnational experience
Date: Friday 21 October 2022
Time: 14.00 – 16.00
Location: Library of the Institute of Latin American Studies (House B, Floor 5)
Professor Jennifer Burns (University of Warwick) will give a lecture on individuality and transnational lived experience.
Professor Burns will give a lecture on individuality and transnational lived experience.
The meeting will be in English
External participants can write to Santi Luca Famà ( to receive the Zoom link (department members can find it in Romklass calendar)
Organizer: RomLitt lecture, invited by Santi Luca Famà
Contact information: Department of Romance Studies and Classics
Last updated: October 14, 2022
Source: Department of Romance Studies and Classics