Virtual Tandems: Swedish & Nederlands

Are you studying Swedish in the Low Countries and would you like to practise your Swedish with one of our students in Stockholm? Are you one of our own students studying Dutch at Stockholm University looking for a virtual tandem partner in the Low Countries? By all means, let us know so we can put you in touch with each other. You can then organise virtual tandems together to improve your language skills.

Virtual tandems

More than 50 students with a wide range of different profiles and language levels have already contacted us. Their profiles range from students who have just finished high school to more advanced students, professionals who take evening courses and retired people eager to practise Dutch or Swedish.

Most of you will be familiar with language tandems. They involve speakers of different languages catching up to practise these languages together. We would like to help you organise one-on-one Swedish-Dutch tandems online. Do not worry about your level, since your tandem partner is a fluent speaker of either Dutch or Swedish they will be able to help you at any level. One of our students, Catarina, started a tandem in 2019. She practises her Dutch on a weekly basis through skype with Denise from the Netherlands. Her Dutch has improved significantly as a result. Both Catarina and Denise can highly recommend it, as you can tell from their testimonials below:

Hoi! Ik ben Catarina. Sinds bijna een jaar heb ik een tandempartner, Denise, in Nederland. We skypen regelmatig een uurtje in de week. Eerst praten we over onze week. Soms is er niet zo veel gebeurd, maar dat is geen probleem, want in dat geval werken we samen met teksten en oefeningen die we van tevoren naar elkaar hebben gestuurd. Ik vind het heel leuk en leerzaam!

Catarina (Stockholm, Zweden)

Hej! Jag heter Denise, jag bor i Nederländerna och jag har läst svenska i många år. Catarina och jag har varit tandempartner i nästan ett år nu och jag tycker att det är jättekul! Vi bestämmer själva vad vill göra och vad vi vill prata om. Vi snackar till exempel om nyheterna, politik, böcker, våra länder eller våra egna liv. Jag rekommenderar alla som vill lära sig ett språk eller öva ett språk att skaffa sig en tandempartner.

Denise (Zutphen, Nederländerna)


How to get a tandem partner

You can find more information about Tandem and apply for a Tandem partner at Språkstudion (link to page in Swedish).

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