
There are many ways to collaborate with us at the Department of Social Anthropology. Below you can read about some of these!


Heidi Moksnes Memorial Fund and Scholarship

Heidi during fieldwork in Chiapas

On the 15th of June 2020 our beloved colleague and friend, Heidi Moksnes, passed away. Heidi was an associate professor and director of studies for the bachelor’s programme in global development. She worked her entire adult life, both professionally and personally, for equality and the right of everyone to lead a dignified life. That driving force guided her to anthropology as well as her tireless commitment to indigenous rights through the organization IWGIA. Heidi wrote her dissertation, and spent the rest of her career, with the Tsotsil in the Yibeljoj village in Chiapas, Mexico. 

In her memory and to honor her work in Chiapas, we have set up the Heidi Moksnes Memorial Fund. As of today, the fund has sent monetary assistance in order to complete the church in Yibeljoj where Heidi worked, as well initiating a Heidi Moksnes Scholarship that supports children from the village in taking up their high school studies. Right now, we are collecting funds for two scholarships for the upcoming academic year.  

Account details for contributions: to be updated soon (please write your name in the message section) 

Heidi Moksnes Minnesfond 2022 (1037 Kb)

El 15 de junio de 2020 nuestra querida colega y amiga, Heidi Moksnes falleció. Heidi fue profesora asociada y directora de estudios del programa de licenciatura en desarrollo global. Trabajó toda su vida adulta, tanto en el ámbito profesional como en el privado, por la igualdad y el derecho de todas las personas a tener una vida digna. Esta fue la fuerza propulsora que la guio hacia la antropología y marcó su incansable compromiso por la defensa de los derechos indígenas a través de la organización IWGIA. Heidi escribió su disertación y pasó el resto de su carrera con los tsotsiles del pueblo de Yibeljoj en Chiapas, México.

Para honrar su memoria y labor en Chiapas, hemos creado el Fondo en Memoria de Heidi Moksnes. A la fecha, el fondo ha enviado asistencia monetaria para completar la construcción de la iglesia en Yibeljoj donde trabajó Heidi, así como lanzado la Beca Heidi Moksnes cuya misión es ayudar a los niños del pueblo a continuar sus estudios secundarios. En este momento, estamos recaudando fondos para dos becas para el próximo año académico.

Detalles de la cuenta para contribuciones: se actualizarán pronto (por favor escriba su nombre en la sección de mensajes)

Heidi Moksnes Minnesfond 2022 (1037 Kb)


CEIFO is a center for research on global migration that facilitates activities within and beyond the Department of Social Anthropology, building on its history as an interdisciplinary research unit within Stockholm University. It provides a space for exchange and critical discussions, bringing together researchers across disciplines and institutions. CEIFO hosts a wide range of activities relating to migration, including research seminars, book discussions, and workshops. You can find schedules and announcements for all CEIFO events on the department’s general event list and on CEIFO’s program page.

If you would like to receive regular updates on upcoming CEIFO activities as well as more general announcements, calls, and discussions relating to migration research in Sweden and beyond, please sign up for our email list here.



Score initiates, conducts and disseminates multidisciplinary research on the development of the public sector in an organizational and management perspective. The disciplines currently represented among Score researchers are management, political science, social anthropology and sociology.

Read more about SCORE here


The purpose of the Stockholm Center for Global Asia is to strengthen and support research and education on Asia, and to encourage exchange of researchers and students with universities in Central, Eastern, South-Eastern and Southern Asia, and with other research institutions with a focus on Asian studies. The Center is multidisciplinary with affiliated researchers from across the Faculty of Social Sciences, Stockholm University.

Welcome to read more here


At the Department of Social Anthropology, students can choose to do an internship during the latter part of the education. The internship provides the opportunity to apply the skills the students have developed during their education, regarding, for example, qualitative methods such as interview methods and fieldwork, analysis and writing. Our students are often welcome elements in the workplace. Are you interested in getting one of your own? Do you have collaboration proposals? Feel free to contact Anna Gustafsson.


Support and funding is important for all universities around the world. If you are interested in supporting one of our research areas, funding equipment, giving a gift to young researchers or announcing a scholarship, you can contact Johan Lindquist, Head of the Department.

On this page


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