During your studies

Here you will find information on how you can influence your education, apply for study breaks and other things you need to know during your education.


This information applies for written seated exams taking place in the centrally-administered examination halls at Stockholm University. You write the exam in a writing room (on paper or on a computer) as part of your course.

Exam bookings autumn 2024 (535 Kb)

Students at Stockholm University must read and understand the rules for writing exams: 

Regulations for written seated examination

More information

Registration for examinations and re- examinations

Preregistration is mandatory and required when taking an exam/re-examination. If you do not register in advance you cannot participate. You must register in Ladok no later than 10 days before the exam. To write the exam, you must be able to present a valid form of identification at the time of the exam. 

Valid form of identification

Find your exam venue

To find the room you have been assigned to take your exam, please open your own schedule, or the course’s schedule: https://schema.su.se/?lang=en and follow the steps listed below. NOTE! Your personal schedule will only show the courses you are registered for the current semester. Re-exams from the previous semester can be found by looking up the course instance and the course code of the semester in question by choosing Advanced search on: https://schema.su.se/?lang=en

  1. On the schedule-row(s) for the exam, you will find a link in the column "Exam room". If the exam is scheduled to take place in more than one room, click on a link of your choice for the exam. If you have subscribed to your schedule, you will find the same link in the calendar event's description. Click on the link. 
  2. A new web page with the exam's details will open. To find out your exam room, enter your 12-digit Swedish ID number with hyphen (YYYYMMDD–XXXX) in the box "Student id". Click then on the green button "See schedule". 

Please note! Information about the room you have been assigned will be available at the earliest 5–2 calendar days (incl. public holidays and weekends) before the exam. Your seat number in the room will be normally displayed on a list in the examination room. 

Exams are written anonymously

When you register for an seated exam written on paper, you will be assigned an anonymization code. You must enter this code, the date and page numbers on all the written papers you submit after completing the exam. DO NOT write your name or social security number.


Inspera is a system that is used for digital hall exams at Stockholm University. Following you find more information on how to prepare for an exam with Inspera.


Preparation for the exam

You will need your username and password for the university account to access Inspera. This is the same as the one you use to log into, for example, Athena. It is important that you check in advance that you can log in to: Inspera's login page. If you need to reset your password, please follow the instructions here: Lost password - university account. Feel free to change to a password that you can easily remember. If you do not know your password on the day of the exam, we cannot guarantee that you will receive IT-support on site and therefore you risk not being able to take your exam.

Demo test

A demo exam for students is available for practice when you log into Inspera. Click on 'Demotest' after logging in and select 'Demo for students 2022'. You can view the different question types available on Inspera
If you experience problems with an exam or demoexam, please use another web browser.

On the day of exam

You may log into Inspera immediately when you are seated. Click on 'My exams' to see the exams you are signed up for. You will then receive a password to be able to start writing the exam when the invigilator announces that you can begin. Do not enter your name or social security number anywhere as the exam is anonymous. When you are done, remember to submit the exam and log out. It is important that you submit the exam online before the exam closes.


Stockholm University offers different kinds of targeted study support to students with long-term disabilities. The aim is to give all students the opportunity to study on equal terms.

At this page you can find more information

It is also good to contact the department's study counselor as early as possible after you have registered. She can help you with what routines that exist at our department. The Department of Sociology's study advisor is Maria Lind.


If anyone acts against you in a way you find to be harassing, we advise you to make notes about what happened, when and where, and talk to someone you have confidence in. At the department of Sociology we recommend that you contact the Director of Studies: studierektorGA(a)sociology.su.se 

How the department handles discrimination, harassment and victimization

Information on how the deparment handles these matters: Procedures investigation of discrimination, harassment & victimization against students (159 Kb)  

The department works proactively to enforce equal rights and possibilities for all students. This work is done according to the action plan that has been produced by the department's work environment group. At the moment this plan is only available in Swedish: Åtgärdsplan för lika rättigheter och möjligheter för studenter 2019-2020 (26 Kb)

You can find more information here, at the Student Union.


Important rules and regulations during your studies. 

Cheating and collusion

It is important to pay careful attention to the instructions for each examination assignment. Unless otherwise specified, coursework is done individually. So, read the course instructions carefully, and ask your teacher if you are unsure.

Cheating, especially at “sit in” exams (written examination) at the University, includes having access to inappropriate information channels, or using prohibited materials. This includes cell phones, so be sure to leave phones or bags in coordinated areas in the exam room, or at other locations the examine guard (exam invigilate) appoints, for easy inspection.

All suspicions of cheating shall be reported to head of the department, or director of studies, from the exam invigilators to examiners of the course, on all suspicions. If admitted to cheating or cribbing (plagiarism) a report will be sent to the principal of Stockholm University,  as a matter for the Disciplinary Committee at Stockholm University. If the student is found guilty, it may lead to a temporary suspension from the studies.

Read more about rules for written examinations at Stockholm University here.


It is not allowed to disrupt lectors, examinations or other activities at the department nor the university. This also concerns disobedience to lectures, exam guards and other students.


For example, writing another student's name on attendance lists, when they are absent are forgery, if it is a mandatory class, and will be reported to the police.


When it comes to your own writing at the university, it is important not to use intermet-based information or other information without clearly specify where the information is taken from. Copying texts, without stating sources, is called plagiarism and is not allowed. Even if some linguistic changes are made from the original text, it is still although plagiarism, which also applies to short changes of a text. You shall always therefore refer to the sources you have taken the information from, within the text, and as a reference.  

To use other students' coursework, in whole or in part is not permitted.

Using things that you have written previously is called self-plagiarism and is not allowed either.

In order not to accidentally run into plagiarism, it is therefore important that you are familiar with the academic rules for citation and referencing. Always make sure to follow the instructions provided on the course you are taking, or ask the course coordinator/teacher about the rules applying to your cours.

We advise you to use Refero, an anti-plagiarism tutorial. Please have a look at this tutorial which shows you how to implement other people’s texts in your writing and how to avoid plagiarism.

Your rights and responsibilities as a student


If you are going to discontinue your studies, it is important that you notify the department. If you only want to take a temporary study break and know when you will resume studies, you should apply for a study break.

Please note that if you are an international student your residence permit and study fees might be affected by approved leave of study, unapproved leave of study, and discontinuation of studies. CSN and student accommodation might also be affected. It is your own responsibility to investigate these conditions with the government agencies and others concerned.

Discontinuation of studies

If you want to discontinue studying then you are obliged to notify the department at the earliest. Discontinuation of studies begins from the date of notification. You cannot retroactively register discontinuation of studies if you cannot provide evidence of earlier notification regarding the same.

Registration of discontinuation of studies within three weeks after course start means that you have not taken the course/program at all, and you can apply again the usual way. If you register discontinuation of studies three weeks after course start then you can continue studies later depending on availability of place.

If you have not notified discontinuation of studies, or if your application for study break has been rejected and still choose to take a break, then you must apply for re-admission for each semester within the framework of the programme’s examination rights. Approval of study break and resumption of studies indicates that completion of the programme is guaranteed within the framework of the programme’s examination rights. This guarantee is only valid for the semester/semesters of your applications approval.

Discontinuing programme

Discontinuation from programme has to be registered. Please use the form below or email master(a)sociology.su.se with the following information:

•    Given name and surname
•    Social security number
•    Start date of discontinuation (yy-mm-dd – earliest date of registration)
•    Details of the discontinued program

If you have taken a CSN study loan then you are obliged to register with CSN, failing which you are liable to receive repayment claims. You can print out a valid study/merit certificate via the portal Ladok for students

Discontinuation of studies (482 Kb)

Discontinuing individual electives

Discontinuation from an elective has to be registered with the Assistant Director of Studies at master(a)sociology.su.se providing the following information:

•    Given name and surname
•    Social security number
•    Start date of discontinuation (yy-mm-dd – earliest date of registration)
•    Details of the discontinued elective/electives

 If you have taken a CSN study loan then you are obliged to register with CSN, failing which you are liable to receive repayment claims. You can print out a valid study/merit certificate via the portal Ladok for students.

Study breaks

Application for Leave of Studies  must be completed and sent to master(a)sociology.su.se with the following information:

•    Given name and surname
•    Social security number
•    Reasons for study break
•    Study break start date and end date (for whole term or for specific dates)
•    Date for resuming studies (for whole term or for specific dates)
•    Details of the course/program falling within the study break.
If you are not sure how long you will be taking the study break then provide a provisional date. Study breaks are approved for a maximum of one year at a time, on the condition that we can guarantee a place in the program.

Application for programme study break (487 Kb)

Resumption of studies

In order to ensure your study place in the programme after the study break, applications for the resumption of studies must be sent (via e-mail) latest by April 15 for the Fall Semester and October 15 for the Spring Semester. Applications sent after these dates may result in not securing a place and consequently resumption of studies not being approved. 
Those who have not registered study break in advance can continue studies on return depending on availability of place.

The Higher Education Act (Högskoleförordningen) on resumption of studies

The Swedish Higher Education Act (Högskoleförordningen (1993:100)) states that in individual cases, and if there are special reasons, an institution of higher education can decide that the admitted person can continue studies after study break. The Universitets- och högskolerådets (University and Higher Education Council) ordinance clarifies:

4 § Special reasons to be able to continue studies after study break can be social, medical reasons, or o ther special circumstances like care of sick child, military or civic services, student union duties. 

Special reasons can also be temporary probationary employment according to 12 § lagen (2012:332) and armed forces employment or service in the Armed Forces of the employed who periodically serves as squad leader, soldier or sailor under this ordinance (HSVFS 2012:8).

5 § The higher education institution’s decision to permit a student continue studies after study break shall be for a fixed period of time.

A decision that a student can continue studies after study break may be conditional to notification before the time when the studies shall continue.



Application for credit transfer of higher education studies (first and second cycle). To apply for a credit transfer you must be admitted to and pursuing studies at Stockholm University.

Application for credit transfer (97 Kb)

Please note that a credit transfer can have consequences for your future studies as well as for the content of your degree. It can also affect your right to student financing. For further information, contact a study counsellor before submitting an application.


If you as a student experience problems with your phsysical or psychosocial study environment, or if you have suggestions or questions, you can contact the student council: studenter@sociology.su.se You can also contact the department's work environment representative, saemundur.grettisson(a)sociology.su.se.

If you would like to be anonymous, you can file a report through SU:s reporting system IA.

More information about your study environment can be found here, at the Student Union.



A request of reviewing the grading decision needs to be justified with concerns to the grading criteria or the expected learning outcomes or the correction template if any.

It is the grade according to the current grading scale that will be reviewed or amend. A completely new assessment of your exam will not be done. Before you get the result of an exam the examiner always look carefully at results that are close to a higher grade.

Please use this form and send it to the examiner.

Request of reviewing or amendment of the grading decision (156 Kb)



A group of researchers, teachers, students and PhD students at the Department of Sociology have recently started an Anti-Racism Working Group. The group stands in solidarity with anti-racism goals and principles, and is inspired to change the status quo.

The group aims to improve how we teach, research, recruit, and organize department life in ways that can promote a better understanding of the structures of racism, its causes, consequence and its impacts on individuals and social relations. 

You can find the calendar for our seminar series here.

Students and staff members at the department are most welcome to join us, please e-mail one of the co-organisers: Vanessa Barker or Ryan Switzer. 



Study Counsellor
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