Stockholm university

Conferment of master's degrees

The Conferment of Master's Degrees is a graduation ceremony to celebrate newly graduated masters at Stockholm University.


Coming ceremonies


  • Friday 23 May 2025
    Those who have applied for a Master's degree (or equivalent on a Master's level) no later than 28 February 2025
  • Friday 21 November 2025
    Those who have applied for a Master's degree (or equivalent on a Master's level) no later than 15 July 2025

A ceremony with traditions

Conferment traditions go all the way back to medieval European universities. The word promotion (in the Swedish word Magisterpromotion) comes from the latin word promovere, which translates to advance or move forward,  but here in a figurative sense to promote. The Conferment of Master’s Degrees is an old academic tradition but a fairly new ceremony at Stockholm University. The first was held in 1997 and is normally held twice a year in Aula Magna, Frescati. The ceremonies in November 2020 and June 2021 were held online.

Conferment ceremony in Aula Magna. Photo Ingmarie Andersson
Photo: Ingmarie Andersson

The ceremony in Aula Magna begins with massed standards consisting of student representatives from the University's student unions and faculty associations. The Vice President gives a welcome speech, after which the ceremony continues with varied entertainment and speeches to the new graduates. The graduates (promovendi) step up onto Aula Magna’s stage, facultywise, to receive a diploma by the conferrer, appointed by each faculty. 

The act of ascending on one side of the stage and, after receiving the diploma as a sign of the new dignity, going down again on the other side, used to symbolize that one could now move on in life, with one's own right to teach. Today it is not a formal ceremony, as the formal degree certificate has been sent to the graduates earlier, but instead it is a memorable occasion to celebrate your Master's degree at Stockholm University.


Inspiration from past ceremonies

Five persons standing in a row showing their diplomas.
Joy and pride during the conferment of master's degrees in Aula Magna. Photo: Johanna Säll

Graduated masters celebrated in Aula Magna, 24 May 2024

A great interest in celebrating master’s degrees, 15 November 2024


Information about registration

To participate in the Master's Conferment Ceremony, you need to have completed your studies and received your formal degree certificate.

Three steps to participate

1. Apply for your formal degree certificate

You need to actively apply for your degree certificate by a certain date in order for your application to be processed and your degree to be issued on time.

  • For the ceremony 23 May 2025: deadline 29 February 2025
  • For the ceremony 21 November 2025: deadline 15 July 2025

Applications are made at the Degree Office.


2. Invitation by email

Please keep your email address updated at Stockholm University. The invitation will be sent by email to the address listed in Ladok, 4-6 weeks before the ceremony.


3. Sign up via the link in the invitation email

You must sign up online via a link in the invitation. This means that you cannot sign up for the ceremony before receiving the invitation.


Obligatory rehearsal one hour before

In order for the ceremony to run smoothly and for you to know how to walk and stand, we rehearse together with the start one hour before each ceremony.


You are welcome to bring two guests to the ceremony and the mingle afterwards and you may add a third guest to a waiting list. When signing up you are asked to state the name(s) of your guest(s). When the last day for registration has passed and the number of participants has been set, we will see how many seats we have for guests. You will be notified by email about a week after the last day of registration has passed.

Children are welcome! If you bring a young child, please also bring something to distract them with, that does not disturb other guests, during the ceremony. If the child is old enough to use a seat (s)he counts as a guest on your list.

Those attending the ceremony have reserved seats in the auditorium. Accompanying guests have free seating.

Your loved ones who do not have the opportunity to celebrate with you on site can follow the ceremony at

The Diploma

All attending the ceremony will receive a diploma on stage as a reminder of the master's conferment ceremony and the time at the University. Please note that the diploma should not be used as proof of a degree and should therefore not be confused with the formal degree certificate sent by post earlier. The diploma will not be sent to non-attendees.

Photos and live broadcast

The conferment ceremony is broadcast live from Aula Magna via and you will be visible as it is your turn to receive a diploma on the stage. The film will be published on the same page for a short period after the ceremony. A download link will be sent to all participants afterwards.

Group photos of everyone participating in the ceremony will be taken on stage. A link to these photos will be sent to all participants and the link will be open for two weeks.

The film and photographs may be used for Stockholm University's marketing activities in own communication channels. By signing up to attend you accept these conditions.

Mingle after the ceremony

After the ceremony, everyone present is invited to mingle with sparkling wine and non-alcoholic alternatives as well as vegetarian snacks in the Foyer and in the Gallery of Aula Magna. When signing up you may state whether you or any of your guests have any allergies or other dietary restrictions.

The mingle lasts for 50 minutes after the end of the ceremony.

Dress code and cloakroom

The dress code for participants in the ceremony is semi formal. This means a (preferably dark) suit, dress or suit or stylish long trousers and a jacket or similar. For other guests, any well-groomed attire applies.

A guarded cloakroom will be available in the Rotunda in Allhuset.


Cancellations should be done via email to The ceremony is free of charge, but if you cancel later than two weeks before or fail to show up we will charge you an administrative fee of 200 SEK.

We reserve the right to make changes in the programme if necessary.




Ingrid Harris, Master of Ceremonies 
Phone: +46-8-164908

Visiting Address:
Spökslottet, Drottninggatan 116

Postal address:
Stockholm University
Office of the President
SE-106 91 Stockholm

On this page


Foto: Rickard Kihlström
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