Stockholm university

Lappis (Lappkärrsberget)

Lappis accommodation area is located within walking distance from Stockholm University Campus Frescati. Here we rent a total of 306 corridor rooms that are available to exchange students at Stockholm University.


Lappis area was built in the late sixties and consists of buildings between four and six floors high. There is a mix of corridor rooms and apartments. However, Housing Office only provides corridor rooms, with 8 to 12 rooms in each corridor. All the buildings are owned by SSSB and are spread out in three streets: Amanuensvägen, Forskarbacken and Professorsslingan. All rooms are around 17-23 square meters, have a private bathroom with shower and WC, and access to a common kitchen shared with the other students living in the same corridor. All corridors are mixed gender and mixed nationality.

Lappkärrsberget (Lappis). Photo: Clément Morin

The corridor rooms at Lappis are only for single occupancy and available only for exchange students that are members by SSCO, meaning that you need to be a member of a student union (see SUS, DISK, FEST). The student union membership is not a requirement in order to receive a housing offer in Lappis, but it is a requirement once you become a tenant. Those who receive and accept an offer for an accommodation in Lappis, will be able to join the student union after their arrival in Stockholm and there will be plenty of time to send in a proof of membership! 

A specific room cannot be chosen. However, some preferences - as for example a room on the ground floor or not located on the ground floor – can be expressed under "additional information" in the application form. There is, though, no guarantee that such requests will be accommodated.


All accommodation is rented out on a semester basis and charged accordingly.

The rent for one semester is approximately between SEK 24 000 and SEK 31 000, and that includes heating, cold water, hot water, electricity and internet (not Wi-Fi). Excessive use of electricity will be charged extra.

The rent is paid in two installments. The first 20% of the rent together with the deposit is due straight after receiving the accommodation offer and is required in order to confirm the housing contract. A second payment consisting of the remaining 80% is due in the middle of the semester.

In case of contract's extension for a second semester, a new rental payment of 20% of the rent is due before the new semester and the remaining 80% is due in the middle of the new semester.


All corridor rooms are furnished with a bed, a mattress, a desk and a chair. Some rooms may have curtains, blinds or extra lamps and chairs which were left by previous tenants.  However, these are not provided by the Housing Office and cannot be guaranteed. You must buy/bring your own quilt, pillow, sheets and towels. Most rooms have a 200×90cm bed, some have a bigger size bed. We recommend that you bring a larger bedding set so that it can be suitable even for larger beds (up to 160×200) or that you buy the bedding set after you move in.

The shared kitchen is equipped with refrigerators, freezers, cupboards and a stove (with oven and hot plates). Cooking utensils and dinnerware are not provided by the Housing Office, so you may have to purchase these items if not left by previous tenants.


Internet is included in the rent. However, we do not supply Wi-Fi. You must bring your own network cable and a router. Please note that network cables or routers from other countries may not work in Sweden, so we suggest that you buy these in Stockholm. Sometimes you may find them in the room, left by the previous tenant.


The key set consists of one iLOQ key which works for the room door and one aptus key (electronic badge) that works for the front door and the common spaces (laundry room and shared kitchen). When using a iLOQ cylinder, the iLOQ key must be inserted entirely into the keyway and then turned. If the cylinder does not open, the key must be removed and slowly re-inserted into the cylinder again. The electric energy is harvested for operations when the key is inserted into the cylinder.

You must buy your own padlock for your postbox and your kitchen cabinet.


For more information about the accommodation, area, amenities as well as general rules and regulations please read:

Information for tenants at Lappis (16574 Kb)

Map of Lappis (181 Kb)

How to get to Lappis with local transport (778 Kb)

Internet activation guide (352 Kb)

Aptus Home (407 Kb)



If you have questions regarding accomodation, please send an e-mail to:

Housing Office Drop-in

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