Stockholm university

Forum for Doctoral Students

The project Forum for Doctoral Students provides additional support for PhD students in the human sciences. The purpose is to provide additional guidance so that more PhD students finish on time and feel good a long the way.



Forum for Doctoral Students has three main objectives:

  • More PhD students should finish on time
  • Decrease negative stress and absence due to sick leave among the PhD students
  • Further strengthening Stockholm University’s competitiveness

Forum for Doctoral Students consists of:

  • A mentorship program
  • Career activities
  • Writing labs
Photo: ANDREY POPOV, Mostphotos



Mentorship Program

The purpose of this mentorship program is to support doctoral students in navigating their role as PhD students and their future career. More specifically, you will get paired with a faculty member (lecturer or researcher) from a different faculty at Stockholm University to discuss matters of importance to you. Topics might include, but are not limited to, how to understand and navigate the Swedish academic system, how to retain a good work-life balance, and how to assess career choices during and after the PhD. The idea is to provide an open atmosphere where doctoral students can ask questions about the academic processes, receive guidance, and learn from their mentors' experiences. There are many unwritten rules in the academic world. This implicit knowledge is often well-known to the mentors but not to the mentees. This knowledge is shared with the doctoral students and made explicit. The mentor also develops with the doctoral student by participating in the doctoral student’s progression and academic journey.

An animation of what mentoring is about.

This program is modelled on a longstanding mentorship program to support young researchers at Stockholm University as well as last year’s mentorship program for PhD students at Stockholm University. The mentorship program for doctoral students includes three joint meetings over the course of a year. The program also includes three hourly meetings per semester with your individual mentor to discuss topics of specific relevance to you. This year's program began in February 2024 and is currently full. We meet in a nice location on campus (Aula Magna).

Read the article: Mentorship increases well-being


Career Activities

Some young peolple gather around a table.
Photo: YURI ARCURS, Mostphotos

The career activities aim to answer the question: What should I do after my PhD? Guest speakers, who represent various career paths, share their journey. Participants are encouraged to expand their network by discussing with other doctoral students at the event. The career seminars are organized three times per semester during lunch. There will be three career seminars during the spring semester.


Writing Labs

Gula Villan
Photo: Björn Dalin

The writing labs are a cornerstone of the project. These sessions occur every Tuesday between 9-11 am throughout the semester. In that way, doctoral students regularly set aside time for their research and writing at an excellent location (Gula Villan). The energy during these sessions is dynamic and helpful. For example, we end each session by sharing advice about academic research and writing. 

Writing labs for PhD students every Tuesday 9-11 Gula Villan. There will be three career seminars during the spring.

Read the article, Create Structure and Joy in the Research Studies


Åsa Burman, Project Manager

Åsa Burman

Åsa Burman, Reader (Docent) in practical philosophy at Stockholm University is Project Manager for Forum for Doctoral Students. She listens to the suggestions for activities and support from the PhD students to continuously provide relevant information and individual help, for instance, regarding planning, writing, publishing, and career questions.

Website, Åsa Burman



The pilot project, Forum for Doctoral Students, began in the fall 2022 and continuosly evaluated. The project continues during 2024. The initiators of this project are:

  • The Board of Human Science
  • The Human Resources Office
  • The Deans of the Faculties of Humanities, Law and Social Sciences
  • Åsa Burman, Reader (Docent), Practical Philosophy at Stockholm University

Forum for Doctoral Students




Course for All Doctoral Students

Finish on time on time and feel good along the way

Many doctoral students feel that a duality characterizes their PhD studies; on the one hand, an incredible amount of freedom and time to work with the subject one is passionately interested in, on the other hand, that freedom leads to frameworks that are too loose. This course provides solid techniques and new strategies to finish on time and feel good along the way. The course leader is Åsa Burman, docent in practical philosophy and author of the course book The Doctoral Student Handbook: Master Effectiveness, Reduce Stress and Finish On Time. The course is open to all doctoral students at Stockholm University, and the course book is included.

During fall 2024, the course is given in English. Location: Aula Magna, Mimer (including coffee and sandwiches).

Register by sending an email to: Please mark the subject line of the email: Doctoral student course (limited number of seats available). The same email address can be used for questions about the course. Welcome!

”For me, it has had an enormous impact on my everyday life. I get more done in my
working hours and no longer have to work evenings or weekends.”
- Course participant 

If you have questions or would like to register, reach out to

Please register.

Group 1: New PhD students who have reached less than halfway

Workshop 1 – Academic productivity

From efficiency to effectiveness: How do I use the 80/20 principle in my thesis work?
Date: September 10th, at 13-16.

Workshop 2 – Academic productivity

From vague visions to concrete goals: How do I set realistic goals?
Date: October 1st, at 13-16.

Workshop 3 – Sustainable working methods

The demand-control-support model
Date: October 22nd, at 13-16.

Workshop 4 – Academic writing

From perfectionism and procrastination to flow
Date: November 12th, at 13-16

Individual sessions – Academic productivity

From vague visions to concrete goals: How do I follow up on my goals and continue to
work with the new strategies?
Date: Individual session with the course leader (we find a date and time that works

Please register.

Group 2: PhD students who have reached halfway or further

Workshop 1 – Academic productivity

From efficiency to effectiveness: How do I use the 80/20 principle in my thesis work?
Date: September 9th, at 9-12.

Workshop 2 – Academic productivity

From vague visions to concrete goals: How do I set realistic goals?
Date: September 30th, at 9-12.

Workshop 3 – Sustainable working methods

The demand-control-support model
Date: October 21st, at 9-12.

Workshop 4 – Academic writing

From perfectionism and procrastination to flow
Date: November 11th, at 9-12

Individual sessions – Academic productivity

From vague visions to concrete goals: How do I follow up on my goals and continue to
work with the new strategies?
Date: Individual session with the course leader (we find a date and time that works


Fall 2024

Writing labs for PhD students every Tuesday 9-11 Gula Villan. There will be three career seminars during the spring.


What Should I Do After the PhD?

Colourful kite
Photo: Mostphotos, ChiccoDodilFC

Career Seminar

Forum for doctoral students invites you to three career seminars. Free lunch included! To sign up email: (Limited spots available.)

Upcoming career seminars:

  • From the UK to Swedish Academia
    15th of October in Gula Villan, 12-13
    With Isaac Taylor, Associate Senior Lecturer in philosophy, on moving from the UK to Swedish academia and his prior career in the public sector
  • How to publish
    19th of November in Gula Villan, 12-13
    With Linus Salö, Professor and Research Leader, Centre for Research on Bilingualism


You are welcome to contact the Forum for Doctoral Students:

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