Master class with Graham Oddie (Boulder)


Startdatum: måndag 12 februari 2024

Tid: 13.00

Slutdatum: tisdag 13 februari 2024

Tid: 17.30

Plats: Gula Villan

Day 1: Monday 12 Feb, 2024, (Gula Villan, room Ninox Stockholm University) 
13:00-15:00 Seminar 1: The metaphysics of value magnitudes 
15:00-15:30 Fika 
15:30-16:30 Seminar 2: Fitting attitudes, desires and preferences 
Dinner for all participants. 
Day 2: Tuesday 13 Feb, 2024 (Dept of Philosophy, Stockholms University) 
10:00-11:30 Oddie meets grad students to discuss their PhD projects. 
11:30 – 13:00 Lunch, Stora Skuggan. 
13:00-15:00 Seminar 3 (co-organized with the Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy): Incomparability and the logical structure of value magnitudes 
16:00-17:30 Planning meeting with Oddie and PIs from NoNo, about future NoNo-collaboration and student visits at Boulder Colorado.

About Graham

Graham has research interests in all major areas of philosophy. His NoNo-related interests include metaethics (especially value theory), normative ethics, applied ethics, epistemology, and aesthetics. His current projects are centered on metaphysics (in particular, a general role ontology), value theory (realism, additivity, epistemology), desire, preference, and cognitive value. For more on him and his research

Oddie reading list (94 Kb)

More about Graham Graham Oddie